Part fourteen

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It's your second day in Texas and Its currently 6:00am LA time but 4:00 texas time and you and mads woke up.
She snaps you,because Jaden is cuddled on her and josh is cuddled on you.

Mads:Time changes are gonna fuck us up isnt it?
Nessa:For sure its 4:00 am and josh is cuddled on me.
Mads:Same with Jaden!
Nessa:I'm kinda bored lmao:)
Mads:Me too

You just scroll through inatgram for another thirty. Mads walks into your room and sees josh still cuddled on you so you guys talk quietly.

Nessa:I thought jaden was cuddled on you?
Mads:Yeah he moved eventually so I left but it looks like josh hasnt.
Nessa:Nah he barely moves in his sleep but I like it.
Mads:You really like him don't you.
Nessa:Yeah he cares about me,He always ask me if he can do things,He respects me and doesn't treat me bad,I truly love him and dont want to ever lose him.
Mads:That's cute.
Nessa:Well the boys were playing games last night he asked me if he could and I said yes and then he put me in his lap and I just watched him and scrolled through Instagram and snapped you. Then he turned it off and cuddled into me.
Mads:You guys are really cute together.

Later(7:00 LA time 5:00am Texas time)

You and Mads notice Josh starting to wake up so Mads runs to the room her and Jaden is sharing so when he wakes up shes is there and he doesnt worry.

Josh:Hey princess what time is it?
Nessa:Well 7 LA time but 5 Texas time.
Josh:Damn different time zones be screwing us up!
Nessa:Yeah me and Mads woke up anΒ  hour ago,and snapped untill Jaden moved off her and she came in here and we talked but she went back to her room when we saw you starting to wake up.
Josh:I'm sorry princess.
Nessa:Why bub?
Josh:I cuddled you and then you couldn't move.
Nessa:I like your cuddles bub dont worry.

Mads,Jaden and Bryce all walk into your room.

Mads:I see even tho hes awake he is still in the same position!
Nessa:I like cuddles:)
Jaden:Mads left me for you:(
Nessa:Oh boo hoo she came back to you didnt she
Bryce just laughs.

Josh gets up and Goes to the washroom.

Mads:Wanna get ready together wifey?
Jaden:So what you taking her from me now?
Nessa:Bro you have her at night..I dont get wifey cuddles anymore so shut up!
Josh walks out of the bathroom and looks at you with lovely dovey eyes.
Nessa:Chill lover boy!
Josh:Sorry princess
Nessa:Bub me and mads are getting ready together in here so can you do with the boys?
Josh:Ofc princess

Bryce,Josh and Jaden leave and you and mads start to get ready.









After you and Mads finish you see the boys sitting on your bed waiting for you .

Mads:Now what if we weren't dressed and naked?
Josh and Jaden:Wouldnt be the first time.
You and Mads death state them.
Josh and Jaden:Shit run jaden run

Josh and Jaden run and Bryce chases after them. They make alot of noise and wake up the other boys.

Kio:Yo guys shut up I was trying to sleep.
Quin:Great I'm awake now you assholes!
Griff and Anthony:Dicks!
Blake:come on guys.
Kio:what time is it?
Mads:6:00am but 8:00 LA time

The boys go get ready while you and mads make breakfast.

the boys food:


your and mads:


Kio:Woah why the different food?
Nessa:Me and mads cant eat bacon, pancakes or eggs!
Mads:We put ourselves on a diet.
Josh and Jaden:But you guys are already skinny enough!
Nessa and Mads:You think we are Skinnyyyy
The boys:Um yes look at you!Your both fucking twigs like josh and jaden.
Josh and Jaden:HEY!
Kio:Its true you cant deny it.

After you guys eat..The boys said they were talking you and Mads to go see someone they know you both missed.

Kio:Ready to go girls?
Mads and Nessa:Yes let us grab out bags,jacket and shoes.

I'll show your and Mads bag next part.







You and Mads run downstairs and go into the car.

Mads and Nessa:Where are we going?
Josh and Jaden:Its a surprise!
Mads and Nessa:Ugh!

You guys finally arrive.Josh and Jaden make you and Mads close your eyes and they guide you.

Jaden:Okay open
You and Mads open your eyes and see your grandmother.
Mads and Nessa:GRANDMA!
Grandma:Hi my babys

You and Mads hug your grandma and Then go and hug the boys and thank them.


Josh:We better get going back to the air b&b so you girls can get ready for dinner.
Mads and Nessa:Okay bye grandma.
Grandma:bye babys.

You,Mads and the boys leave and go back to where you are staying.

Josh and Jaden:Okay so we leave at 4:00 and its 2:00.
Kio:its dinner then the beach so bring a bathing suit and sweats and hoodie.

You and Mads leave and get ready.



You and Mads pack your little backpack for the beach(Next part)

Josh and Jaden:Girls let's go.

You and Mads walk downstairs and Jaden and Josh jaw drops.

Josh:Princess you look so gorgeous;)
Jaden:bubba your beautiful.
Nessa:Thanks bub
Mads:thanks babes

You guys drive to dinner and eat.

they take you here:

you get:

mads get:

After you guys eat. You guys head to the beach.

Jaden and Josh:Go get changed girls.
Mads and Nessa:Okay:)

You and Mads go and change and when you come back out you dont see the boys.

Mads:um where did they go?
Nessa:I dont know but I'm scared now.
Josh and Jaden come out with flowers and a stuffed animal.



Nessa and Mads:Aww what's going on?
Josh and Jaden:Can you make us both the happiest boys and be ou girlfriends?
You and mads stand there for five seconds and then jump into their arms and kiss them.
Josh and Jaden:So that's a yes!
Mads and Nessa:Yes!!

Everyone comes out including your grandma. They all say congrats and you and Mads go hug everyone!

Mads:You came?
Nessa:Wouldn't miss it for the world babys:)

You and mads are really happy, You guys go swim untill midnight.

Nessa:Yes bub?
Josh:Wanna go home now?
Mads and Jaden:Yeah can we.
Kio:We have stuff to do tomorrow.
Nessa:okay lets go!

You guys head home. You and Mads go and change.



Josh:Buba...Can I play games with the boys?
Nessa:Ofc bubs!
Josh starts to play and you go on Instagram and snap mads.
*convo on snap next part*

Josh suddenly just stops playing and looks at you.

nessa:yes bub?
Josh:sit *he Pats infront of him*

You sit and eventually fall asleep and then Josh falls asleep.

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