Sitting in the third cart with Angel, his hands began to sweat as he grew nervous, thinking about the worst case scenario "Is this shit secured for real?" He questioned aloud and pushed the bars down even further though he had nothing to worry about.
"It's down as far as it can go, your safe." Angel tried to calm him down, all while trying to hide her snickering.
"I don't know about this." He shook his head.
"You can pick up a tarantula and stare it in the face but can't ride one little roller coaster?"
"Two different things Angel. Two different things." He mumbled and she finally let out a laugh. The workers started the ride and they began to trail away, causing Dominique to cuss to himself "Fuck.."
"It's okay, if anything happens you can sue them and get a good check." Angel joked, not making this any better.
Going up the chain lift at a steady pace, the unsettling noise made Dominique even more nervous. He shut his eyes hoping that would calm him down as the coaster got pulled to the top, but Angel wanted him to keep them open the entire ride, letting him know it wouldn't be that bad.
"Here we go!" Angel semi yelled with thrill as the coaster reached the top.
Pausing for two seconds, Dominique opened his eyes and actually watched with wide eyes as they glided down the steep drop. People in the back screamed in excitement and terror as the coaster went at a fast pace. Dominique would've been screaming too, if he wasn't sitting by Angel, but since he was he just kept his mouth shut as the look of uncertainty was stuck on his face. She threw her arms in the air, squealing at the fun ride and he couldn't help but to chuckle at her bold enthusiasm, though he was scared shitless.
After a while he became use to it and actually settled down, enjoying the last moments of the coaster eventually.
"Aight, it wasn't that bad." Dominique admitted, as they slowly rolled back around towards the front where everyone was waiting.
"I told you." Angel giggled.
Taking a small break from the coasters, the two played a couple of games trying to win anything they could. Really it was just Dominique showing off how skillful he was at balloon dart. Angel watched as he popped about seven balloons back to back, impressing most people who stood around watching and waiting for their turn. She playfully rolled her eyes since it started out as some kind of competition and he just had to outdo her.
"Choose a prize!" The worker told him with an impressed grin.
Dominique glared down at Angel "Which one you want?" He asked her.
A gummy smile appeared on her face at how cute he was being, winning her a prize just because. Scanning over the various kinds of stuffed animals, she pointed out which one she wanted "I'll take the little bear with the bow." She said and the worker handed over the mocha colored fluffy bear, that had a small red bow pinned to its neck. It wasn't too big neither was it small, but it was able to fit into her bag "Thank you!" She squealed, giving Dominique a quick hug.
"You welcome." He told her with a soft smile before asking "What you gone name it?"
She twisted her lips to the side and thought for a moment "Mmh, DJ." She answered and gave him a knowingly grin.
"DJ?" He questioned and quickly caught on to her cute antics, before the two shared a small laugh "I'm honored." He joked with her.
Going on about their day, they had a quick meal at the food court before hopping on some more rides with the rest of the campers. They would have wandering eyes from campers staring them down here and there, since they both looked and were behaving like some kind of couple for the day. Dominique caught on to the weird glances but would just shake his head and snicker, actually liking the fact that people were jealous of the two spending so much time together.
He gladly rubbed it in their faces.
Once the sun went down, most of the campers met back up with the counselors, as they were told to do so they could enjoy the fireworks. Everyone crowded around and watched as they put on a good show, watching as the loud firecrackers shot into the air and lit it up with various colors. Dominique stood beside Angel as she watched the show in awe, while he just stared her down in awe. Her dimples coming out always got a small smile out of him, they just added on to hear beauty.
Leaning down towards her, he went right ahead and left her a small kiss on her cheek, catching Angel off guard. Not having a problem with it at all, she smiled up at him with a look of surprise at his sudden action, wishing he could do that more often.
"What was that for?"
He shrugged a shoulder like it was nothing "I just felt it was necessary after today." He told her with a wink, leaning over once again to leave another kiss on her forehead this time. Angel could feel literal butterflies in her stomach since she didn't expect such gestures from him. She liked it though.
Watching from afar, Hakim and Skai nodded their heads in approval since it looked like the two seemed to be getting somewhere. All they needed was some popcorn for this little love fest.
"Why can't we be cute like that?" Hakim jokingly asked, and started to lean down towards Skai out of nowhere.
She jerked her neck back and shoved him in the chest a little "Nigga what the hell.."
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