Survey Corps in Marley Part 2

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Paradis Island

It was early in the morning and you were working, while Historia was still sleeping, but you work her up

Historia- Jericho? What are you doing up?

Jericho- just couldn't sleep

Historia- Y'know the doctor said you should get rest

Jericho- I'm fine... I can handle it

Historia- Jericho, the last time you were fine, your muscles blew up

Jericho- That was 20 years ago, It probably won't happen again

Historia- As you said probably, there is still a chance

Jericho- Yeah... I'm sorry

Years ago, you had many Panic Attacks from killing half of humanity. After going to many sessions and appointments, you were able to calm them down and live a somewhat normal life. But occasionally, they come back

Historia- It's 5 in the morning, today we go see a doctor, got it

Jericho- Yeah

Historia- Thank you

Jericho- You should go back to sleep, sorry for waking you up

Historia- No, it's fine, I have work to do today anyway

The day went out as Jericho met with the scouts about formation and Historia worked with stuff inside of the Kingdom

Survey Corp Precinct Trost District

Armin- We should cut through the trees here, and kill any strays if possible

Eren- That's if there's any. James nor Terrance has returned or reported from Marley

Soldier- Commander!!

Armin- What is it?

Soldier- The Jaw Titan has landed in the Courtya--

Falco pushed past the soldier and stood in front of the two

Eren- Falco?

Armin- What's wrong

Falco- Oh nothing, just wanted to come here and tell you guys that there are Eldians willing to turn into Pure Titans that are able to harden their napes

Armin- What!!

The doors opened and General Ulger went through

Jericho- Why the hell is Falco's Titan evaporating in the Courtyard?

Armin & Eren- General

Jericho- At ease

Falco- There are pure titans in Marley that can harden their napes

Jericho- Great... just fucking great...

Armin- Why don't we send in a Patrol Squadron? And Falco on your way back, just strap some Thunder Spears on your back

Falco - Alright

Armin- we could use Mikasa's help, should we get her

Eren- Uhhh, no... I don't think she's up for it

Armin- hey, Eren whenever anyone mentions Mikasa you blow it off, what's going on with her

Eren- can it just stay between the 4 of us

Jericho- yeah

Armin- sure

Mikasa- she's pregnant again... yet sick too

Jericho- Mikasa? sick?

Eren- I know, sound unfathomable, but she's getting frequent fevers, and acting like we're back in the Scout Regiment from 24 years ago

Jericho- Damn, have you seen a doctor about it?

Eren- yeah, both Eldian and Marleyan, and they couldn't help

Armin- Eldian Marleyan or Marleyan

Eren- Eldian Marleyan, they didn't let me get to the Marleyan Doctor

Jericho- The Fuck?! Those bastards, we're going to that doctor

Eren- thank you

Armin- why didn't you use your Titan form

Eren- you don't think I thought of that, the only thing that stopped me is that it would put Mikasa at risk

Jericho- Yeah... I can see why

Eren-Yeah... I'll meet you at the Castle with Mikasa

Jericho- You sure, I can send someone to bring you

Eren- No, I can do it

Jericho- Alright

You and Eren split ways and you went home and he went his own way


Historia- What's wrong?

Jericho- I'm going to Marley

Historia- Why?

Jericho- Eren and Mikasa need some help from the Marleyans and they need my help to get through

Historia- I can come

Jericho- No, one of us needs to be here, I'll be back before tomorrow night

Historia- Jericho...

Jericho- Yeah?

Historia- Be careful

Jericho- When am I not?....... Don't answer that

You got your stuff ready and waited for Eren and Mikasa, and they finally arrived

Mikasa- Jericho, we're here

Mikasa Yeager

Age: 35

Eren- Jericho... Are you ready?

Jericho- Yeah, Let's go

Eren- How are we going to get past the Marleyan Guards?

Jericho- With this

You pulled out a sword from an ODM

Eren- A sword

Jericho- Either this or going into Titan form

Eren- and it'll just cause an outburst of panic and interrupt the treaty

Jericho- Correct... anyway we have a boat to catch

The three of you walked to the beach of Paradis, the same one from all those years ago, and found the boat

Eren- I never thought I would come back here willingly, or leave Paradis in general

Jericho- Remember, this is for Mikasa

Mikasa- Can we please just go, I feel like I'm about to throw up

Jericho- Yeah, let's get out to sea


Eren- What guarantee do we have that they'll let us through?

Jericho- Well, 3 plans, 1. We try using my pass to get you through to Marley, 2. We use the ODM sword and threaten them, 3. Me and Eren risk Mikasa and the baby by going into our Titan form and heading straight for their doctor, yet that one leads to the breaking of a treaty

Mikasa- Let's just hope Plan 1 works, I don't want to hurt anyone if need be

Jericho- I'm betting on that one too

Eren- Mikasa, you should get some rest

Mikasa- Are you sure?

Eren- Yeah

Jericho- Anyway, Eren, what do you think is happening to Mikasa

Eren- I hope she's just having a heavy hit of Morning Sickness

Jericho- Let's just hope that's the problem

Eren- Same here


Arriving at the Port you and the others walked to the gate

Jericho- Even after signing the treaty, they keep the gate, bullshit

Eren- C'mon... Let's go

You walked to the gate and were stopped

Guard- Papers

Jericho- Here

You handed him your pass and he let You in

Guard- Papers

Jericho- They're with me

Guard- Sorry King Ulger, but they don't have the proper authorization

Jericho- And this gate is in violation of the Treaty, Do I need to tell the other Nations about this?

Guard- Sorry, sir... but

Jericho took his sword out and pointed it at him

Jericho- Since you violated, I'm not afraid too either

Guard- Fine... Take It Down

Cadet- But Sir...


Cadet- Yessir!

Eren and Mikasa got pass and you all went to the Doctor

Doctor- You're lucky she got here when she did

Eren- What's the problem?

Doctor- Mrs.Yeager, the child is having a high heart rate, it's nothing life-threatening. With being in the early phase of your third trimester, have you been relaxing recently?

Mikasa- Yea...

Eren- No, she hasn't, she has been moving around for the past 3 weeks, exercising, cleaning, anything to get her out of the house, she sleeps but not getting a lot of it

Doctor- Mrs.Yeager, you what you're doing is endangering the child, if this continues it could evolve to something dangerous until you go into labor, you must not move as much as you are now

Mikasa- bu..

Eren- Mikasa, please

Mikasa- F-fine

Eren- Thank yo-

There was a bright light from outside and then the ground started rumbling

Jericho- What the hell is that?

Eren- Beast Titan?

You and Eren ran outside and saw this

Jericho- What the hell is that?!

Eren- I don't know looks dangerous

Jericho- Look after Mikasa, I'll handle him!!

You took the sword and sliced your hand open

Jericho- I'm gonna need you to back off!!

You transformed into the Warrior Titan and grappled the Titan

Eren ran back into the Doctor and found Mikasa

Mikasa- Eren, What happened... Where's Jericho?!

Eren- Long Story Short, There's A Titan, One Like We Haven't Seen before

Mikasa- Let Me Help!!

Eren- ....

Eren strapped her down by her arms

Mikasa- Eren!!!

Eren- I Can't let you or that Baby die, Me and Jericho are going to Take it out of here.. Just Stay There!!!

Eren and ran out of the Building and Transformed into a new type of Titan and slammed the Titan into Multiple buildings

Mikasa- EREN!!!

You then tackled the Titan into the Water and tried to hold him there and Eren tried to smash its head in but it was useless, the Titan Lifted both Eren and you up and slammed them into the ground

Jericho- "How the hell? This Thing Is Strong Enough To Pick Us Both Up!?!

Eren- "Jericho and I together... we both don't have enough strength?! We gotta gamble on everyone being evacuated... this is going to be dangerous"

Eren signaled you towards the city and he was able to get the message

You and Eren were able to get free and run towards the city and the Titan Charged towards them and crashed through the city destroying the buildings around them, and Eren tried to get in its way by using his hammer fist to uppercut it but it just charged through them yet it flipped him over slamming him into the ground and you Ripped off its leg but it was kicked away with the other

Jericho- "That Thing's strength is on par with me... but It doesn't have speed nor Precision, just swinging its arm

You Jumped and slammed on its back but before you could get to its nape you and Eren were kicked away by the Titan, and by the time the both of you had gotten up it was gone

Jericho- "SHIT!!!"

You both escaped from their Titan form

Jericho- Eren, Did you see where it went?!

Eren- No... it's gone

Jericho- Fuck... we gotta go back

Eren- agreed

They returned to the hospital and Mikasa was unstrapped but fine and they were able to Return to Paradis Safely

Paradis, Sina

Jericho- Historia... We're back early

Historia- Jericho... there's someone here to see you

???- Hello son... how you've grown

Jericho- no...

???- My baby boy, all grown up

Jericho- Get out

Historia- Jericho, they're your parents

Jericho- And you know what happened

Historia- Jericho... Calm down

Jericho- I'm not telling you again after this, Get Out!!

Father- Jericho... please

Historia- Jericho!

You were about to bite your thumb until Historia moved it, but she got bit instead

Historia- Agh!

Jericho- Historia!

Jericho- There are people who don't know when to get the fuck out

You grabbed the ODM blade and charged at them until Eren stopped you

Eren- I know I'm the last person to say this but this is murder

Jericho- Get out of my way, Eren!!

Eren pinned you to the ground

Eren- Jericho Calm Down

Jericho- Why, I can say they're just trespassing and kill em' in self-defense

Eren- Jericho... Sorry about this

Eren knocked you out and sat you against the wall

Father- What was that for? Talk about overreaction

Historia- His Reaction Was Justified... What're You Here For!

Mother- Please just listen to us

Historia- You have 30 seconds, start talking

Mother- We're asking for help

Historia- Help?! Don't make me laugh, You're the last one to ask for help!!

Mother- Please... you would have to have heard of the Savage Titan

Eren- What?

Mother- The Savage Titan Ravaged our land and destroyed everything around us

Eren- Historia... hear them out... This Savage Titan is Marleyan made?!

Father- We don't know

Eren- then someone might be Manufacturing Titans?


Historia- What do you want?

Mother- We want your help, With the War Hammer, Attack, Founder, Colossal, and Warrior Titan. Along with the Marleyan Warriors

Eren- Historia, do you think this is a good idea?

Historia- Eren, hand me the sword

Eren handed her the ODM sword and walked towards them

Mother- What're you doing

Historia walked towards them and slashed their hands

Father- What's wrong with you!

Historia- After Reiner and Bertholt... I can't take any chances, Sorry but I had to see if you were this said, Savage Titan

Eren- We should see this... Land you're talking about

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