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๐•ฎ๐–†๐–‰๐–Š๐–“๐–Ÿ๐–† didn't know exactly where she was, but she knew she wasn't in Camelot anymore, there was too little red, but she also wasn't in Marsphaera. Yes, the cove she seemed to be in reeked of magic, but not the familiar, comforting magic of home. No. This magic was much more powerful, much more raw.

The cove was mostly empty, the rocky walls were covered top to bottom in some sort of bioluminescent algae and the water glowed with magic. In the center, there was some sort of grand arch made of the most magnificent marble she had ever seen. There was a winding path leading her, coercing her to the arch. The path was nothing special, made from old, cracked stones, but she knew it would support her.

She made her way to the center, slowly and carefully avoiding the holes and cracks that would surely send her tumbling into the waters below. When she finally reached the center of the arch it was as if the scenery around her had changed, no longer was the cove peaceful and powerful. The cove was now dark and scary, she could see some sort of crimson liquid running from the ceiling seeping down the moss and staining the edge of the glowing water.

The once brilliant marble of the arch was cracking, pieces crumbling above her head. She opened her mouth but no words would come, the beautiful cove was being destroyed by an unseen force, and she could do nothing to stop it.

A loud shrill neigh drew her attention back to the shore she came from. There stood a magnificent Kelpie, one of the few magical creatures that hadn't been seen in years. The Kelpie looked at her strangely tilting its head, the animal still looked pristine, like the cove had before, there was no malice in the animal's eyes, no anger. There was only confusion, confusion about what had happened to its beautiful home. As far as she could tell, the Kelpie was the only remaining piece untouched by the sudden evil.

She could see it though, the pollution, the corruption creeping in on the animal. She opened her mouth to scream, to tell the animal to run, but nothing came out. She frantically motioned for the animal to leave to run, but it did not listen, instead staring at her, its eyes now pleading as it looked at its destroyed home.

The animal's sadness didn't last long, however. She watched the pure water of the Kelpie's mane turn blood-red, she watched its golden eyes go black. There was no purity left in the animal now. Only hatred and disgust.

Cadenza let out a choked sob at the sight. The animal was angry now, its eyes filled to the brim with malice. The Kelpie stared straight ahead looking at her, before it stomped its feet on the ground a few times. Cadenza had been around horses enough to know that the Kelpie would charge.

She attempted to flee, to hide, to evade the Kelpie, but found she could not. It was as if her legs had been stuck to the pavement by some sort of magic. She pulled as hard as she could, but her legs would not budge. She could hear the Kelpie as its hooves clomped against the water, it was getting closer and closer by the second. This was it, this was her noble death. Trampled by a Kelpie in a cove she had no recollection of traveling to.

With a final sob, she turned back just in time to see the fury in the Kelpie's eye before it reared up and prepared to strike down on her.ย 



Cadenza gasped as she awoke with a start, her chest heavy with dread. She couldn't remember the source of the dread though, all she knew was that the sun had yet to rise, but she was fully awake.

With a sigh she stood up from the bed and made her way to her wardrobe. Reaching into the bottom corner, she pulled out a chest. The chest was relatively small, and could only hold her valuables. She had only packed it in her haste as an afterthought. Inside the chest only held some of her most expensive jewelry, including the pair of earrings her brother Cassian had gotten her for her 10th birthday.

She didn't remember much of that day. When she thought back on it, her mind blanked. She remembered Cassian's gift, her bedazzling earrings, and the bracelet her parents had given her. The bracelet was a beautiful cuff made from the finest gold Marsphaera had to offer. The cuff was adorned with beautiful opals, but at the center, shaped like a star, was a rare white ruby her parents had hand-collected for her. Her parents had insisted she put it on right away, and she hadn't taken it off since.

Shaking off the memory, she returned her thoughts to the box in front of her. Smiling at the objects, she couldn't help but feel homesick. Camelot was great, but it could not compare to the comfort and safety of home. As her thoughts wandered, the dread in her chest slowly became forgotten, the memory of her dream fading in her mind.



That morning she quickly made her way through town gathering the herbs Gaius had requested she pick up on her way to work. Mumbling to herself, she made her way between the stalls.

"Nettle, Rosemary, and Thyme," she repeated, searching the shelves.

Her eyes lit up as she noticed the nettle leaves. Standing on her tippy-toes, she reached up to grab them. Handing the vendor some copper, she placed the nettle into her basket before retreating to the castle.

"Cadenza!" a voice called out, stopping her in her tracks.

The girl whipped around at the sound of her friend's voice, she searched the crowd for a moment before she noticed Gwen approaching her.

"Hello, Gwen." Cadenza smiled as she slowed so Gwen could catch up.

"Hello," Gwen responded as she adjusted the flowers in her arms.

"Who are those for?" Cadenza questioned as she leaned over to sniff them.

"Morgana," Gwen replied, her face falling, "she has been having nightmares."

Cadenza sent Gwen a knowing expression, "She's going to love them."

Gwen smiled at this. The two women continued with their small talk as they moved closer to the castle. The sight of two figures, however, halted both women in their tracks.

"Am I late for work," Cadenza questioned as she moved closer to Gaius and Merlin, who seemed to be pushing something heavy in a wheelbarrow.

"Nope, Gaius just decided to get an early start," Merlin remarked, sending a look to the older physician.

"What are you doing?" Gwen asked, startling Merlin.

The boy looked at the physician for a moment before responding "Um...just moving something."

Cadenza looked at Merlin skeptically as the boy fiddled with his sleeves.

"Looks heavy," Gwen said, stepping closer to the men.

Merlin quickly moved in Gwen's path, blocking her from the wheelbarrow.

"It's nothing really. Someone got you flowers?"

Gwen blushed as she looked Merlin in the face. "Oh! No" she paused, letting out a giggle "Would you like one? A purple one. Purple suits you."

At the sight of Merlin's raised eyebrows, the serving girl backtracked "Not that I'm saying red doesn't suit you."

"Thanks. Well," Merlin placed the flower she had handed him into his scarf.

Laughing at the two, Cadenza made her way over to her mentor, sending him a smile as she observed the wheelbarrow. Her eyes moved over the cloth, as they flitted back and forth she noticed a pale blueish hand peaking out from under the tarp.

Her eyes snapped over to Gaius, who was already looking at her with a 'Don't say anything' look.

She kept her mouth shut as she returned her gaze to Merlin and Gwen, who were sending each other a final farewell.

Grabbing Gwen's attention, Cadenza sent her a wave before she raced to join Gaius and Merlin on their way back to the castle.ย 



When the trio entered the chamber, Merlin and Gaius uncovered the wheelbarrow, revealing the pale, sickly body of a man underneath. With a gasp, she rushed forward, looking closely at the body.

"What happened?" She asked, looking between the two men in front of her.

"I've never seen anything like this before," Gaius responded as he grabbed a magnifying glass from the table next to the body.

"Do you think it could be some kind of plague?" Merlin asked, staring at the older man with nervous eyes.

"A plague!" Cadenza exclaimed as she looked up in horror. She felt her blood run cold, there couldn't be a plague so suddenly. Could there?

Her wild thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Gaius's voice.

"No. I fear that something like this could never come from nature." The physician paused his movements as he looked up. "But who has this kind of power?"

Merlin lowered his voice as he looked between Cadenza and Gaius, "You think it's caused by magic?"

Before either could respond, the voice of the prince caused the trio to startle.


Merlin rushed to the door, moving to open it partly so that Arthur couldn't see inside. As he did that, Gaius covered the body again before motioning Cadenza away.

The girl did as her mentor wanted, moving over to the table, she grabbed the fresh pitcher of water and quickly poured herself a glass, taking a large gulp as Arthur's face appeared in the frame of the door.

"Uh... I'm on my way. Sorry, I'm late." Merlin said, as he tried to keep the Prince's attention on him instead of the questionable-looking lump in the center of the room.

Don't worry. I'm getting used to it." Arthur replied, looking the manservant up and down, giving him a questioning glance as he noticed the flower that had been tucked into his neckerchief.

Cadenza laughed at the prince's expression, drawing his gaze towards her. Taking another swig of her water, she moved to stand behind Merlin. Nudging the boy and gesturing to the flower. Merlin's face immediately flushed as he remembered his earlier interaction with Gwen.

Merlin cleared his throat before responding awkwardly "Gwen, she gave it to me."

The prince nodded "Tell Gaius my father wants to see him now." He said, a serious look painted on his face.

Merlin's face scrunched up at his order. Cadenza could tell from the look on his face that whatever he was going to say would not be received well.

"We will" Cadenza interjected before Merlin could reply.

The prince sent her a small smile before turning back and making his way down the hall. Turning back to Merlin, she was met with a harsh glare.

"Gaius-" he began.

"I heard."

Merlin nodded in response before a thought hit him "Wait, why couldn't he just tell you himself?"

Cadenza sighed, patting him on the back as she made her way over to her mentor helping him to pack his tools.

Gaius looked at his nephew with a sad smile. "Because that's the way it is. You're a servant."

Merlin's face scrunched up at that "If he knew who I was, what I've done-"

"You'd be dead," Cadenza interjected as she slapped Gaius's tools into the boy's chest.


"Merlin, can you take that up to the council chambers for Gaius," Cadenza said as she smiled innocently.

" I'm not his servant."

"No, you're my dogsbody." Gaius said as he passed the two teens. "Come on, hurry up."ย 




Cadenza's eyes widened as she took in the sight of another body placed in the middle of the council chamber.

"What's happened to him?" Uther demanded as he looked at Gaius questioningly.

Gaius looked up from his place next to the body before responding "I don't know, Sire. It's the second case I've seen today."

Cadenza shuddered at the thought of the two dead men. She wondered if Merlin had been right and this was a plague. She jolted as she felt a presence appear behind her. She quickly turned to see Arthur standing there with a somber expression as he gazed at the body. Choosing to ignore the prince, she returned her focus to the conversation in front of her.

"Why didn't you report it to me?" Uther questioned.

"I was attempting to find the cause," Gaius said, his voice soft.

"What did you conclude?"

"I don't think it's time to hurry to conclusions." Gaius started, "The scientific process is a long one."

At the man's words, Uther's eyebrows rose, and his face turned skeptical. Sensing the change of tone in the room, Arthur moved from behind her to stand beside his father.

"What are you concealing from me?"

Gaius let out a long sigh before he responded "Sire, I have seen nothing like it. The victims are dying in 24 hours, and it's spreading fast."

"What is the cause?" Uther asked.

Gaius swallowed before he responded, "I think you should say that the cause," he paused, "the most likely cause, is sorcery."

Cadenza could see the shock and anger on Uther's face as he pulled his son over and began to converse with him. Body stiff, she slowly shuffled closer to Merlin, gripping his hand for support. She could see that he was just as nervous as she was.

As the two royals talked, Cadenza and Gaius resumed their observation of the man.

Cadenza watched as Uther exited the chamber in a rush, his advisors following close behind, leaving a nervous Arthur in his wake.

"Let's get him back to my chambers," Gaius said, grabbing one of the man's arms and motioning Cadenza and Merlin to help.

"Wait!" Arthur called.

The three of them stopped at his voice. The prince didn't say anything else. He only simply motioned for the guards left in the room to carry the body for them. Stepping back to make room for the men, Cadenza sent a smile in Arthur's direction before moving to lead the guards to the physician's chamber.



Wrapped in her warmest shawl, Cadenza closely followed behind Merlin and Gaius as they walked through the town. She observed the guards as they made their way into every house searching for a sign of sorcery.

"Gaius? Gaius. He's still alive!" Merlin exclaimed.

Cadenza followed the boy's gaze, gasping as she saw a sick young man reaching out hoping to grasp Gaius.

The boy moaned in pain. Grabbing the boy's outstretched hand, Cadenza shushed the man with the hope of providing comfort.

"I'm afraid there's nothing we can do for him," Gaius said, pulling his assistant away from the man.


"But we haven't tried," Merlin said, interrupting the girl's protest.

"If we don't know what the disease is, then how can we cure him?" Gaius said as he dragged his assistant through town, Merlin following close behind.

Merlin lowered his voice to respond "With magic."

Gaius stopped in his tracks, looking astounded at his nephew's suggestion. "Take a look." He said, gesturing to Arthur as the prince instructed the guards on what to do, "They're suspicious of everyone. This is not the time to be using magic."

With a huff, Gaius continued his walk, dragging the two teens with him. "Science will lead us to the source of the disease."ย 



Her dress was incredibly dirty from tending to as many as she could. Gaius had told her to return to her room to change and take a short nap. He expected they would have a long night of research ahead.

The room was just as she left it this morning, her dresses were still littered on the bed, and her jewelry lay all over the vanity.

Remembering how the guards had burst into the homes earlier searching for magical artifacts, she quickly moved the chest into the wardrobe behind the books she and trinkets she had collected during her stay in Camelot. Closing the wardrobe, she jumped as a knock was heard on her door.

Slowly walking to the door, she cracked it open. Her eyes went wide as she noticed Arthur on the other side.


Arthur sent her a smile before he motioned for her to open the door fully. Complying with his wishes, she opened the door before moving back.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" She asked.

"We are looking for any signs of sorcery," Arthur replied as he walked into the room.

"We?" She questioned, as he was the only one in her room.

"The other knights are searching downstairs and in the other rooms." He said, "You don't mind if I look around, do you?"

"Go ahead."

Arthur walked around the room occasionally lifting objects and looking underneath the furniture. As he approached the wardrobe, Cadenza sat on her bed silently praying to the triple goddess that Arthur wouldn't find the chest. He opened the wardrobe for a moment, scanning it before he moved away closing it.

"All clear." He said, sending her a smile.

"Thank you" Cadenza replied.

"I do have a question for you, however," he stated as he moved back to the wardrobe.

Trying to keep her voice steady, she replied "Yes".

Instead of opening the wardrobe like she assumed he would, he reached behind it, pulling her bow from its hiding place.

"Where did you get this from?" He said, admiring it. "I've never seen one like it."

"I made it" she replied, a smile on her face as she remembered the day the bow had been created.

Back home, women commonly fought, and all were required to choose a weapon when they were of age. The same as the men did. Most chose the weapons of loved ones who died or weapons that had been sitting useless for years. However, some chose to create their own weapon just as her father had when he was her age. Her bow was made from elder tree wood, and the string was infused with her mother's and brother's magic. She remembered the late nights she had spent carving every marking into the bow, she carved curves and lines until the bow had images replicating the flow of water on its arc.

Arthur's voice brought her back to reality. "You made this?" he said in disbelief.

"I did" she replied, smiling as she watched him trace the designs.

He admired the bow for a few more minutes before he placed it back where it was and began to walk to the door.

Stopping just short of the exit, Arthur turned back to acknowledge the girl. "Be careful." He said, "You don't know who can trust these days."

She simply nodded at his words, watching as he exited the room, shutting the door behind him.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The next morning, Cadenza sat in Gaius's chambers brewing a tonic for her throbbing head. Behind her, she could hear Gaius and Merlin observing a new corpse.

"What's different about this victim?" Gaius asked,

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