(S2) Round 0: Nelo Angelo

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Author's Note:ย Obviously by now, the story is different from what the original DMC lore is, but this was the best I could do, I hope you guys understand the changes I made with Mundus and the other characters from their original versions. Anyways, onto the chapter.

[A flashback occurs as a mysterious winged figure is limping. He rips out "Devil-Sword Sparda" from his chest and stabs it in the ground, using it as a crutch.]

Mundus: Home sweet home.

[It shows a gloomy landscape engulfed in eternal darkness and old structures which is the realm between heaven and hell, Limbo. He spends his time there ruling over the lost souls stuck there. He patiently waits.]

[Years pass as Mundus sends his corrupted souls to fight in the human realm. The events of DMC 3 take place as Vergil arrives in Limbo. Worn out from his last battle. He gets on his feet as he seems to be in the presence of Mundus as three red glowing eyes appear.]

Vergil: It'll be fun to fight this Prince of Darkness. If my father did it, *unsheathes Yamato* I should be able to do it too!

[Vergil charges forward with Mundus smiling. Vergil leaps into the air and comes down with a slash as Mundus blocks his attack. Mundus then pushes Vergil off him and manipulates the rubble to go after him. Vergil dodges a couple as he jumps from one to another. Mundus then summons small white orbs that shoot multipleย white energy needles to which Vergil parries most of them but his tiredness starts getting to him as some of the needles hit him. He lands on a pillar to regain some composure. Just then, a fireball is launched at his location and he narrowly dodges it. Vergil knows he lacks range attacks so as soon as he lands on the ground, he speeds off to Mundus who also speeds towards Vergil. As soon as they meet in one clash, Vergil notices that Mundus is usingย  Devil Sword Sparda to his surprise. Their swords continue to clash. Mundus does a horizontal slash but Vergil flips over it and uses Judgement Cut that catches Mundus off guard. Vergil takes this opportunity and unleashes a couple more slashes. He slashes upwards which sends Mundus into the air and summons blue swords which impale Mundus and keep him in the air for a brief moment. Vergil jumps and summons Beowulf (a set of black gauntlets and greaves with a somewhat animalistic look. The gauntlets vaguely resemble a wolf's head, with fangs and a mane. The greaves look like clawed legs. They also have glowing veins that have white light flowing through them.) and does aย powerful, downward-revolving kick. As Mundus' body is on the ground, Vergil tries to unleash another attack using the Yamato but Mundus unleashes red needles from his back which Vergil gets hit by and gets launched back. Mundus gets up and cracks his neck, looking tired but still ready to fight. Vergil on the other hand seems exhausted but he still pushes on. He then goes into his Devil Trigger mode.]

[Mundus smiles at Vergil]

Mundus:ย You look tired.

Vergil:ย I... I can still... fight!ย 

[As he takes a step, the ground breaks and he speeds off into Mundus as their swords clash once more. Blow-for-blow sparks fly across the area. Vergil unleashes some Judgement Cuts and some of them manage to hit. But unfortunately, Mundus summons lightning from dark clouds manifesting over the battlefield. Vergil dodges it with ease but is also trying his best to block Mundus' attacks. Mundus then summons magma dragons and begins to fire away at Vergil who gets hit by a fireball and gets juggled in the air. He gets hit by flying debris, fireballs, and lightning. He manages to snap out of it and Judgement Cuts one of the dragons but gets grabbed by the other and slammed into more rubble. He then summons Beowulf and unleashes a charged-up punch that manages to break him free. He jumps from the rubble and finds footing on the side of a pillar which he pushes himself off from and charges towards Mundus. Vergil then appears in front of Mundus and unleashes an upward slash that sends Mundus into the air. He then forms a spinning circle with the summoned swords and it begins to slash away/juggle Mundus in the air as Vergil also uses Yamato to cut him down. As Mundus fall from the air, Vergil charges up a huge attack. he unleashes...]

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[It heavily injures Mundus and knocks him to the floor. He gets up while panting as Vergil charges at him. Just then, a grey orb helps Mundus generate a force field around him to block Vergil's attack and unleashes a fireball at point-blank range that knocks Vergil back. Vergil does a recovery landing but his exhaustion is slowly getting to him. He knows he could've won if not for the exhaustion from the last battle. Although injured, Mundus stands as he holds Devil Sword Sparda. With one final exert, Vergil charges forward with Yamato in hand. Mundus speeds closer along with him. Vergil raises the Yamato and slashes at Mundus in one final moment...]

[Vergil is out of his Devil Trigger, he is on the floor, Mundus standing above him, and... the Yamato... broken in half... At this moment, Vergil was defeated. He gets engulfed by Limbo as he is now under Mundus' mercy. Mundus finds the shattered Yamato and knows exactly what to do with it.]

[Vergil goes through immense torture and is enslaved by him through tears to come.]

[Suffering alone as he falls under Mundus' control and soon becomes"Nelo Angelo"]

[We cut to a couple of years later.ย Mundus uses the Yamato to enter the mortal realm and uses a new identity, Sanctus.ย The Order of the Sword had been established and managed to gain traction. Thinking that Sparda betrayed Hell to protect the mortal realm, the people where manipulated into thinking that. The Order gained popularity and surely enough, this caught the attention of Heaven.]

[Cut to a meeting room. A golden portal appears in the room and out comes... Adam. Mundus (Sanctus) sits in his chair.]

Adam:ย Alright gramps, Your little religion thingy seems to have caught a lot of attention, and "apparently" Heaven is supposed to help with this by sending some of my girls to help out.

Sanctus:ย Oh yes, well I sure hope it wouldn't be any trouble at all right?

Adam: Yeah yeah yeah, I literally got nothin better to do anyway. But hey, stuff like this isn't free y'know? We give you something, you give us something eh? Sounds fair, right?

Sanctus:ย I assure you, I have quite the gift for you, if you would so please follow me.

Adam:ย Ugghhh! Fine, but I'm only doing this cause I'm bored

[Cut to them arriving at a chamber where it holds...]

Sanctus:ย This my friend is the "Yamato", the blade that was once part of the Legendary Knight, Sparda!

Adam:ย ... What the fuck!? It's broken in half!

Sanctus:ย I assure you that with enough time, this sword will aid you in battle. The amount of power this weapon holds is unimaginable. But with its wielder's whereabouts unknown, it's possession is now in your hands.

Adam:ย HAHA, You hear that Sparda? My sword now bitch! *he continues to laugh*

Sanctus:ย Well, It's a pleasure to meet you, first man.

Adam:ย It's nice to meet you too, but it's even nicer to meet me *he continues to laugh even more* Man I'm good.

[With Mundus' new identity, he established a relationship with Heaven and provided the Yamato in the hands of Heaven.]

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