Part 25;

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skip two months: last week of august

The next morning you wake up to a knock on the front door,You wake up johs and you both go anwser it.

Cleaning people:Hello,we are here to clean a room.
Josh:oh yes,follow me.

Josh takes the cleaning people to your room and you wake everyone up. After they are awake you talk in the living room.

Kio:So today?
Mads:Chill day other than going to get stuff for ness room!

The cleaning people leave and you and mads go get ready for the day.


*High wasted jeans*


You head downstairs and everyone looks at all the girls.

Josh:Okay! I'm a simp for ness
Jaden:I'm a simp for Mads
*You and mads giggle and sit next to them*
Kio:So we heading to the store now?
Josh:yeah let's go!

You all head to Kios car but there isnt enough room so you have to sit on josh lap and mads has to sit on Jadens lap.

You guys got the things and fixed up your room, Now all of you are just sitting in the living room on your phones,When suddenly you and Jaden get a call at the same time from the same number.

Jaden:Who's calling you?
Nessa:A random number! why?
Jaden:What is it?
Jaden:Um same.
Nessa:I'll be back
Jaden:Me too!

You go to the kitchen and so does Jaden. You both answer your phone.

The phone conversation(You and Jaden had the same conversation);

???:Hello this is the Texas general hospital. is this Nessa barrett-hossler?
Nessa: Speaking!
???:Hi my love I'm a nurse at the Texas general hospital.
Nessa:Why are you calling me?
Nurse:Your grandmother got brought into here a week ago by one of her care takers,She was losing blood so we treated her...But I'm afraid to say that she passed away this morning!
*You freeze and look at Jaden who is also frozen and you take in what she just said*
Nessa:I-I didnt get informed she was put into the hospital a week ago!
Nurse:We didnt have your contact information at that time!
Nessa:So how do you have it now? and how did you know to contact me?
nurse:Before your grandmother passed the wrote down who to contacting she passed and their information...You and your brother were the only people she wanted us to contact.Im so sorry!

You start crying and Jaden sees,he runs to you and hugs you,You both fall to your knees while crying.

Jaden:*in a soft tone* Shh shh shh it's okay.
*He runs your back and head*
nessa:Why-why her? Why now,things we finally getting better!
Jaden:I know love I know.

You and Jaden sit there for 30 minutes until kio comes in the kitchen and sees you guys.

Kio:Omg what happened!?
*Both of you dont anwser*
*Everyone comes rushing in and see you and Jaden.*
Mads:Jaden,Ness what's wrong?
Nessa:Our-*You start crying again*
Jaden:Our grandmother passed away today!

Everyone starts crying because they were so close to your grandmother. You get up and whisper to Jaden.

Nessa:*Wisper* Go to mads she needs comfort I have Josh.

He listens to you and goes to Mads, You run over to josh and he just holds you in his arms. You guys decide to tweet out things and announce you will all be taking a break. You and Jaden also have made plans after sommers birthday to fly out to texas for two months for your grandmother's funeral and to pack her stuff and here her will.

Kio:Food anyone?
Everyone but you and Jaden:Sure let's postmates.
Nessa and Jaden:I'm not hungry right now.
Nessa:Im not going to stop eating I'm just not hungry!
Josh:Okay come cuddle again please.
Nessa:Let me go change!
Josh:Okay angel!

Your pjs:

*Joshes hoddie*

*Joshes sweatpants*

You went back downstairs and grabbed your phone,Then went to josh.

Josh:Why do I recognize that hoddie and sweatpants.
*You giggle*
Nessa:Because there yours dummy:)
Ant:Josh you made her smile and giggle!
Josh:I missed your smile and giggle today,Now cuddles please?

The food comes and you lay on josh while he eats and plays video games he takes a photo and posts it on snapchat. Eventually he finishes eating and stops playing he cuddles you as he watches the boys play.

You have fallen asleep cuddling josh, so everyone have decided to sleep in the living room again.

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