ch. 25

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The boy in front of him has a burning gaze, filled with concern.

Denbuliu looked away and shook his head: "No."

"Is it because Yong Baosheng won't let you terminate the contract?" Hui Ji chased after him and said stubbornly, "Or did he regret it temporarily? Or use other means to threaten you?"

Denbuliu is used to playing the role of protector, and has received this kind of protection from others.

He raised his head curiously and asked, "Why are you so nervous?"

Hui Ji blurted out: "Of course it's because I'm worried about you!"


This strange emotion made him a little novel. He looked at Hui Ji seriously for a few seconds, and then said slowly: "You don't need to worry."

Hui Ji became more and more sure that he was in trouble: "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Daibuliu didn't say anything, and Huiji continued: "I have accumulated some money, enough to pay your liquidated damages."

"No need," Denbuliu finally said, "I have my own solution."

Hui Ji had a sullen face, obviously not listening to what he said.

"I'm not kidding you," Danbuliu looked up into Hui Ji's eyes and said word by word, "I am indeed in trouble, but I have a solution. Don't interfere casually."

What he said was so firm that there was almost no possibility of negotiation.

Like a deflated rubber ball, Hui Ji slowly lowered his eyes.

He had known that Denbuliu would not rely on others easily, but he did not expect that until now, he was still unwilling to trust him.

"Especially don't go behind my back and pay the liquidated damages for me." He said solemnly, seemingly seeing through what he was thinking.

"I know," Hui Ji's voice dropped, and he lowered his head, like a lost puppy, "If you don't let me, I won't do it."

It looks quite pitiful.

Dabu Liu felt soft in his heart and stretched out his hand to rub Hui Ji's head: "Be obedient."

"Oh." Hui Ji's voice was muffled, but he no longer felt disappointed as before. He bent his eyes and rubbed his head against the palm of his hand.

"It's not against you, it's mainly because it's too cheap and you can always win." Denbuliu took back his hand and his eyes turned cold, "He doesn't deserve a penny from us."


After dinner, Danbuliu received a call from an unknown person.

The other side seemed to be very defensive, and it took a few seconds before he said, "Does your previous proposal still count?"

"Li Xingbei." Dai Buliu was not surprised. He had already guessed that Li Xingbei would find him again. But he didn't expect that Li Xingbei used an unfamiliar number this time.

"It's me," he asked again, sounding a little anxious, "I want to interview you."

Decadent: "When?"

"The sooner the better."

Decanbuliu thought for a while and said, "I'm at Huiji Apartment. I can go to your house."

The two apartments are next to each other, very close to each other.

"No, it's not convenient at home," Li Xingbei shook his head, "I'll come find you."

It was impossible for Danbuliu to let Li Xingbei come to Huiji's house, so he gave the address of his home and asked Li Xingbei to go there first.

Afterwards, Decan Buliu said goodbye to Hui Ji and drove home. After getting off the car, he saw no one and called Li Xingbei.

"This way." The phone was hung up, and a figure walked out from behind the trees. Most of his body was hidden in the darkness, fully armed and covered.

Danbuliu nodded and led the person into the house.

Li Xingbei didn't take off his hat or mask until he entered the living room. He looked around the living room warily and found a corner to lean against.

Denbuliu: "Have you thought about it?"

Li Xingbei looked dejected, with a serious expression: "Before that, I have something to ask you first."

"you say."

"I heard that you have renewed your contract with the company," Li Xingbei looked at Dan Buliu and probed cautiously, "Why do you want to continue to stay at Youyou Entertainment?"

Danbuliu raised his eyebrows: "From what standpoint do you ask me this question?"

Li Xingbei paused and said seriously: "My position remains unchanged."

Denbuliu didn't hide it from him: "Yongbaosheng threatened me, so I had to stay."

These words made Li Xingbei fall silent. After a long time, he raised his head again, as if he had finally made up his mind.

"You asked me to think about it before coming to you, but now I have thought about it."

Li Xingbei walked under the light and took off his hat, sunglasses and mask in front of Zai Buliu.

Under the light was a deformed face, the originally handsome cheeks were swollen, there were wounds on his forehead, and the skin on the corners of his mouth was broken, looking like he had been brutally abused.

Li Xingbei did not stop there. He continued to take off his coat and unbuttoned his shirt. His strong back was covered with red marks, and each one was neatly arranged. If you are not an experienced person, you can't leave them at all. Such neat traces.

Dean Buliu's pupils shrank.

"Li Yi whipped him with a whip."

After Li Xingbei finished speaking, he ignored the surprised expression on Dan Buliu's face, picked up his clothes and put them on, and said as if nothing had happened: "Did you see it? Li Yi abused me domestically. In the early years, there will be obvious traces, but After I debuted, he didn't dare to do it anymore. He just whipped me with a whip. This would only leave some red marks at most, which would dissipate soon."

Denbuliu's eyes moved upward: "What about your face?"

"Oh, what are you talking about?" Li Xingbei reached out and touched his cheek. He grimaced in pain, but he didn't care. He seemed to be used to this kind of encounter. "He doesn't usually slap me in the face. I was afraid that you wouldn't believe me, so I deliberately made him angry and asked him to beat me."

Decan Bu Liu: "Do you want some medicine?"

"You help me do it?" Li Xingbei raised his eyes, "I can't go to the hospital like this."

Denbuliu took out the medical kit: "Okay, I'll help you."

He used iodophor to clean Li Xingbei's wound, and then went to the kitchen to wrap a bunch of ice and let him apply it on his face to reduce swelling.

Ice cubes fell on his face through the towel. Li Xingbei finally frowned and cursed: "Damn, this damn old man is getting more and more serious."

Decanbuliu sat down opposite him and asked, "Have you ever tried to resist?"

According to his recent contacts, Li Xingbei is not the type to endure domestic violence.

"Of course, we used to fight each other, and I even sent him to the hospital. He calmed down for a while after that." Li Xingbei paused, then quickly shook his head, "It's a pity that when we debuted, he became a I don't know what kind of stimulation I received from our agent, and I gradually became more serious."

Denbuliu: "He won't hit your brother?"

"No beating," Li Xingbei shook his head, "Maybe it's because I've been disobedient since I was a child, so the old man did this to me."

Decanbuliu declined to comment, and after a while asked, "Does your brother know that you have been domestically abused?"

"I didn't tell him," Li Xingbei shook his head, "You also know the character of his mother-in-law. If he finds out, he will cause a lot of things."

Denbuliu vaguely understood the cause and effect of the whole thing: "So you asked me to be your manager to get rid of Li Yi's domestic violence against you?"

"Yes," Li Xingbei nodded, "My contract with Youyou Entertainment still has four years. To be honest, it is very difficult to terminate the contract at this stage. I can only change my agent first and gradually get rid of Li Yi's control. I believe that as long as we cooperate , it's not difficult to change agents."

"It's indeed not difficult," said Denbuliu, but changed the subject, "But I refuse."

"You--" He didn't expect him to turn against him, and Li Xingbei couldn't help but change his expression, "You lied to me?!"

Den Buliu: "Changing your agent will only cure the symptoms but not the root cause. Li Yi is the company's major shareholder. Even if you change your agent, you will still be under his control."

Li Xingbei lowered his head: "Of course I know, but..."

If he had a better way, he wouldn't have to cooperate with Denbuliu.

"Why don't you be more bold," said Denbuliu, looking at Li Xingbei, calmly, "Let's work together to win Youyou Entertainment directly."

"Take down Youyou Entertainment?!" Li Xingbei's eyes suddenly opened wide in disbelief, "Are you crazy? How can we win down Youyou Entertainment when it's so big?"

Decanbuliu hasn't taken it seriously yet: "It only has a market value of a few hundred million."

"Several hundred million, you put it lightly!" Li Xingbei laughed angrily at him, "You can't come up with ten million now, so you are still dreaming of spending hundreds of millions?!"

Decanbuliu: "Aren't you rich?"

"Even if I have it, I only have -" Li Xingbei then realized that Denbuliu was trying to trick him, and quickly changed his words, "Anyway, my money is not enough to acquire the company, so you might as well give up. Count me in." Too bad, I'm really crazy to ask you to cooperate."

Denbuliu didn't take it seriously: "If I weren't crazy, would you find me?"

Li Xingbei: "..."

Section 43

He is just a lunatic. Fortunately, he thought Decaibuliu was particularly reliable before!

It's so reliable!

Li Xingbei was so angry that he stood up, but when he reached the door, he stopped suddenly.

Maybe his slumped expression was too determined, or maybe he was really desperate and was bewitched by something strange.

Li Xingbei let go of his hand on the door handle, turned around and asked, "You... are you really okay?"

Denbuliu looked into his eyes and said word for word: "I promise you, we will never fail."

It was obvious that he was just talking nonsense, but when he said it, he seemed extremely reliable and trustworthy. He must have been blinded by cement, otherwise why would he believe what he said?

"Okay," Li Xingbei's Adam's apple rolled and his heart beat rapidly, "I will believe you just once."

Decan Buliu took a step forward and held Li Xingbei's cold palm: "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

Li Xingbei let go of his hand, a little worried: "What do you need me to do?"

Den Bu Liu: "Just maintain the status quo for the time being. I will make further plans after I complete the investigation."

Li Xingbei: "Then how long will it take you to complete the investigation?"

Decadent: "A week at most."

"Okay." Li Xingbei nodded, a week is not too long.

"As for you," Danbuliu looked at him, "you can prepare as much money as possible during this period."

Li Xingbei frowned: "Let me tell you first, my money is not enough to buy Youyou Entertainment."

Although he has some savings, he is not stupid, and he will spend all his savings to invest if he is not willing to talk.

"It's natural. I won't let you bear everything." After finishing speaking, he added, "As for your brother Li Yuexi, my suggestion is to hide it from him. If you can't hide it, you can find a way to convince him yourself."

Li Xingbei nodded: "Okay, I understand."

So the two began to work separately. For Decai Buliu, for a company the size of Youyou Entertainment, a week was more than enough to conduct a background check.

The senior management, ownership structure, and financial reports of listed companies over the years are all public information. It took only two days for Decai Buliu to find out the details after work. But he didn't expect that something went wrong on Li Xingbei's side.

Decan Buliu got off work that day and met Li Yuexi at the door of his house.

The boy took off his mask in front of him and asked with some anxiety: "I won't disturb you, will I?"

Denbuliu glanced at him: "Excuse me."

Unexpectedly, he would answer like this. Li Yuexi was at a loss for a moment: "Sorry, I came to disturb you so rashly, but I... I really don't know what to do..."

The beautiful wife who was described by fans as pure and innocent turned red in front of him, which made people feel that bullying him was a sin.

Denbuliu sighed and opened the door: "Come in first."

Li Yuexi breathed a sigh of relief and quickly followed in. When he reached the door, he said again: "By the way, I brought you a small cake. It's not very sweet."

He came to investigate and brought a small cake as a gift?

Danbuliu took the cake and put it on the dining table, and got him a bottle of water: "Tell me what you want from me."

"That's it..." Li Yuexi lowered her head, her black and silky hair covering the back of her neck, and remained silent. After a while, he raised his head and cautiously probed, "I just want to ask, does my brother always come to trouble you recently?"

Danbuliu could vaguely guess that Li Xingbei failed to persuade Li Yuexi, and that's why the other party came to look for him.

Danbuliu glanced at him and said calmly: "So what do you want to say?"

Li Yuexi composed herself and summoned up the courage to speak: "I know that my brother has been looking for you recently and wants you to be our agent..."

Decan Bu Liu: "What about you?"

Li Yuexi was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "Maybe he seems a little rebellious and doesn't have a good relationship with my dad, but I know that he doesn't really hate me. He is just having trouble. In fact, he cares about dad very much."

"Why do you think so?" Denbuliu asked, "Have you never thought that he is really annoying?"

"No," Li Yuexi shook his head, "Although dad is a little strict, he is very kind to us and will do everything for us."

Den Bu Liu: "But sometimes being too controlling can be annoying."

Li Yuexi's hands holding the water bottle suddenly tightened, and her tone became stern: "Don't talk nonsense, we don't think so."

Denbuliu did not let him go, and continued: "What's more, your father not only treated him badly, but even hurt him and beat him?"

"Impossible!" Li Yuexi suddenly raised his eyes and stood up with a fierce reaction, "Dad, there is no way he is domestic violence Xingbei!"

Dabuliu looked at him calmly for two seconds and said nonchalantly: "I was just making a metaphor."

"Anyway, you don't need to worry about our affairs. Sorry to bother you." Li Yuexi didn't want to talk anymore, put on a mask and left in a hurry.

This conversation ended unhappily, but there was just one thing that Denbuliu cared about.

Li Xingbei told him before that Li Yuexi was not subjected to domestic violence. But Li Yuexi's attitude was too strange, leaving him with a lingering sense of weirdness.

The next time he met Li Xingbei, Danbuliu told him that Li Yuexi came to see him.

"Sorry," Li Xingbei lowered his head, a little frustrated, "He just doesn't understand it for the time being. I will convince my brother."

Decan Buliu: "So why do you want to persuade?"

Li Xingbei was stunned for a moment.

Denbuliu: "You are my partner, and your brother is obviously unwilling to leave your father. With all due respect, even if you are his twin brother, you cannot help him make a choice."

"No," Li Xingbei shook his head, "My brother was just temporarily confused by the old man. When he knows how bad Li Yi is, he won't be like this now."

Decanbuliu didn't say anything anymore. It seemed that there were still many misunderstandings between the brothers.

"What's more, all my money is stored with him." Li Xingbei scratched his head, "If my brother doesn't support us, we won't be able to start our work."

Denbuliu: "Then tell him about your domestic violence."

"No," Li Xingbei immediately refused, "This is the only method that won't work."

"I'll give you two days," said Denbuliu, losing his patience. "If you still can't solve this problem, I will re-evaluate the possibility of cooperation between us."


"I know," after a long silence, Li Xingbei clenched his hands and said seriously, "Brother will support me, he just didn't think clearly."

I don't know if he is stating the facts or just numbing himself.

Two days later, Denbuliu still couldn't wait to see Li Xingbei's progress. It wasn't until the evening of the third day that Li Xingbei suddenly appeared at his door with an injury.

His body was dusty, his lip was broken, his cheekbones were bruised, and his silver hair stood out in the hallway.

This time he didn't even cover up.

Denbuliu opened the door and pulled him into the house, his tone became serious: "What's the matter with you?"

Li Xingbei: "Fight and fight."

Denbuliu frowned: "Who did you hit?"

"Who else could it be?" Li Xingbei raised his eyebrows with disdain on his face, "That stinky old man."

Denbuliu frowned displeasedly: "I let you solve it, not by physical means."

"I didn't want to at first. It's because he has been too presumptuous recently." Li Yi's face darkened, and his expression gradually turned gloomy. "Who is afraid of whom? In the worst case, we will lose everything."

Decan Bu Liu: "Where is Li Yi?"

Li Xingbei: "I was sent to the hospital."

Denbuliu: "Aren't you afraid that he will be exposed?"

"He doesn't dare," Li Xingbei sneered and said disdainfully, "He is also afraid that I will expose his domestic violence."

Danbuliu took a look and found that Li Xingbei's injury was beyond his ability to deal with this time.

"Get up," he took Li Xingbei's arm and walked out, "go to the hospital first."

The man under his command suddenly shouted, and Danbuliu let go of his hand in surprise. Only then did he realize that the scars on Li Xingbei's body were not as simple as what he saw on his face.

He lifted up Li Xingbei's sleeves, and his arms were bruised. The scars are very strange, they don't look like they were punched, but more like...

"He made electricity." Li Xingbei did not hide anything and said proactively, "At first, it was a spark valve removed from a lighter. Later, the old man was not satisfied and began to buy various tools with higher power online. He also He's quite smart and knows not to leave scars."

It was obviously such a terrible thing, but Li Xingbei was able to confess in such a calm tone. He didn't know how many times he had suffered such harm.

Denbuliu suddenly darkened his face: "Go to the hospital."

Li Xingbei shook his head: "No, others will know when you go to the hospital."

Denbuliu: "Even at this point today, you are still unwilling to tell your brother the truth?"

Li Xingbei lowered his head and said nothing.

Decai Buliu: "But what you call concealment is just your wishful thinking for protection."

"Of course I know, but..."

She looked down at him with a serious expression: "If you truly respect your brother, you should tell him the truth and leave the choice in his hands. Instead of excluding him from your life in the name of protecting him. Outside. You think this is for his sake, but in fact, it is just a kind of superior self-impression."

"So?" Li Xingbei raised his head and gradually hesitated, "So you think I should tell him?"

Denbuliu nodded: "If you trust him and think he can deal with difficulties with you, then you should tell him."

After a long silence, Li Xingbei raised his head and

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