Ruby has a big Secret. The New Girl Comes to Town.

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Ruby walked up to Connor with a smile as she tried very hard to be brave.

Connor: Oh, hey Ruby.

Ruby: (nervous laugh) Hey, Connor. Have you seen everyone acting weirdly today?

Connor: Of course. It's because of prom. Everyone's eager to go.

Ruby: (nervous chuckle) That's right. The time of year when people face their fears and hope for the best that their date will say yes.

Connor/Ruby: (laughing)

Connor: Still, it would be nice to go there with someone.

Ruby: Yeah. It would be very nice.

Ruby knew this was her chance to ask Connor out. She could see it in his eyes. The two stood in front of each other, feeling nervous about asking each other.

Ruby/Connor: Connor/Ruby? (chuckles) No no, you go.

They both spoke at the same time, interrupting each other's sentences. Soon, it was ladies' first.

Ruby: Connor...I...I...

Ruby looked into Connor's eyes, trying to bring up the strength to talk to her crush, but fear always gets the best of her.

Ruby: I think...I'm going to be sick.

She moved back from Connor, who was left confused and turned around to beat herself up for not gaining the courage to ask him out.

Ruby: (grunts) (thinking) What's wrong with you, Ruby!? Get it together!

Connor: Sick? Are you alright?

Ruby: (laughs nervously) Yeah. Of course, why wouldn't I be?

Connor: You just said you were sick.

Ruby: The water, makes me a little nauseous. It's one of the reasons why Mom never lets me in the--Ah!

Ruby realized that she dropped the confetti Blaster and Connor picked it up to look at it. Y/N and Rebecca rushed to save her.

Connor: What's this? It looks quite cool.

Ruby: Oh! um...That's a...

Y/N: It's a projector!

Connor saw Rebecca, Y/N, and the rest coming to help.

Rebecca: It's a projector that...Ruby and the two of us were working on it. It's a science project!

Connor looked at Ruby, impressed.

Connor: A projector?

Ruby: Ha ha! Yeah. A projector of...some sort. Just don't aim the nose at your head and--

Unfortunately, Connor did the exact opposite.

Connor: What does this do?

Ruby: Connor, wait!


Connor: AGH! Woah woah! AGH!


Everyone was horrified to see the confetti fire in Connor's face, which caused him to move back, causing his foot to land on his skateboard which moved him to the edge of the fence!

Y/N: No. No! Nononono!

Rebecca: CONNOR!

Connor: AGH!


The group saw Connor fall into the water below and didn't see him open his head.

Margot: Oh nononono!

Bliss: At long last, he has earned mercy.

Trevin: Someone's gotta go in there and save him!

Rebecca turned to see Y/N taking off his jacket.

Rebecca: Y/N, what are you doing?

Y/N: Trying to save his life! Rebecca, see that life tube there?

Rebecca looked and saw it.

Rebecca: Yes?

Y/N: Once I come up, throw that down! Ruby, call 911. We'll need an ambulance.

Margot: Y/N, wait! What--!?

Y/N didn't listen as he lept into action and dived into the water.


Ruby couldn't help but feel ashamed of what happened. Her friends went to give her comfort as Rebecca placed her hand on Ruby's shoulder.

Rebecca: It's not your fault, okay? It's not your fault.

Ruby: feels like it is.

Y/N swam under the water looking around for Connor. He saw Connor floating underwater and swam fast to reach him. He grabbed Connor by the arms and tried to pull him out of the water. However, he saw that Connor's leg got stuck in some kelp. With a frustrated look on his face, he rushed to rip the kelp in half.


The kelp broke and Connor was free! He hurried up as he felt he was going to be out of oxygen soon. He looked up at the surface and saw the top. With determination, he headed up, but he wasn't going to make it in time, as he felt his eyes closing slowly...

The rest of the friends were looking around the bay to see if Y/N came up.

Trevin: Do you see him!?

Margot: (grunts) NO! I don't!

Rebecca was busy talking to the authorities on the phone.

Rebecca: I don't care that you are understaffed! Get a goddamn doctor here now! Someone is going to be lost at sea if we don't get them medical attention right now!

Rebecca soon had an eye twitch in anger as he heard the response.


Rebecca hung up the phone in anger and disgust.

Margot: What happened?

Rebecca: The damn authorities won't come.

Margot: What?

Rebecca: They said they're understaffed and that they can't help!

The three were distraught by the news.

Trevin: Okay. That's a whole new level of low.

Margot: Well, we can't let them be under there! Someone has to--

Everyone was now in shock, they saw Ruby getting ready to jump!

Rebecca: Ruby, get down from there! You cannot be in the water!

Ruby: Connor and Y/N are down there because of me! I have to help them!

Margot: But what about your mother's rules?

Ruby: I don't care!

Everyone was shocked to see this side of Ruby.

Ruby: They're in there because of me! If I gained the courage to talk to Connor, Y/N wouldn't have had to deal with this! I have to save them. Just...don't tell my mom about this.

The group nodded in understatement as Rubty went to jump in the water.

Ruby: I'm coming, guys!


Margot: Go, Ruby Gillman! Embrace your inner Beauty and go save your love the Beast!

The group looked at her with unamusement.

Margot: What?


Ruby felt the cold water, engulfing her blue skin all over and wetting her clothes. She looked around to find the boys and found them to be motionless in the water in the kelp forest.

Ruby: (Y/N! Connor!)

Ruby tried her best to rush to Y/N and was able to make it, but the strong current then pulled her away from her friends!

Ruby: (NO!)

She grabbed onto some rocks for support, but they were too slippery for her to hold onto. She felt helpless as the ocean completely trapped her at the bottom of the ocean. She looked up at the distant surface as she let out bubbles from her mouth.

Ruby: (...)

She succumbed to her unfortunate fate, feeling the coldness cocoon her. She didn't know it, but something strange inside of her started to awaken. For some reason...her right hand was glowing blue.


Her neck started to glow and form gills on each side...

...and finally, her eyes glowed purple.

Ruby: (gasps)




The group was shocked to see a purple shockwave spread across the water like wildfire.

Group: WOAH!

Rebecca: What the heck was that!?

Trevin: I don't know! They better be okay!

Margot: Oh...RUBY, WHERE ARE YOU!?


Connor/Y/N: AGH! UNH!

The group saw Y/N and Connor coming out of the water as if they had thrown out.

Rebecca: There! They're over there!

Trevin: C'mon! We gotta help them!

The group headed off to save the boys, leaving Bliss behind.

Bliss: Hmm... some other time then.

Rebecca rushed back to grab Bliss.

Rebecca: Let's go!

Bliss shrugged and rushed off to help.

Connor: (coughs)

Y/N: (coughs) Dude. You alright?

Connor: (groans) Yeah...What the heck happened? The first thing I remember is confetti and then smoke...and then...nothing...

Y/N got up from the dock's floor and helped Connor up.

Y/N: You fell overboard on your own skateboard. You alright? Anything broken?

Connor: Well every part of my body doesn't seem to be broken, so..yeah. I'm fine. Wait...Where's Ruby? Is she alright?

Y/N looked back to see his friends rushing to help them.

Rebecca: Y/N! You alright!?

Y/N: Yeah. Were fine. Where's Ruby?

Rebecca: She...She was...She dived in to save you, but...She never came out.

Much to the boy's horror, Ruby was still underwater!

Connor: Why is she down there by herself!?

Margot: She was...she was trying to save you two!

Y/N: Oh, this is bad...We have to find her. Wherever she may be.

???: I think I know where she is...

Everyone turned to see someone standing in front of them.

???: But we'll need to hurry if we are to save her, or not. your call.

Trevin: Um...Does anyone know her?

Y/N: Yeah. I do. This is...

Ruby: (gasping, panting)

Ruby finally got back up to see with her clothes still intact. She swam to the edge and hoisted herself up.

Ruby: (panting) Oh my...I...I broke her rule. Y/N...Connor!

Ruby quickly got up and rushed back to the school as fast as she could.

Ruby: (panting) Y/N! Rebecca! Margo!?

Once she got to the school, she was shocked to see a large number of people surrounding the courtyard of the school. She made her way into the place and saw her friends by the fountain.

Ruby: GUYS!

Everyone looked and saw Ruby.


Ruby: What happened!? Are Y/N and Connor okay?

Margot: They're alright. Thank heavens.

Ruby rushed to see Connor and Y/N who were both covered in blankets.

Ruby: Guys!? Are you okay?

Connor: (coughs) Yeah. We're fine.

Ruby: What happened?

Y/N: Um...We were underwater, I was trying to bring him back to the surface, but the stupid kelp grabbed hold of us. I thought we were going to die until...

Connor: We were pulled someone.

Ruby heard of her actions and felt a little proud of herself for saving them from drowning. Soon, Connor started to get up.

Connor: I guess Mom was right about swimming lessons.

Y/N: Yeah. You do that, man.


Soon the group realized that the students around them were cheering for something.

Student #1: The New Girl saved them!

Ruby: Um...What's everyone cheering about?

Connor: Oh. I think they're cheering over the idea that we were saved by...the new girl.

Ruby looked at Connor in confusion.

Ruby: "The New Girl"? Who's the New Girl?

???: ME!

Ruby and the rest looked back to see the students treating someone like royalty. Even Kevin was amazed. They saw that they were looking at...


Redhead: The new girl! Thank you. Thank you. You're all too kind.

Ruby looked at the Redhead in confusion as she was being revered by all the students. Some of them quickly made signs of love and threw red roses at her, trying to charm her.

Student #1: NEW GIRL!!

Ruby: Um...Who is that...?

Connor: I don't know. People say that she transferred here this morning. Y/N, it seems that you know her.

Y/N: Right...Um...This is...



Y/N felt his legs and pants vibrating from his phone. He pulled it out and saw it to be his mother.

Y/N: Thank goodness it's waterproof. Hold on a second, okay?

Everyone nodded and Y/N answered the phone.

Y/N: Hello? Hey Mom. I'm Good. You? You're suing the hospital?? For what? Oh...Oh...Okay, yeah you can do that. Do you want her on the phone? Uh...okay.

Soon the crowd began to silence as the Redhead began to do a speech, while she was walking around.

Student #2: SHH! Quiet! She's gonna do a speech.

The Redhead had her head up high with full of pride as everyone respected her wishes.

Some of the Students began to form stairs for her as she walked down on their backs.

Redhead: Picture this, me, stunning but approachable, on my first day of school. I'm lost and confused, struggling to find my first class. When suddenly...(gasps)!

The redhead then began to sit next to Connor and booped his nose.

Redhead: I spot little "Mister Skater Boy" and "Master Marine" here barely above water. It could've been the end of these two poor souls. Now, I'm not much of a swimmer, but at that--

Y/N: Hey.

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