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Everyone's jaw dropped.

What did she say?

She really dared to fight that Golden Python?

She's not being bold; she must be crazy!

Even a stage-three martial artist could not subdue a third-grade Golden Python on their own, much less her. She must be courting her own death.

"Jen- Jen!" JaeHee was also taken aback, and
he tugged at Jennie's sleeve.

"This Golden Python is fierce and much more
powerful than any ordinary third-grade
fiend. You..." Jennie merely looked at him and smiled.

"Father, don't worry." Miraculously, these words soothed JaeHee's troubled and worried heart. It was as if she had a magical power within her.

Subconsciously, it made people believe in her. if she said not to worry, then all would be fine.

JaeHee moved his lips. He had already guessed that her Yuan meridian was fully repaired, and she had most likely started cultivating. However, how could she be a match for a third-grade fiend within such a short period of time?

After repeatedly struggling with himself, JaeHee finally swallowed his words and nodded gravely.

"I believe in you." This warmed Jennie's heart. This feeling of being trusted unconditionally was most reassuring.

Karina naturally wouldn't let go of this opportunity. She immediately declared,

"You agreed on your own accord. I have nothing to
do with this, regardless of the outcome." Jennie mocked Karina in her heart. Non ordinary person can display such shameless behavior in public.

Emperor Minho hesitated as he exchanged a look with his empress.

The Empress nodded her head and whispered,

"Your Majesty, this concerns the royal family after all. Wouldn't it be enough to teach her a lesson in person and have her protected?" Emperor Minho was deeply impressed, so he
specially sent a few guards to rescue Jennie immediately if something did gone wrong.

Nevertheless, the crowd wasn't as optimistic.

They all thought Jennie was courting death.

Karina smiled proudly as she turned to reclaim her seat. However, Jennie stopped her.

"Fourth Princess, please wait." Karina turned back impatiently.

"What else?"

"The Fourth Princess has given me such a great gift. I am deeply touched, so l have also prepared a gift in return for your kindness. It will be sent to you later. Please kindly accept it." Karina sneered contemptuously.

"You're only a.. Fine. Just deliver it later." A
loser who has been disregarded by her waning aristocratic family. What good can she do? It's ridiculous!

She walked over to Kai and winked complacently.

The corners of Kai's lips curled ever so slightly. He gave her an affirmative look and quickly restrained himself.

In the center of the palace, there was only Jennie and the Golden Python that was trapped in the huge black cage.

Jennie slowly walked toward the Golden Python until she was in front of it.

A woman and a beast faced off.

"Audaciously Fool." Krystal was relieved by
what she saw..

There were plenty of people that would deal
with Jennie without her having to do anything!
Everyone quieted down unconsciously.

The Golden Python was inherently fierce. On
top of that, Karina hadn't subdued the beast on her own. Instead, she rounded it up and used every trick in her sleeve to capture it. Moreover, Karina had deliberately starved it for the past few days.

The python was on the verge of extreme violence, waiting to explode. This was even more dangerous than an ordinary python!

Initially, Karina wanted to tame this Golden Python and have some fun with it.

However, today she heard about what happened

with Kai, and she knew Jennie would be present.

Thus, she ordered the python to be brought here specifically for this occasion to teach Jennie a lesson.

Jennie took one glance and surmised that they were trying to give hera hard time.


The Golden Python, with its hostile eyes,turned more manic once it sensed Jennie's Scent.

She headed straight for the guard beside her and cupped her hands together.

"May l borrow your sword?" The stunned guard subconsciously looked towards Emperor Minho.

Emperor Minho nodded.

"Give it to her." Only then did the guard remove the sword at his waist and hand it to Jennie.

"Thank you." She took the sword and waved it
around with fluid motions. The blade is too heavy and not sharp enough; the materials used for forging the sword are also not good enough.

Nevertheless, the sword is sufficient.

"Seems like she has some skills."

"it's just a charade! Her Yuan meridian is crippled, and she can't even absorb force.

"What can she do?"

"True. Maybe she asked for a sword to give
herself some courage.

Jennie ignored them. She took half a step back with one foot, gripped the hilt of her Sword with both hands, and raised it over her head.

She whirled it and struck down hard.


A spark ignited. The chain to the cage actually snapped in response!

Everyone was horrified!

What... is she trying to do?

Without waiting for anyone to understand,

Jennie had already tipped the sword.

The cage opened wide instantly.

The Golden Python realized that the cage imprisoning it had been unlocked. It dashed
out immediately.

Its gigantic head lunged at Jennie without hesitation. It opened its mouth, revealing the
sharp fangs.

A mouth like that could kill, if not inflict some
serious damage.

In contrast to its huge size, Jennie looked
extraordinarily small and delicate, as if the python could swallow her whole in a second.

Right at this moment, Jennie advanced instead of retreating. She pointed her toes and leaped forward using that momentum.

At the same time, the sword stabbed quickly.

It went straight at the python's belly.

The python's scales were extremely tough and
couldn't be pierced by an ordinary sword.

The only entry point of attack would be its
abdomen, a softer area.

The Golden Python also sensed Jennie's intentions; it immediately flicked its tail and slapped Jennie hard!

It was too strong physically. If it smacked Jennie, she would die on the spot. However, Jennie was so swift on her feet that she somehow narrowly avoided the blow and circled to the side of the Golden Python.

She stabbed at it without hesitation.


The longsword sliced along the hard scales, making a piercing sound. Yet, there was only a light, white scratch. There wasn't even a trace of blood!
Karina sneered.

"Brother, Jennie is really stupid to think... What?"

Before she had even finished her taunting words, the situation changed dramatically.

That attack from Jennie had completely enraged the Golden Python. It flicked its tail frantically in an attempt to entangle Jennie.

But she suddenly released the sword's hilt and leaped onto it. By using this leverage, Jennie actually went straight for the python's head!

She wrapped one arm around the python's neck and swiftly removed the hairpin in her hair with the other and thrust it into the snake's eye.

Its eyes were its greatest weakness!


Blood splattered everywhere.

The Golden Python let out an angry and painful
shriek, but Jennie plucked out its eyeball without hesitation.

The python shifted its body violenty. There was nothing it could do to Jennie.

In the blink of an eye, the second eyeball was
picked out too!

The python gradually went limp.

Finally, Jennie jumped down, picked up her sword, and thrust it straight into the bloody hole.

One harsh stroke!

Just like that, she cut the snake open and
beheaded it.

"Ah!" Some of the dainty noble ladies screamed at this bloody scene Jennie, however, didn't even flinch. Shen reached in and probed with her hand before pulling out a turquoise pearl-the Golden
Python's essence! Jennie then walked towards Karina who had already stiffened-stretched out her bloodied hand, and presented the pearl.

"Fourth Princess, this is my gift in return. Take a look. Do you like it?"

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