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YOU DANCE AROUND AND sing along to the song you were hearing on the radio, max sat on El's bed with his legs crisscrossed.

"You must be an angel, I can see it in your eyes, full of wonder and surprise..." You sang as you continued dancing.

El looks at a magazine, you chuckled. "Well, seems like you found Ralph macchio." You say.

"Macchio?" El repeats.

Max then adds, "Yeah, he's the karate kid." he then imitates a karate move. "Hai-yah! you ever seen the movie?"

El shakes her head in reply.

"He's hot isn't he?" You spoke and max paused, slowly turning to you with a raised eyebrow.

You chuckle. "I'm not saying you aren't hot, max. I mean–"

"I know I'm just kidding." Max grins. "But I'm an amazing kisser, he can't compare."

El turns to you and max, a slight grin on her face. "Cut it out, guys." she says.

You and max laugh, "sorry, sorry." you apologize.

El then thinks to herself, maybe she should see how the boys are doing right now? hm.

"Hey, let's try something." El says.

You and max glanced at one another before nodding and agreeing, "sure..?"

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You helped El wrap a blindfold around her eyes, Max sat down on the bed as he rubbed his knees. "Is this really gonna work?"

El nods as you finished tying the blindfold securely around her eyes.

"Holy shit, this is insane." Max says.

"Max." El spoke, quieting him.

"Yeah, quiet, I'm sorry." Max replies.

It was quiet for a while before you sat next to El on the floor, "I see them." El says.

"What are they doing?" You asked with raised brows, tilting your head.

"Eating." El replies, you and max glanced at each other before looking at her again.

"They say we are ''species''." El said which caught you off guard, max mouth goes agape in shock as his brows furrowed.

"I'm sorry– what?" You say, max pinches the bridge of his nose, shaking his head.

'They're so stupid' he thought to himself, just imagining what ridiculous stuff mike was saying right now, and lucas probably agreeing to it.

"'Emotion not logic'." El says.

"What?" You say, now growing angry.

El then pulls off her blindfold, locking eyes with you as she breathed heavily.

"What? What happened?" You asked her, she started laughing as you look over at max who just shrugged.

You started laughing as well, "what...what happened?" you ask again through laughs.

You hear something outside, el sits up, you also hear the door close, you probably know that's hopper coming back from a night out probably.

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"Holy shit, I can't believe we're really doing this." Max says as you had finished writing another name down, "you ready?" he asks you.

You nodded in reply, "ready."

El was unsure if it would be okay for you to start remote viewing so soon, considering you hardly remember anything that happened in the lab.

Max spins the bottle and it landed on 'Mr.Wheeler', he groans with feigned annoyance. "Ugh. Boring."

"Yeah, boring." El agrees.

"Spin again." Max tells el this time, she grabs the bottle and spins it.

"Against the rules?" El raises a brow as she turns to you, you just shake your head.

"What'd I tell you? We make our own rules." You reminded with a wink. "Nobody runs us but ourselves."

The bottle lands on Billy.

Your face scrunched in disgust just at the thought of wondering what was bound to happen if you were to see him during your remote viewing.

Max glances at you before sighing, grabbing the blindfold and then speaking. "Okay, look, I should just warn you, if he's with a girl or doing something gross, just get out of there right away before you're scared for life." he says.

"Max..." you trailed off with a sigh, max just shrugs again.

"No, I'm just saying, I'm serious." Max replies. "He's really gross."

"Max!" El says this time, helping you wrap the blindfold around your eyes.

Max chuckles and turns the radio on to static. "okay, okay. shutting up now."

As soon as you were enveloped in darkness, you listened to the static coming from the radio before you slowly opened your eyes to find yourself in a void.

"Woah.." you say with wide curious eyes, 'so this is what it's like?' you thought.

You could hear a car engine idling as you slowly turned around, huh? Billy wasn't in his car, and it was eerily silent.

You walk towards the car to check it anyone's inside, but it was empty just as you had thought. Something started to feel off...

You look in the trunk and see there was rope equipment, what was happening here?

You hear a girl whimpering, you slowly turned towards the sound. "I found him." You spoke, hoping they could hear you.

"What's he doing?"

That was max's voice, you could tell. You make your way closer to where billy was, seeing him kneeling over a girl and whispering stuff into her ear.

You shake your head, "I don't know." you replied.

'Don't be afraid...'

You could hear billy whisper, a chill runs down your spine as you grew closer. "He's..on the floor? and–"

'It'll all be over soon.' Billy continues to whisper.

"And he's talking to a girl." You say, hugging yourself as you continued to watch.

'Just stay very still.'

Billy slowly stands up, staring down at the girl. But somehow— he could feel your presence for whatever reason.

He turns around immediately and locks eyes with you, you flinched and stepped back due to fear, and noticing something felt different about him.

The girl who was tied up screams loudly, almost like a shriek.

The screaming continued as your eyes slowly widened, he could see you. Not wanting you to sense where he was he quickly vanished.

You quickly snatched off your blindfold, the black veins slowly appearing, el and max looked at you with concern as you started hyperventilating.

"What is it? What happened?" Max asks as you stare at him, a shaky gasp escaping you.

You stare at him as you held back tears, max gaze softens as he pulls you into his arms, you bury your head in his chest as El places a comforting hand on your leg.

The both of them look at each other with worry and concern, wanting to know what you had saw.

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After what you had saw yesterday, you walked to max's house. He was against the idea because he had wanted to spend time with you and every time he tried to something had to come up.

El tagged along as she walked beside you, if you had felt that something was wrong then you were telling the truth, especially with that being your first time remote viewing.

"It's gonna start pouring soon." Max says. "We should be at the mall or, like, watching a movie or something. or making out—" you cover his mouth before he could fully finish the last part.

"You don't believe me?" You asked him.

Max glances down at the ground before looking at you again, "I believe you saw some super weird stuff, totally, but you said when you tried to first remote view last time your mom had sensed you in there before, right? So maybe it was just like that. Maybe billy just...sensed you somehow."

You shake your head and look off in the distance, "but the screams, doesn't that feel off to you?"

Max just shakes his head again. "Yeah, I know, but here's the thing– when billy is alone with a girl, they make, like, really crazy noises."

"They scream?" El asks this time.

"Yeah, but, like...happy screams." Max answers.

El grows slightly frustrated. "Happy screams? What is happy screams?"

"It's like.." max trails off as he sighs before glancing at el. "I'm just gonna lend you my mom's cosmo."

You appear in front of their house, "his car's not here. you really wanna do this?" Max asks as he looks at you, el also looking.

Breathing in you nodded. Max walks towards the front of the house before opening the door, stepping aside as you and el step inside the house.

Max shuts the front door behind him as he leads you towards Billy's room, "Why do I get the feeling we're gonna find all kinds of wrong in here?" he sighs.

He walks over to the drawer and opens it, his brows furrowed as he groans in annoyance when he saw the rather..slight explicit magazines. "Man, what the hell." he whispers to himself before he quickly slams the drawer shut.

El follows you inside the bathroom, max jogs over to the both of you and follows you inside the bathroom, you look over at the tub and see bags of melted ice inside.

"El? Max?" You call, the both of them walk over towards you and look at the tub filled with water and empty ice bags.

Max sighs as he grabs the empty ice bag while holding it up also, "[Y/n], ice. It's just ice. Probably for his muscles or something, he works out like a maniac."

You glanced over at the cabinet and opened it, kneeling down and pulling out a small trash bin.

"[Y/n], what is it?" Max asks.

You don't reply as you stared at the bag that would be required for a lifeguard, and then...you pull out a bloodied whistle.

You let out a trembling breath before slowly turning towards max and el, "I told you." you whisper shakily.

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You, max, and el had arrived at the swimming pool where everyone had been swimming a lot lately due to how hot it was. Max walked up to the front counter with you, el stood beside you.

"No one in the water until 30 minutes after the last strike." A man says as he sits in his seat, reading a magazine as the girl next to him had on a read jacket and took a sip from her drink. "And don't try and argue with me. You wanna get electrocuted, go climb a tree."

Max sighs. "Yeah, we don't care. We're not here to swim. Or get electrocuted."

El pulls something from out of her raincoat pocket and shows it to the two, "We found this."

The girl takes a sip from her drink as she just stares at the three of you, you start to slowly grow agitated— these two weren't any help.

"Does that belong to anybody?" Max asks.

The guy glanced at what el held in her hands before he nodded slightly. "Oh, yeah. That's Heather's. I'll get that back to her."

"We could give it back to her." You spoke up this time, "..it's important. I need to know if she's safe."

Max gaze softens at your concern, that's what he always admired about you— you care for others even when you yourself are in a tight spot.

"You could..'cept she's not here." The guy replied, "bailed on me yesterday."

You and el look at each other before the guy spoke up again. "You three want a reward or somethin'?"

Max shakes his head and shrugs. "No. We're just...good samaritans." he says.

The girl looks at max and feigns a smile, he looked at her weirdly. El followed your gaze towards a pinboard, watching as you stared at a picture of heather.

"Heather." Max says next to you. "Do..do you think you can find her?"

El looks over her shoulder before snatching the picture of heather off the pinboard.

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Max takes off his jacket and wraps it around you so you wouldn't be cold, El sat next to him as she watched you put on the pair of goggles that was covered with tape.

He places the picture of heather on the ground as you sat crisscrossed, your hands in your lap as you focused on finding heather.

Opening your eyes, you find yourself looking at a mailbox in the distance. Your footsteps splash on the water as you make your way towards the mailbox.

Then, a red door appears as you wipe the wet spots off the mailbox, a shiver runs down your spine as you felt yourself growing nervous.

"What do you see?" You hear max ask.

You stare at the red door, "a door...a red door."

When you walk closer towards the red door you grabbed the handle and opened it, when the door opened you saw a bathtub.

After walking towards the bathtub you saw ice, "ice..?" you whisper to yourself.

You saw heather rise from the water, glancing up at you with fearful eyes. "Help me." she begs.

Then she gets dragged back into the water, "no!" you shriek as you fell to the ground, the water getting into your hair as you saw her get dragged further down into the water.

"Help me!" Heather screams again.

"No!" Your scream was muffled by the water as you desperately reached out for heather.

Snatching off the goggles you start hyperventilating, breathing heavily as tears fell down your eyes, somewhere down the line— you had felt like you failed, that you couldn't save her soon enough.

"What happened?" El asks as she looks at your hyperventilating form, seeing your hands shaking— she grasped your wrists and gently rubbed them with her thumbs to comfort you.

Max wrapped his raincoat tighter around you to calm you down, you lock eyes with max as more tears fall from your eyes, you grasped at your hair and cradled your face in your hands.

"Shh, shh, it's okay." Max says as he wraps his arms around you.

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El had headed home for the day, since she had to be back a bit early. It was now just you and max as he had biked his way towards heather's house.

He came to a stop and glanced over his shoulder at you, "is this it?" he asks.

You nodded quickly, you and max hurried over to the front door of the house, watching as he dropped his bike on the grass.

When you walked towards the door you wasted no time on unlocking the lock with your telekinesis, max watches as the door opened before he stepped inside and slid off his hood.

Max rounds the corner and looks at the family photo on the wall of heather and her parents. "This is her house." he says.

"What?" You reply.

Max spokes. "Heather's house."

You jump when you hear laughing in the distance, but when you walk into the dining room, you saw billy dining with heather's parents while heather was in the kitchen making something.

"Max." Billy says as he grins.

Max looks at everyone and clears his throat before speaking, "We didn't mean to...barge in. We tried to knock, but...maybe you didn't hear us over the storm."

Billy stares at you and max, his brow raised.

"I'm sorry, who is this dripping all over my living room right now?" A man asks causing billy to turn to him.

Billy chuckled. "I'm sorry. Janet, Tom, this...is my brother, Maxwell. And his girlfriend, [Y/n]."

"Oh!" Janet says with a soft smile on her lips.

Billy stood up and walked over to the two of you, "What on earth are you both doing here? Is something wrong?"

"We just wanted to make sure everything was okay." Max replied, glancing at his step brother.

"Okay? Why wouldn't it be okay?" Billy asks.

You watch and stare at him before speaking. "Billy..what'd you do to her?"

Billy slowly turns towards you, "I'm sorry– what did I do to who?" he questions.

"Well, there are little burnt, I'm sorry—" before you could speak you heard heather's voice.

Billy kept his gaze on you for a second before turning towards heather, "Heather! This is my brother, Maxwell. And his girlfriend [y/n]."

Then billy turns back to you. "Now, what is it you were saying, [y/n]? you were asking what I did to someone?" he asks.

You turn to heather, "I-- I know what I saw— I saw you—" before you could finish max butted in.

"Your manager. At the pool." Max adds. "He said you guys didn't come in to work today, so we got worried."

"Heather wasn't feeling so hot today, so we thought we'd take the day off to nurse her back to health. But you're feeling just fine right now, aren't you, Heather?" Billy asks as he turns to the girl.

Heather nods. "I'm feeling so much better."

You glance back at billy with disbelief, something was wrong and you knew it, billy just grins at you— and something felt so wrong about the way he smiled.

"Do you both want a cookie?" Heather asks as she holds up the tray of baked goods. "They're fresh out of the oven."

You just stare with shock.

And you were right— something was wrong.

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