[Kazemaru Ichirouta] 4:First Date

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You and Kazemaru sat across from one another at a table in a cafe. He offered to get you breakfast and a warm Saturday morning. You accepted of course and dressed for the occasion. Kazemaru smiled as you took a bite of your breakfast meal.

"Do you like it?" He asked, trying to make small talk. You blushed and nodded.

"Yes, it's quite delicious." You spoke quietly. Kazemaru sighed and looked at his food.

"That's good..."

Silence once more...

"Aki told me that you're an artist!" He comments, breaking the silence.

"Oh, um... yeah I am!" You answered, a little excited. You never liked showing your art to people, but Kazemaru was different. "Would you like to see my art?" You asked him, to which he nodded. You pulled out your sketchbook and handed it to him. He looked at the pages, his eyes widening at your talent.

"These drawings are amazing! You had such great art!" He compliments, which makes you blush and hide your face from embarrassment.

"Thank you..." You whispered. As Kazemaru flipped through the pages, he saw it.

The drawing of him you drew for him when you first saw each other. He blushed.

"I-Is this me?" You immediately panicked and snatched your book back. Kazemaru was shocked. You were embarrassed. Kazemaru smiled.

"If you need a model for drawing let me know. I'd love to see more of your drawings." He said, which shocked you. But you smiled.

"Yeah! I'd like that." Kazemaru smiled and leaned over the table to kiss your cheek. You were a beet red tomato now as Kazemaru giggled.

"You're so cute!" He said and you both continued to eat together.

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