Chapter 35 *Devestation*

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"So what you're trying to say is that the Union has been spying on us?!" Matt asked harshly, holding a little camera in his hand as they stood in the hallway. Kelly nodded his head and Matt threw the camera onto the ground. "Yep. Cut that thing out of the wall an hour ago," Kelly answered, pointing to the little hole in the wall. "How'd you do it?" Gabby asked. Kelly pulled out his pocket knife and opened up a small blade. "That's how" Chief Boden suddenly walked down the hallway and saw Kelly holding the pocket knife in his hand, Chief looking at them.
"What's going on in here?" Chief asked as he held his office phone in his hand. "Chief, did you know that the union has been spying on us?" Kelly asked pointing to the camera on the floor. Chief looked at it and looked back up to Kelly. "I'll talk to you in my office about it but Dawson, Casey, I need you to head to Lake Shore right now," Chief said pointing at them. "Why what's wrong?" Gabby asked, feeling her palms get sweaty. "It's Andy... He isn't doing well. I'm sorry," Chief Boden replied as he watched the two of them run out of the firehouse and get into Matts truck still with their uniforms on, swiftly driving away to Lake Shore.

"What's going on with the baby?" Kelly asked as he walked into Chiefs office, sitting in a chair. Chief Boden sat down at his desk and crossed his hands. "The baby isn't getting enough oxygen to the blood stream and the brain. The baby has a high risk of dying from not getting enough oxygen or will have mental retardation" Kelly looked down at his lap and shook his head. "Wow... Like they haven't been through enough," Kelly sarcastically mumbled, Chief sadly nodding his head.
"Chief did you know about the cameras?" Kelly asked him, Chief nodding. "I was informed by another Chief, Chief Watson down at 87. The union is wanting to close down one more firehouse, and 51 is on that list. The cameras have been installed for more than a week now" Kelly's eyes widened. "These cameras have been in our house for a week and you haven't told us?!" "Kelly their watching," Chief whispered under his breath nodding his head to the left, Kelly looking in the direction. Sure enough there was a red blinking light and Kelly sighed. "Alright Chief, that's all we needed to discuss right?" Kelly asked changing his attitude, starting to feel uncomfortable. Chief looked at Kelly and nodded. "That would be all," he replied, Kelly leaving his office.

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