*Promises Are Made*

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"Gabby!" yelled Herrmann as he shoved Gabby, making her jump up. "What Hermann?!!" she yelled back making everyone laugh. "Calm down candidate! We're heading to another fire," he answered. Matt looked back at the two and shook his head. "Knock it off you two. Don't make me come back there," he joked. "I'm sorry. I was busy last night and..." she started to say before she was interrupted. "You don't have to tell us your personal business Dawson," Matt said giving Gabby the death stare. "Yes sir," she replied, yawning and stretching her arms. She knew Matt had a reputation to keep and that they needed to keep their relationship a secret. Gabby didn't want him to show favoritism, so she took the lashings that Matt spoke while they were both on the job.
When they pulled up to the fire, Matt's eyes widened. Two apartment buildings were on fire, meaning that the fire that started in the first building had brushed against the next. Many people would be trapped, and they were all afraid that most of them would be dead. "Out of the truck!" yelled Matt as he jumped out, grabbing an alligent. "Dawson, Herrmann, you're with me. The rest of you, vent the roofs and break the windows. We don't want the building to flash," Matt ordered running towards the building, Gabby and Herrmann following. Matt kicked down the front door and looked around. About 20 people were in the hallway frantically waving their arms and yelling out for help. "'My baby!!!" yelled a woman shoving past people heading toward the stairs. "Mam! You can't go back up there!" Matt yelled grabbing her arm. "Let go of me! My baby!!!!!"the woman cried, sobbing into Matt's chest. "Ill go grab your baby. I'll bring him to you" Matt assured her, guiding her to the door. "Everyone out of the building now!" Matt yelled as Gabby picked up a child and carried him outside.

Gabby ran back into the building and looked around. "Matt!" she yelled bending down low. "Over here Dawson!" he yelled back waving his arm around. "Lieutenant! We have a lady on the 4th floor! Her leg is pinned under the door," Herrmann reported into his radio. Matt placed the radio near his mouth. "Copy Herrmann. We're on our way" Matt grabbed Gabby's hand and held it. "What's this technique Lieutenant?" asked Gabby as she traced her hand on the wall, still holding hands with Matt. "Who said it was a technique?" he answered back, looking back at Gabby and smiling.
"HELP!!!" yelled a man running down the hallway. "There's a baby trapped in the room next to mine!" "Alright sir I'll take you down the stairs" Gabby replied putting the mans arm around her shoulder as he was coughed uncontrollably. "I'm going to fetch the baby," Matt said tightening his gas mask, letting go of Gabby's hand. "Be careful," Gabby replied looking at Matt with worry in her eyes, Matt nodding his head before he ran down the hallway. 
Gabby walked the man down the stairs and back outside and led him to Sylvie, who was patiently waiting with a breathing mask. "Herrmann, repeat your location," Gabby said into her radio heading back inside, flames now dancing on the walls. "Dawson! I'm on the 4th floor. Bring an alligent and an axe!" Herrmann replied, making Gabby quickly run back outside, the oxygen tank bouncing up and down on her back. "Otis! Come with me and grab an alligent and axe," Gabby told Otis, Otis running to her side with the tools. They quickly ran up the stairs to the 4th floor but when they almost reached Herrmann, flames started to dance on the roof. "It's gonna flash!!!" Gabby yelled out to Herrmann. "We have to pull back!" Herrmann looked at the woman and shook his head at Gabby. "I can't leave her to die" "Herrmann, theres no time!" yelled Gabby backing away, kicking the tools toward Herrmann. "Well I'm not gonna let her die if I haven't tried. If anything, I'm gonna die trying," Herrmann replied back, swinging the axe into the door, sweat dripping from his brow.

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