𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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starts to sip. Last time he strolled through a party, he got a little too drunk and picked a fight with the wrong person. He didn't get his ass beat or anything too crazy, they just kicked him out of the house prompting him to wander around with an attitude. He got arrested for public intoxication after he wouldn't leave the everyday folks alone who were just walking the streets trying to enjoy their night.

At that point, Rita felt it was beginning to be a bit much but instead of checking him into rehab, she figured the camp would be a little better and less depressing. If things gets worst from here, then she won't have a choice but to go with plan B.

"You right, but who all suppose to be going?"

"Me, you, and the guys. Same ole, same ole." She shrugged, wishing he would drop this interrogation because he was gonna go anyway.

"Aight sounds like a plan." Dominique nodded in agreement as the two of them seen a car began to pull up and park in front of the house. It was his aunt getting back from the store.

"Oh gosh, let me get my ass out of here." Kendra sighed and quickly stood from the porch, that being her cue to leave.

Dominique cackled at her trying to rush away, but understood why. She didn't want things to be awkward and just knew the woman wouldn't be too pleased about seeing her in front of her house "I'll see you later on." Dominique assured her, earning a quick nod and thumbs up.

Grabbing the brown grocery bags out of the backseat, Rita watched as the young lady scurried away down the street, not even being able to get a good look at her face "Who was that?" She asked Dominique as she approached the house.

"That was Kendra."

Rita only slowly nodded, not needing to say much since the girl already went on about her business. Looking over the yard she grinned in approval "Things are starting look better out here. When you're done you can come in and grab a popsicle, I got your favorites. Bomb pops." She pulled out one of the bags and showed him "I also stopped at blockbuster and got us a movie to put on tonight." She said in excitement.

Dominique gave a half smile before crushing her plans for the evening "That sounds cool, but ummm...I'm going out tonight."

She raised a brow at the sudden news "Going out? Where? and with who?"

"To a party with Kendra and the guys, it's only a few blocks away." He assured her.

Rita sighed to herself and just thought about all the foolishness that could take place tonight "Dominique..." She trailed off in a worried tone, knowing what kind of things gets passed around at parties which he should be avoiding. Dominique was a grown man though, and she couldn't just stop him from going out and having what he considered fun. 

He didn't need her permission to do anything, and though she wouldn't have wanted him to go out and get into any trouble tonight, he was still gonna do what he wanted to do.

"What's wrong with that?" Dominique asked, standing in the middle of the yard waiting for her to say the same thing she always does.

"What's wrong, is that your suppose to be getting better and giving the alcohol a break."

Now, Dominique sighed "Auntie it ain't that easy, and it's not gone happen that quick."

"I know, I know." She flailed her hand in the air waving all of this off "You know what, go out and enjoy that little party, but I don't wanna receive any calls from the police station about you being blackout drunk again!" She finished the convo before finally entering the house with the groceries.

"You won't." Dominique mumbled and playfully waved her off though he knew how serious she was being.

Dominique wasn't some sloppy drunk all the time, he could control himself every now and then. Besides, he didn't plan on having too much to drink tonight anyway, no matter how many cups he get offered.

"You wan't another cup?" Kendra asked as they squeezed through the crowded kitchen of partygoers.

"Hell yeah, one cup just won't do it for me." Dominique chuckled and followed behind her with his empty red cup that was once filled with patron.

This party tonight seemed a bit mild to say the least. Meaning nothing too crazy was going on which Dominique was totally fine with. He just wanted to enjoy the night without getting into trouble with anyone else or the law, which seemed to be the usual whenever he would come to a shindig. For majority of the night he just stood against the wall with half the other guys, drinking his liquor and watching the good looking women dance around.

Some of them came up and actually tried getting him to dance but he nicely rejected their advances, knowing damn well he would look crazy attempting to groove to the music. He wasn't the best dancer and wanted to save his tall and lanky self from embarrassment.

Half the girls figured he was only turning them down because he must've been Kendra's boyfriend. It was an easy assumption to go with being how he followed her around every once in a while, just joking with each other and enjoying the music. Though it might've seemed like the two were an item, they were far from it, and Dominique had to let that be known to a few people that kept asking.

"More patron or you wanna switch it up?"

"I think I'm in the mood for some brandy now." Dominique grinned, eyeballing the small bottle of Hennessy on the counter. By the looks of it, he wasn't the only one feening for the drink. Kendra watched in amusement as he eagerly poured him another cup, knowing the hennessy will get him just right.

"Easy on that now, I know a few people that act a plump fool after downing hennessy." She told him.

Dominique snickered at her words "I might be one of them people, just give me a couple more cups."

She playfully rolled her eyes and poured her another drink too, liking the fact that he seemed to be in a good mood. Thanks to the alcohol, mainly. Catching him sneak a few glances at girls running in and out of the kitchen, she then asked him "Are you and that girl from camp still talking?" Dominique narrowed his eyes at her being that the question just came out of the blue "I'm just asking cause it literally just crossed my mind."

Dominique swallowed a bit of the drink before shaking his head "I haven't spoken to her since we parted ways after camp. I tried calling today but she wasn't at home." He shrugged like it was nothing though he really wanted to see and hear from her "I have been thinking about her a lot today." He admitted, smirking just a little bit.

"Are you guys testing the waters or something....at least?"

"Not officially. I mean we both admitted how we feel about each other, but for the moment we just holding off for a minute." He answered and drunk some more of the hennessy, feeling a little over tipsy "Once we both ready, that's gone be a relationship I take serious as fuck."

Kendra raised her brows at the words he was saying, knowing he was being truthful though he was nearly filled with alcohol "I'm shocked hearing you talk like this, I figured relationships were never your thing."

"They weren't at first, but I guess things change when you bump into a certain somebody."

Sighing with a slow nod, Kendra nodded her head anyways "I agree."

Dominique stared at her for a second or two, giving her a knowingly grin at the face she was making "I know that look. What? You getting a little jealous or something?" He boldly made that type of joke.

"Jealous about what?" She furrowed her brows before chuckling at his crazy assumption.

"You miss me. Kisses and all." He laughed a little, puckering his lips and making kissing noises as if he was trying to playfully land one on her cheek.

Kendra jerked her head back and lightly shoved him in the chest "Please, do me a favor and get off your high horse. I've had better." She gave him a petty grin.

"Damn that's cold." Dominique told her before reaching over to gently pinch her sides, causing the girl to giggle.

"Stop!" She laughed while swatting his hand away, finally leading the two out of the kitchen "I was being serious about not being jealous of whatever it is you got going on with this new girl. Why would I be? Because me and you use to have sex together? Because when I actually wanted something serious, you didn't? No. That's in the past and it doesn't bother me anymore." She told him truthfully.

Dominique slowly blinked, staring down at her though her eyes were wandering everywhere else but to his his "I believe you." He told her over the music.

At some point he actually did like Kendra more than just a fuck buddy. He actually wanted to be with her, but his actions would show otherwise majority of the times. He just wasn't that big on being emotionally available, being that he had his own issues going on, even till this day. He couldn't seem to be tied down to one girl either, finding interest in others and losing it in some, including Kendra.

The more he fooled around with different chicks, the more he stopped feeling the need to be in a serious committed relationship. However, for the past few years none of it seemed to excite him that much.

"Bro, you eye fucking the shit out of her right now." Dominique heard and finally pulled his attention away from Kendra, noticing Isaac and Nick approaching them.

Dominique cleared his throat and brought the cup to his lips "Man, I'm damn near drunk. Just trying to keep my eyes open." He chuckled but found himself sneaking one more glance towards Kendra for some reason.

It was the alcohol pulling him into that kind of mood, but he damn sure wasn't going that far tonight.

Turning down a street that would lead her closer to home, Angel dragged her feet across the concrete with a serene look on her face. She was in a good mood after spending the day outside, eating food and making sure to cop her a little treat before the night ended. She went to her usual dealer that lived a couple of blocks away, and purchased a couple of ecstasy pills, just to put her in a better mood for the night.

That euphoric rush hit her as soon as she took one, and she was now a little more energized. A part of her thought it was pointless to be heading home when she knew just sitting in her room wouldn't be an easy task, thanks to the drug having her fully awake. Though it was almost midnight, the night was still young to her. If she suddenly feels the need to go and do whatever else at whatever hour, she wouldn't think twice about leaving back out of the house.

"Yo! Angel!" She heard someone trying to get her attention and glanced across the street to see a guy trying to approach her, excusing himself from the others that crowded the small porch. Slowing down her walking just a little and seeing him clearer after passing under the street light, she raised her brows and gasped in surprise.

"Zulu!" She squealed in excitement as he strolled over closer, greeting her with a friendly smirk. The dark skin, six foot three man showing off his pearly white teeth, was a sight to see. Angel was very happy to be bumping into him again, but the ecstasy in her system kicked it up a notch, causing her to be a little more touchy. She jumped up just a little bit and wrapped her arms around his neck, causing him to cackle as he embraced her small waist, and Angel kicked her feet in a happy go lucky way.

"How you been girl? I ain't heard from you since the summer started." He told her and placed her back down on her feet, still rocking them side to side for a second or two.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I just kind of been busy during the summer..."

"Busy doing what?" He asked in curiosity, wondering what could've possibly made her disappear for damn near three months.

Angels sighed but still had a goofy smile on her face "You don't wanna know."

Zulu only shrugged it off "Well what the hell you doing just strolling around the neighborhood by yourself, this time at night?" He questioned her.

"You know this is the norm for me, I'm always outside at these hours." She waved it off like it was nothing.

"You ain't homeless or anything, right?" He joked with her and Angel smacked her lips before playfully hitting him in the arm "Nah, I'm just fucking with you. If you were in need of a place to stay, I got a crib where you could definitely lay your head." He assured her.

"Thanks Zulu, but I wouldn't get any sleep with all the people you love having crowded in your house." She told him, knowing how he likes to keep company over there and pull all nighters. Just blasting music and passing around weed for as long as they want.

He chuckled though she was telling the truth "Shit, you might be right about that." He nodded and continued walking with her, deciding to just stay in her presence until she made it to her house "For real though, where you coming from this late?"

"A friend's house." She told him, now considering her drug dealer as a friend.

He smacked his lips and gave her the eye "What friend? I feel like you keeping secrets from me now." He told her and she giggled for some reason since he would always catch onto her. Angel rarely kept anything from him, being how close they were.

At some point, Angel and Zulu had a very short relationship with each other. It only lasted a couple of months, with the first month being the best. After that, things changed quickly and the two learned that they just didn't mesh well with each other in a romantic relationship. Nothing malicious happened that caused the two to split up, they just accepted that they weren't that compatible. Though the sex was mind blowing, it wasn't enough to keep things rolling for the two.

They would pick with each other over the smallest things, and whenever frustrated about something or someone else, they would take it out on each other. Making the situation worst than it needed to be. Whenever they would have a disagreement, Zulu would smoke while Angel disappeared off somewhere to take xanaxs to calm her down. That's when the man started to assume that she was sneaking around, but in all actuality, she just didn't want him to know about her popping pills. Till this day, he doesn't know and she would like to keep it that way.

They both had their own flaws that they were able to change, mainly Zulu.

Eventually the two split up, and for some odd reason the dynamic got even better between the two. They were able to talk like young adults and grew closer than before. They'd be there for each other, just checking in on the other if they went days without hearing from each other. Zulu would have to put in the extra work, being that Angel would go m.i.a every once in a while. Just dealing with her depression which she tried to sweep under the rug for him. Putting on a front as if she was doing fine.

Regardless of everything, they still stuck around for one another though they would never enter a relationship again. Which the two were okay with. They were better off as friends now.

Why does it happen like that sometimes?"

"I'm not, I'm telling you the truth." Angel pursed her lips since he was still eyeballing her, trying to read her mind.

When they finally approached her house, Zulu playfully nudged her " You got plans for tomorrow?" He suddenly asked.

"No, why? What do you have in mind?"

"Not a damn thing actually." He scratched his head and the two snickered "If you do come out the house, just swing by my place and kick it outside with the rest of us. You know, the usual."

"I'm down with that." Angel eagerly nodded, just liking the idea of being outside with old friends. She'd always hang around Zulu and the others, watching as they smoked and munched down on the snacks they bought from the local corner store. To them, that was considered a good day.

"Aight cool..." He trailed off and nodded as she stepped onto her porch "Before you go though, I just need to tell you to be more careful when walking around at these hours. Somebody could've easily snatched you up like this..." He didn't hesitate to demonstrate and grabbed Angel, swiftly throwing her onto his shoulder like she weighed nothing "Just like that."

"Put me down!" Angel told him while dangling over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Zulu did as she asked and they both snickered "You still light as a feather I see." He told her with a dirty grin and Angel shook her head at him, knowing his mind was traveling back to the times he would do some lifting in the bedroom.

"Pervert." Angel joked and shoved him off her porch.

He cackled even more at the insult "Damn, I'm a pervert now?"

"Goodnight Zulu." She told him, finally opening the screen door.

"Good morning, Angel." He joked while backing up, being that it was a little over midnight anyway.

She playfully rolled her eyes as she started to enter the house "He gets on my nerves." She mumbled under her breath and noticed the TV was still on in the living room.

Noticing the palate of covers on the floor, she seen her niece and nephew out like a light as the tv played the rugrats. Quietly passing by the couch, she seen her brother Micah sprawled out and snoring like he was trying to wake the house. She had the urge to just walk over and stuff a sock in his mouth, but this time she just kept walking towards the stairs.

Walking down the hallway towards her room, she peeped the light coming from under her mothers door and was shocked she was actually still woke. It's not like she was waiting up for her or anything, Angel came inside plenty of nights later than this and her mother didn't give a damn. Hearing her moving around in there, she was probably hiding her money elsewhere after figuring out that Angel stole some of it.

Going inside her room and shutting the door while locking it, she pulled the couple of ecstasy pills out of her pocket and placed them on her dresser. Debating if she should take another one now, she simmered down and just let the one she already had in her system do it's work. Though the high was starting to wear off.

While pacing the room for some reason and grinding her teeth, her eyes danced over to the phone and thought about making a phone call. Pulling the piece of paper out from one of her drawers, she grabbed the telephone and began to dial the number that Dominique gave to her. Though it was nearing 1 in the morning, she was so sure that he was still awake.

The phone rung for a few and Angel went back to pacing, not being able to stand still for even a second until she finally heard movement.

"Hello?" She heard not a deep voice, but a groggily voice coming from who she assumed was his aunt Rita.

"Hi, is Dominique there?" She asked while rubbing the back of her neck.

"No, he hasn't came in yet." Rita told her, sounding worried herself though she was tired "Is this Kendra?" She asked knowing that the two was out together and figured one must've separated a little bit early.

"No...this is Angel." She said, a bit awkward now.

"The young woman from the camp?"


"Oh, I'm sorry. Well he's still out for the night and I'm sure he won't be back anytime soon, but I'll tell him you called."

"Ok...thanks." Angel sighed and placed the phone back on the hook, a little bummed out since she was ready to hear Dominique's voice. She was starting to miss him a little more than usual and wondered what he could've been up to tonight. Evidently he was out with

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