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The warm water lapped against my body as I pushed through the salty water, body laying flat on my surfboard. My hair was pushed behind my shoulder, slowly drying from the descending sun in the distance. I adjusted my blue bikini as I stopped swimming, staring at the orange, pink, and yellow colours that swirled together in the distance.

I pushed off of my board, sitting in an upright position as my feet dangled beneath me, slowly treading the water. Seabirds called from above me as I closed my eyes, taking in the relaxing moment in time before I had to leave. I raked a pruned hand through my hair, trying to comb the knots away.

Summer was beginning and I was leaving for University in a few short months. I was leaving my friends, my family, my entire life, in the Outer Banks. I laid back down on my board, knowing that I had to get home before my mom would start worrying. Even though I just turned eighteen, she still thinks of me as the little ten-year-old that needs her for everything. Don't get me wrong, I love her unconditionally, but sometimes she can be a little much.

I walked across the beach and back up to my car, sand sticking to my feet, and the back of my calves. I unlocked my light blue jeep and tossed my board into the back, before slipping into the driver's seat, still damp. I pulled away from the curb and made my way down the road, away from the place that I called my Safe Haven.

Welcome to the Outer Banks; paradise on earth, as I like to say. It's the type of place where you either have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes, one island.

Palm trees and other cars zipped by me as I kept a hand on the steering wheel. Taking a right turn, I drove down the freshly paved road of Figure Eight, the rich side of the island, which was home of the Kooks. The Kooks were the rich second-homers who came from pouncy-ass boarding schools. Just kids who spend their families money and could never work a day in their lives if they had to.

Driving over a bridge, I could see the sun setting into the marsh maze, lighting up the calm water. Pulling off my sunglasses, I watched as my oh-so-familiar town passed by me in a flash. The paved road was almost destroyed as gravel scratched the bottom of my car, signalling that I was in the Southside or The Cut, as many people call it. This was the home of the Pogues; my home. The Pogues were labelled as the lower class or throwaway fish, practically the bottom of the food chain. We made living bussing tables, washing yachts, or running charters, and for me, working at the country club down in Kooklandia.

I knew this wasn't the life my mom wanted for me, but honestly, I wouldn't trade it, or my friends, for anything else.

I parked my car next to the house and hopped down to the ground, slinging my bag over my shoulder. I walked into my house to see my mom sitting in the kitchen, cold coffee in a mug, a bill in her hand. "Mom," I said softly as I laid a hand on her shoulder. She jumped and turned around, knocking the coffee to the ground and shattering the mug.

"Shit," She mumbled as she moved off the chair, but I stopped her before she could pick up the broken ceramic dish. "I'm sorry, y/n," she apologized as she ran a hand through her hair, sitting back on the chair.

"Hey, hey, hey," I cooed, "Let's get you some sleep okay? I can clean this up," She nodded softly and I led her into her bedroom. She crawled into bed and I planted a light kiss on her forehead as her eyes drooped shut. Walking out of her room, I closed the door quietly and made my way back down the hall and towards the kitchen.

Life's been hard on my mom, and me as well. My dad passed away almost a year ago and recently, life's been hell for both of us. I've been taking care of my mom, knowing that it's been difficult to pay the bills, especially where we live. I've been buying food and donating most of my earning towards the family, trying to keep us together. I'm feeling like string cheese, slowly being pulled apart every second, and I have no clue how I'm going to hold up.

I grabbed a roll of paper towels from the cupboard and bend down to the ground, trying to soak up all the coffee that I could. After throwing a quarter-roll of paper towels in the trash can, I carefully picked up the scattered pieces and tossed those as well. I snatched the broom from the closet and started sweeping, knowing that neither of us could afford a hospital bill, right now.

Not long later, the kitchen was cleaned of any leftover ceramic and I closed the closet door. I grabbed my bag from the table and walked towards my room, trying to stifle my yawn. Too exhausted to change, I fell onto my bed and closed my eyes, giving in to the much-needed sleep.

The feeling of someone jumping on me woke me up immediately. Pushing the body off, still tired and now annoyed, they fell to the ground with a large thump. I sat up, trying to regain my composure as JJ bounced back to his feet, scaring the life out of me. "Rise and shine, princess," He said with a smile as I squinted at him, sunlight pouring through my open window.

"You thought jumping on me was the best option?" I asked angrily, pushing my messy hair behind my shoulders.

"It woke you up, did it not?" He replied with a cheesy smile as I whipped one of my pillows at his chest. "Come on, we're doing a boating trip before John B's DCS appointment,"

"I can't," I told one of my best friends, "I have to work. It's not a free day for everyone you know," I said as I pushed the covers off of my legs and walked towards the faded dresser.

"Can't you just miss one day?" He whined as I grabbed a black tube top and a pair of blue mom-jean styled shorts.

"I'll miss a day if you can buy my mom and I groceries for a week," I replied as I closed the drawer and walked towards the bathroom.

JJ stuttered for a second, knowing he couldn't and sighed. "Fine, but you're still coming over later, right, y/n?" He asked as I dropped my clothes on the bathroom counter.

"Of course, tell the group I say hi," I replied as I shut the door. I stripped out of the clothes from yesterday, dropping them to the floor before changing into my new, non-salty, outfit. I splashed water on my face and dried it with a towel, before putting it on a hook to air dry. Sorting through the small bag of makeup that I had bought at the local drug store, I fixed up my under-eye bags and added a bit of waterproof mascara, putting the bag under the counter after I was done.

I walked out of my bathroom, tossing my old clothes in the laundry hamper next to my desk, then grabbing my backpack from the chair. I made my way out of my room, surprised to see my mom up and in the kitchen. "Morning, sweetheart," She said as she pressed a kiss to my forehead, not acknowledging the surprised look on my face.

"What... I thought--" I stuttered, looking around at the kitchen, as well as the plate with bacon and eggs. "What's going on?" I asked, still extremely confused.

"I found a job," She smiled and instantly my face lit up, "I'm working down at Shelly's Diner. I know it's not much--"

I cut her off my wrapping my arms around her shoulders, pulling her into my body. "That's amazing mom," I said as she wrapped her arms around my waist, "I'm so proud of you," I kissed her cheek and pulled away, taking my spot next to the freshly made food.

"I start later today, and I wanted to surprise you," She replied as I took a bite of the bacon, the salty taste filling my mouth.

"This is the best breakfast I've ever had," I told her with a smile and she grinned brightly.

The two of us talked while we ate, slowly getting back to our normal. It was peaceful and familiar, which was the way I liked things.

Soon enough, I pulled into the country club parking lot as the sun beat down on my shoulders. I locked my jeep and walked towards the entrance, giving a sharp nod to Thomas who worked at the front, welcoming guests and working with reservations.

Pushing open the door to the concession stand, I was quickly welcomed by Maggie, a blond girl who worked at the country club as well. "Thank God you're here, I thought you weren't going to show," She exclaimed as she passed someone their change and telling them to have a good day.

"I was having breakfast with my mom, she just got a new job," I replied as I tied my apron around my waist. Maggie, no scratch that, almost everyone knew about my dad's passing, well, every Pogue.

"That's great," She grinned, "Tell her I say congrats,"

"Will do," I responded as I grabbed the pad of paper and a pen, making my way out to the pool to collect orders. Stopping next to two boys who were laying in chairs and wearing expensive sunglasses. "Hi, can I get you anything today?" I asked since the drinks were complimentary, depending on what you ordered.

"I'll take a strawberry smoothie," The darker boy replied and I recognized him as Kelce, one of the rich Kooks. I scribbled it down, even though the kid had no manners, and turned to the boy with bleached tips, Topper.

"I'll take a coke," He replied, moving his shaded from his eyes, "Light ice," I noted down his order and when they didn't say anything else, I walked away.

"People need to learn basic manners, God, it's like I'm talking to a wall," I muttered as I handed her the order and she started on the smoothie while I started the coke.

After a minute, both drinks were set on the tray and I made my way back to the rich boys. "One coke, light ice, and one strawberry smoothie," I placed the cold drinks on the small table and moved away from them. "Is there anything else I can get for you?" I asked them with a fake smile plastered on my face.

"We're good," I rolled my eyes as I walked away, muttering that they needed to go back to kindergarten with their behaviour. Completely unaware of where I was going, I knocked shoulder with someone and the empty tray slipped from my hands and fell to the ground.

"Watch it, Pogue," The boy snapped as I grabbed the tray, immediately freezing me in my place.

Turning around, I was faced with none other than the Kook prince, Rafe Cameron. His face softened for a millisecond as our eyes connected, before fazing back into his cold hard glare. "Sorry about that, sir," I apologized before walking away and back to the concession stand.

"What was that about?" Maggie asked as I handed her the tray.

"Nothing," I mumbled as I stood next to her, watching as everyone talked or swam in the pool. Maggie continued talking, but even her new dress that she bought couldn't distract me from the honey-blond haired boy that was now tanning, shirtless, on a pool chair a few meters away.

Almost as if he knew I was staring, his eyes met mine once again and I knew that I had just gotten the attention of the famous golden boy.

This was about to be the longest summer of my life.

This is the first chapter of 'looks so perfect' and I hope you enjoyed it. Check out the Spotify playlist and comment some songs that make you think of Rafe and I'll add them. Please vote, comment, add the book to your reading lists and drop a follow.

- Syd <3

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