Living the life of Oceanside

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Warning! The following fanfic is made with facts from the movie. If you haven't seen Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken yet, do not read this fanfiction yet, for it contains spoilers. But if you have, enjoy the story.




It was nighttime in Oceanside. The environment was moist with silence. In a beach house near a small beach were three individuals. Two were carrying a baby in their arms as they stared into the vast ocean. 

M/N: This is such a beautiful place to live in. Remind me to thank Agatha for the work she did for us.

F/N: Heh. Well, she's a Real Estate Agent for a reason. I must say...the beautiful scenery, perfect house space...

M/N: The glass for the back slide door, the nice stairs for some time on the beach...I was like "Gimme them keys, Agatha! You just struck oil!"

F/N: (laughs) And you know what's better?

M/N: What?

F/N smiled as the two parents looked at their baby, Y/N. 

Baby Y/N: (coos)

F/N: It's a good chance for us to raise little Y/N here.

M/N: Of course. Little Y/N will be very happy here. 

The two parents went to look back at the ocean. 

M/N: No matter what gets in our lives, we'll handle it. No matter what.

F/N: Always.




Y/N: (snorts) Ugh...

Y/N got up from his sleep and realized he was in the courtyard sleeping on one of the bleachers. He saw it was his friend, Rebecca.

Y/N: Oh. Hey, Rebecca.

Rebecca: You good, dude?

Y/N: Yeah. Why?

Rebecca: This is the fourth time you slept during school.

Y/N laid back on the bleachers and looked up at the sky.

Y/N: I had to work late last night.

Rebecca: (giggles) I guess the life of a Junior Fisherman is tiring for you. Good thing I chose the career of a Journalist. 

Y/N looked at his friend with an unamused face. 

Y/N: Really? You mean the job you got here? At Oceanside High?

Rebecca: Don't destroy my dreams! Do you know how much money a reporter can make from showing the greatest proof and theories? Lots. 

Y/N: Of course. Cmon. We don't wanna be late for class.

Rebecca helped Y/N up and the two headed inside the school.


As they walked down the halls of the school, they looked around to see everything completely normal. Students were going through their lockers and talking to each other, bullies were picking on bookworms, and girls were cheering for the football team. 

Soon, Rebecca went to ask Y/N a question.

Rebecca: So? What were you dreaming about?

Y/N: Oh. Um...Home. It was the same one. Mom and Dad were carrying me and looking out at the ocean. Our very own beach house. 

Rebecca: Looks like your mind unlocked the ability to travel across the great ocean of time.

Y/N: Have you been watching "Eternals" again?

Rebecca: I know it's not well-liked, but still, it had good meaning as to why that certain soundtrack song is called "Across the Ocean of Time". Besides, it had good CGI. made the fight scenes like anime.

Rebecca showed off a picture of the Eternals poster she had.

Y/N: Whatever. What about you? Have you found someone to ask for prom?

Rebecca: Yeah...I'm still thinking about it. Who should I ask? Agnes or David?

Y/N: I think you'll find out who if you ask either of them. Oh, look! There's Ruby!

The two looked and saw Ruby at her locker. 

Rebecca: Yo! Ruby!

Ruby turned around and saw her friends.


Ruby: Oh! Guys!

Y/N: It's nice to see you!

Ruby: (giggles) It's nice to see you too.

Y/N: How's it going?

Ruby: It's going great! I'm having a great, normal, human day.

Rebecca: That sounds sus, but I'll allow it. Where are the others?

???: Right here, people!

The three saw Ruby's other friends, Margot, Bliss, and Trevin.

TREVIN                   MARGOT                BLISS

Margot: Ah, look who it is! The dramatic trio themselves!

Rebecca: Oh my goodness, you're never going to let that go, aren't you?

Margot: No way! You played Juliet with such emotion last month! As if I'll get rid of that! And you, Y/N. You were amazing as the vampire, Dracula!

Y/N scratched the back of his head.

Y/N: It wasn't much. I was just doing my role.

Bliss: The role of extracting the hopeless life out of your host...

Everyone looked at Bliss with confusion as she made a chaotic expression.

Margot: Bliss, don't go catastrophe.

Trevin: No promises. She always does that.

Rebecca: What's going on?

Margot: I'm glad you ask, Rebecca.

Y/N: Oh boy. Here comes the drama set again.

Margot rushed and grabbed Ruby, holding her close. 

Ruby: Uh...Margot this isn't necessary.

Margot: The sage was set. The night was moist with apprehension. Ruby Gillman here is in a state of despair and distress! Her heart is filled with tension and fear as the power of love is very, VERY...(sighs) complicated.

With an unamused expression, Y/N ignored Margot's dramatic behavior and looked at Ruby.

Y/N: Connor?

Ruby: Um...Yeah. Connor.

Rebecca: Ruby. Why can't you just walk up to him and talk to him? I mean it's clear that you like each other and you're always coy toward each other. So...You got the green light.

Ruby: It's not just that...It's...Connor and...(sighs) Look. I have a perfect plan to get him to go to prom with me.

Y/N: What is it?

Ruby: You know how we always go to mathletes?

Rebecca: Yeah.

Ruby: Well, I have been doing some tinkering with some mathematical equations and quadratic functions, and with the use of this...

Ruby dug into her backpack and showed off her calculator. She handed it to Y/N.

Ruby: Go ahead. Solve it.

Y/N: Uh...Ok.

Y/N went to work and activated his mathematical skills as he solved the equation. Once he solved it, he saw what Ruby was talking about.

Y/N: You're going to ask Connor out...with a Quadratic equation that forms "PROM?"

Ruby: Yeah! He'll understand since I have been tutoring him in Algebra.

Margot: Oh, boo! You cannot ask him out like that, Ruby! Look around you!

Ruby looked around and saw everyone in the school asking someone out in their way. Some of them were in ridiculous costumes and showing a bouquet of roses all over.

Margot: Prom is not just an invitation like going to a birthday party or going on a road trip! This is PROM, Ruby, one of the biggest events of your life! When it comes to asking someone out, you have to be more than just sending a request on a calculator! It's the one time of your life when you have no choice but to go BIG! Connor may not like that!

Ruby then started to take Margot's advice and realized what she was about to do.

Ruby: Oh goodness... I almost asked Connor out with homework. 

Margot: Don't worry, my friend! I have something to help you out!

Margot dug into her locker and pulled out some items. She picked up a gun of some sort and shoed it off. 

Y/N: What the--??

Ruby: What is that?? Where did you--??

Margot: You don't wanna know, Rebecca. Now, if you wanna wow your man, you should go for my prized pupil, the Confetti Blaster. It fires confetti that'll help make your date more eager to go out with you.

Ruby, Y/N, and Rebecca all looked at Margot.

Ruby: Are you sure this is going to work?

Margot: I promise you, confetti never ceases to bring smiles to people's faces!

Rebecca: Ok. Ruby, just go to him and talk to him. Plain and simple. The worst that can happen is if he says no.

Ruby: That's just it. I don't know if he'll say no or yes or...I don't know.

Y/N: Ruby it's just a question. If he says no, you can still go to prom with your friends.

Trevin: Yeah, I mean, It ain't like the end of the world. 

Bliss: Where all of humanity cries in despair as the end of time draws nearer and sucks into an abyss of hopelessness and fear...forever...

Everyone looked at Bliss in confusion again.

Rebecca: Girl, you are DARK. No need to be like that, Ruby. Ruby?

The group saw Ruby staring at something as a small smile formed on her face. 

Ruby: (gasps)~

Y/N waved his hand past her face and she didn't flinch. 

Y/N: Uh...Ruby? Are you good?

Margot: (gasps) I know that look! You two, go over there and mind your own business! Hurry!

Rebecca: Uh...Okay?

Trevin, Rebecca, Bliss, Margot, and Y/N were on the other side of the hallway, leaving Ruby alone.

Y/N: What is it?

Margot: Shhh...Look.


Ruby: (swoons) Connor...~

The group looked and saw Connor on the other end of the hall, riding his skateboard and heading toward Ruby's direction.


Y/N: Oh no...She better not do the staring and swooning thing again.

Rebecca: She is.

Ruby was at a loss for words. Her crush, Connor was heading in her direction. She felt her heart racing with excitement as she imagined her and Connor sky-dancing. 

Ruby: Oh, Connor, would you have the honor of going to prom with me?~

Connor: Oh, yes, Ruby. You make the happiest dryland person ever.~

Ruby: Connor...~

Connor: Ruby...Ruby...~



Rebecca: She's having a dream sequence...

Margot: Shh!

Connor walked up to Ruby and waved at her. 

Connor: Hi.

Ruby didn't realize she was leaning on a backpack with a swooning smile on her face.

Ruby: Connor's here.~

Connor: Uh...Yeah. Connor's here.

Ruby glanced at Margot and Rebecca, telling her that she was doing it again. Soon, Ruby got herself back to reality.

Ruby: OH! Hi...Hi...hi. Hi.

Connor: (chuckles) We're still on for our tutoring session later, right?

Ruby: OH! (chuckles) Yeah, Connor. We are on like Polygons! 

Connor: (chuckles) Alright. Team Math! I'll see you later.

Ruby: You know it! Anything for my Alge-bae!

Connor: Your "what" now?

Ruby blushed in embarrassment as she remembered what she called Connor.

Ruby: I mean "Bro"! Heh...Alge-bro, like you're my brother. My Math brother. (laughs nervously)

Ruby's friends all stared at her in disbelief. "Alge-Bae"?? Margot's eye twitched in shock as Rebecca facepalmed at Ruby's foolishness.

Bliss: (whispers) And the train of disappointment begins...

They Saw Ruby push her leg back in shyness. Rebecca and Y/N saw it form enough to be like a helix shape.

Connor: (chuckles) You know, I think I like the first one better.

Ruby was at a loss for words. Her compliment impressed Connor. She smiled at Connor as he took his leave on his skateboard down the hall. She couldn't help but feel confidence overwhelming her. Her friends showed up behind her. 

Rebecca: That was...awkward, but still smooth.

Y/N: Really, Ruby? Alge-Bae??

Ruby: I was nervous, okay!? Besides, even if I wanted to ask him, I couldn't.

Rebecca: Is it because of your mom?

Ruby: Yeah...She's very protective of me. Can't be anywhere near water.

Trevin: And that got her to miss out on a lot of fun things like the beach parties??

Margot: Field trips...

Y/N: Not helping guys.

Ruby: Actually...I have an idea. Margot, pass me the confetti.

Margot: (gasps) Could it be? Has my best friend finally become a woman!?

Ruby: You bet!

Rebecca: Uh...Ruby, you don't need to--.

Ruby: Don't worry. I can do this! Rebecca, are you still on for babysitting Sam? I know he's a handful.

Rebecca: I know. And yes, but you can't just--.

Rebecca and the others saw Ruby run off to find her man.

Y/N: And she's gone. Ruby, we still have classes!

Feeling defeated, Ruby returned the confetti blaster to Margot. 

Ruby: Right...I'll use the Confetti Blaster after class.

And so, the group headed off to their classes. 

Teacher #1: As you all know. There are a variety of Jellyfish in the oceans. Each kind is known to be commonly protective by using its tentacles to paralyze its prey.

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