𝟏𝟏. π‡πŽπ‹πƒπˆππ† 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐒

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HER eyebrows furrowed at the sound of the home phone ringing, shuffling herself towards it from the couch.

"hello?" she muttered, feeling uneasy from such a late call in the night.

"why the hell did my mom just tell me that you're coming over for dinner this weekend"

her face cringed together at the sudden loud shout, bringing the phone slightly away from her ear. she let out a huff, chewing on her bottom lip to encourage herself to talk to the familiar voice.

"she just asked me, and i couldn't say no"

"yes, you could have"

"no, i couldn't"




"no, charlie. that would've been rude, and unlike you, i was born with manners" she growled, narrowing her eyes as if he could see. she heard a scoff from the other side of the phone.

"don't come over. you aren't welcome"

"charlie, don't be rude to her" she heard a shout from the other side, most likely it being his mother. the two family members started to bicker, whilst eliza just sat back and listened to the ridiculous chatter of charlie, who was trying to fight his mother on this.

an annoyed sigh was heard from the other side, "be here at 7 on friday" he lowered his voice, a small smile coming onto her face from his lose.

she quickly hung up, charlie doing the same. she wasn't particularly happy about going to the conway household on friday, but she didn't mind.

now, charlie, he couldn't deny his nerves and excitement were high. it'd be a lie if he said he still hated the banks girl. maybe, it was a small crush, that would hopefully pass in time. or, it was something more. something worth his time, and restless nights.

the week went by quickly. it consisted with awkward study sessions, that will thankfully, be put to an end monday. charlie's mother, casey, had offered to pick her up and bring her home, since her father was running late, but she only denied, saying she'd just walk.

at the time, she was preparing herself for the meal. she wanted to look decent for the family, as casey had mentioned that they'd be joined by a friend of the family.

after finishing hair and makeup, she swiftly slipped on a skin tight black dress, with dark tights to match, pulling on her white converses to sport.

a sigh of relief left her mouth as she was finally finished with her look, spraying on some quick perfume, before rushing out of her bedroom door.

"dad, i'm going out with friends" she yelled through the house, getting a subtle 'okay, be safe' back. she was able to order a cab before leaving, which she did so, since it was a cold night.

the drive was quick, no words exchanged. eliza tipped the man, before stepping away and up the apartment complex steps. her nerves had begun to boil up in her, feeling her lips come into contact with her pearly whites.

she ended up in front of the door, connecting her fist with it, waiting patiently for someone to arrive and open it. her face had turned into a small smile as it begun to open, but dropped once she noticed charlie.

he let out a groan, rubbing his eyes, not looking at her just yet. "come on in, banksie" he held a hand out for her to come in, which she did.

charlie had finally taken a good look at her, once he turned around after shutting the door. he froze in spot, staring her up and down in awe.

she looked beautiful

she cleared her throat, noticing his state. she furrowed her eyebrows, slipping off the jacket to put on the coat hanger. once she turned around, he was know leaning against the door, arms crossed, but still staring at her with something she was unfamiliar to.

"why are you staring at me" she mumbled, pushing a strand of hair back that fell in front of her face.

"you look beautiful, banks" he said with honesty, a large grin coming onto her face. she couldn't help but smile herself, feeling the blood rush to her face, looking down at the ground. "thank you"

he only nodded, pushing himself off the door. he made a confident move, putting his hand out for her to take. she was shocked by this gesture, but only agreed, taking her cold palm into the warmth of his own. he didn't mind, it seemed. all he felt was his own heated hand, making her flutter with warmth.

she enjoyed the way her hand fit his hand, but didn't know why. she liked the way he interlocked their fingers with ease, soothing her skin with his thumb.

the two made their way to the kitchen, the smell of food hitting eliza's nose right way. she was greeted by casey, stirring up what looked like to be the final touches of a salad. a man was on the other side of her, having a decent conversation with her.

the two adults turned to the two teenagers, smiling at them. eliza had began to wonder if she should try to drop his hand, which she did, but he didn't let her, gripping onto it only tighter, giving it a squeeze of encouragement.

she ignored the way her heartbeat raced quicker from this action, turning back to the adults.

"eliza, honey. it's so good to see you! you look beautiful" casey grinned, walking over to her, giving a tight hug. she returned it, quickly dropping charlie's hand. he frowned at this, but made it his mission to reach for it again.

once the hug was done, she backed away, turning to the older man that was stood by the counter tops. "hi, im eliza" she introduced, putting her hand forward for him to take.

"gordon bombay, but you can just call me bombay. nice to meet you. i've heard a lot about you from charlie" he shook her hand, he winked.

eliza turned to charlie with a smug grin, sending her an annoyed face back, but dropped it, pulling her back and taking his hand into her own.

she was shocked by his sudden need for her touch. he had never acted this way, not even when they were alone. maybe, it was that he had finally felt comfortable in a home, where he didn't have to worry about getting caught with her. she didn't know.

"you're on the hawks team, right?" bombay asked the female, which she nodded to.

"captain, actually"

she heard charlie stifle a laugh from behind her, turning her head up to see a cocky grin. she sent him narrowed eyes, pinching his hand that she held. he yelped, jumping slightly at the sudden pain.

the position the two were in was a comfortable one, but seemed odd from the status of 'relationship' they had. her back was against his chest, his head hovering right above her shoulder. their hands were connected in the arch of her back, with charlie rubbing his thumb against her soft skin.

the way they were acting was something that felt right to both of them. she could feel his breathing against her neck, she knew if her brother or father saw the way these enemies were acting, she'd be shunned.

the two adults took notice of the way these two acted, occasionally sending small glances each other's way, for the way charlie and eliza were acting.

"i talked to your coach. i heard you were pretty good" bombay smiled, taking a sip of the drink in his hand.

she let out a laugh, nodding her head. "i'd hope. i've been working hard for it, for as long as i can remember"

"i've seen the way you are on the ice, it's impressive. how old are you?"

"i'm fourteen"

"you look good for being so young. you should come skate with charlie and i sometime" she froze at this, biting onto her bottom lip. it was a sweet offer, but she knew she couldn't.

"thank you, but i probably shouldn't. if my brother and dad caught me, iβ€”" she was cut off by his hand being held up, shaking his head.

"no, i completely understand. dads can be harsh" she let out a breathy laugh at this. "you have no idea" she mumbled, looking down at the ground.

"alright, dinners ready" casey turned around, clapping her hands in excitement. the three all returned thin lipped smiles, starting the long dinner night.

eliza hadn't enjoyed a small dinner party like this in a while. she felt more comfortable with these three people then she has in her own home in years.

at some point through the dinner, charlie's mother suggested the two to go out to the winter festival, which they had to agree to, since charlie's mother didn't make amazing food.

since it was freezing, charlie suggested on her wearing his clothes, which she declined at first, but changed her mind once she stepped outside.

she finished throwing on the large sweatshirt of his, taking a look at herself in the mirror. she was wearing everything of his. he gave her a pair of jeans that he hadn't worn in years, and they oddly fit, but had to steal a shoe lace of his to tie around her waist.

"come on, banks" she heard on the other side of the door, sighing to herself as she stepped out in the other sized clothing. charlie turned around, smiling to himself at the look of her in his clothing.

"well, don't you just look adorable" he squeezed her cheeks, with a smack on the hands after. he giggled, guiding her out of the home.

"we're going, mom. i'm walking her home once we're done"

"okay, you two be safe" she shouted back, with the door shutting behind them. the two let out sighs, beginning their walk to the festival.

the winter festival went by quick. the two were freezing, and couldn't handle the cold anywhere. eliza also wanted to go home, after burning her tongue on the fiery hot drink charlie offered her.

the two had stopped on her front doorstep, eliza mentally thanking that her fathers car wasn't in the driveway.

"i had fun tonight, banks" charlie sighed, looking down and into her brown eyes. she smiled up at him, nodding to herself.

"i had fun too. also, if you don't mind, maybe tell your mom and coach to not tell anyone about tonight, you know, since my family will probably murder me if they find out" she shrugged, biting off the smirk.

during dinner, eliza had learned that gordon bombay was district fives new coach. she had recognized him from somewhere, but couldn't put her thumb on it. he apparently was able to make the team decant, at least, that's what the two men said.

"already let them know before you got there, don't worry" charlie admitted, turning his eyes up to the sky, ignoring her shocked gaze. "really?"

"yeah, of course. i'm not gonna just let you get yelled at, and sit back for it, banks"

her gaze softened, the sudden urge of doing a certain action rushing through her veins. she felt her heart thunder, stomach flutter with butterflies.

"thank you, charlie"

they never used their first names.

charlie looked back down at her, mouth agape. "eliza"


"would you like to go out for dinner, sometime"

i love them.

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