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Your plan had just started as you went to UA and asked principal Nezu for entrance
You explained to him your quirk. You didn't explain the quirk that you had, but you chose one and decided to go with it

Your quirk was now the ability to be paranormal

Paranormica allows the user to turn themselves into anything paranormal

A ghost, a banshee, a zombie, anything they wanted

Y/n mostly uses the ghost part which is basically just like mirios quirk
She can slip through walls and completely turn invisible

Principal nezu didn't believe you were strong enough so he had you show what you were capable of

You basically had your little fight with a zero pointer from the entrance exam

You started off in your fighting stance and you had waited for the zero pointer to come at you, once it landed a hit you had made your body into a ghosts and you lunged up and kicked the robot, using a sneakpeek of one of your other quirks your leg had gotten a lot stronger and you slammed it down into the robot. You used your paranormica ability and turned into a demon, you used your fire ability that was granted from the demon and you completely melted it.

You stood on top of the machine and blew out the fire that was still on your finger tips. You turned back into yourself and you hopped down and reported back to principal Nezu

"Yes you can join UA! You'll be in class 1-A!"
You smiled and walked away. You were led to your class and you knocked on the door

Eraserhead. You stared into his eyes and he let you in after principal Nezu informed him that you were now his student.

"Welcome our new student. Please tell your name and quirk your classmates", he said as he slipped away into his sleeping bag

You smiled and started to speak
"My name is Y/n L/n, my quirk is paranormica" you said as you stared around at your classmates

"Tell us more about your quirk!"

"Woah another girl!"

"You're so pretty!"

You smiled further through the compliments as it completely boosted your ego

"My quirk is called paranormica, it lets me become any time of paranormal demon. Like a ghost, demon, angel, anything that isn't normal"

The boy with green hair started to write something down and I left to sit in my seat, a couple of minutes later Aizawa had woken up and he had told us about internships and the fact that we were going to pick names

I had no internship offers because I wasn't in the sports fedtival but I got to choose who I wanted

I chose endae. I only chose him because I wanted to know what they knew about me, not y/n l/n but reaper.

We were picking our names and I didn't have to think hard for mine

"The monster hero: paranormica"

"So just your quirk?" Midnight asked

"Yeah! It's not very original but I like it" I said with a closed eyed smile

"That's so cute! I approve" midnight replied as she giggled

You walked back to your seat and heard some people talking about reaper

"Did you know she was our age?"

"She's so cool!"

"She's a bit scary don't you guys think?"

"Y/n have you heard about reaper?" The girl with pink skin and horns asked you

"Reaper? You mean the quirk stealer?" You asked with a confused look on your face

"These that's the one!"

"Oh yeah I have, she's pretty strong for a high schooler"

"Pretty strong? She's probably the next all might!" You heard someone yell

"I wanna surpass reaper" a guy with blonde hair mentioned

"It's not gonna be easy bakugou, she said it herself, she's not even in her prime"

"She's not all that" he said. You grit your teeth and smiled again

"What makes you say that?" You asked

He looked at you and completely ignored you

"Seem you don't have a reason bakugo" a boy with red hair said

"She's bound to be revealed one day," he said, not sparing any one of us even a glance

"B-" Mina was cut off by aizawa

"Enough class"

He continued on with his lecture and soon enough it was lunch 

"Y/n come sit with us!" Midoriya had asked

"Yeah you can tell us more about you!"

"Sure!" You all grabbed your lunches and had walked over to the table where they bombrded you with questions

"So y/n who are you interning with?" Tsuyu asked

"I'm thinking endeavor what about you guys?"

"I'm doing endeavor too, he's my dad" todoroki said

"So we're going to be together? That's great!"

"Mhm." He said, with basically no emotion

"I'm doing fourth kind" kirishima said proudly 

"I'm doing gunhead"

"I'm doing Gran Torino" 

They all explained their internships and the day had slowly finished, I went home and quickly showered and grabbed my hero costume and went back doing my regular hero work

I was jumping from buildings when I noticed someone following me

"What do you want Lucilfer"

"Reaperrrr did you miss me?" He said as he jumped to be right beside me 

"No I didn't now get away from me you fattie" I said as I pushed him 

"Shut up before I actually strangle you"

Remember how I said no one knew my real identity? There was one person who did, his name was rui lucilfer. His quirk was bullet proof glass and we were best friends 

"Reaper cmon, don't be like that"

"What's the mission"

"It's a villain, her name is molecule, her ability is pretty simple but we need to be careful, she can control molecules, you can take her quirk when we get the job done"

"The money I'm getting must be good after this, how much?"

"10 grand''

"Alright let's go"

You and Rui had hopped along buildings and found your target, you both hopped down as quietly as you could and you prepared your quirk terrain and one of your other quirks, muscle application, 

Muscle Application

The users legs or arms can get 10 times stronger by command but they have to be careful because they may there a muscle

You sneaked behind her and applied muscle to both of your legs Rui had prepped his glass and you had continued to follow her until she stopped in her tracks, all of a sudden you couldn't breathe

You began to choke on air as she turned around and snickered

"You think I'm that foolish? You think I can't hear two elephants stepping around behind me?"

You fell to your knees and put a hand over your throat, you touched the ground and it broke beneath her, she was distracted and her quirk had stopped

You both caught your breath and you got back into fighting stance.she jumped onto a table nearby and you shattered the ground beneath her and she jumped again 

"Tsktsktsk it's really a shame, how weak you both are" she lunged at the both of you and separated  the carbon and oxygen molecules apart you again stopped breathing and glared at Rui who had shot glass her way, cutting her face, once again she lost focus and you wasted no time to lunge at her with one of your knives and you almost managed to cut you but she touched you and your skin began to dry rapidly, making it almost fall off. You screamed and punched her across the face. She slowly recovered and lunged at you with your knife, she scratched you in the arm and you yelped in pain. Rui came to your aid and kicked her in the head. Rui shot glass her way and trapped her in a glass ball, with no openings for air, if was getting harder for her to breathe, she touched the glass and it completely shattered. She recollected her breath and grabbed water molecules near by and controlled the density of them, making them sharp as knives, she shot the small ninja stars at you two which you managed to dodge, you both lunged at her and one of her stars got your arm and put a really big gash, Rui got a cut on his leg and you could practically see his bone moving. You grabbed one of your knives and threw it at her. She was pinned to the wall with your knife but she pulled it out and wearily punched you but you caught her fist and using all the muscle you could you kicked her in the stomach ], right where her injury was.

You grabbed her hair as she fell."who's the weak one now" you smirked"it's still you" she looked up at you and stabbed you in the leg before retracting and jumping into a tree. You pulled out the knife and rui had shattered the tree with his glass as you used terrain to bring you up closer to her, you and Rui both attacked at the same time and you landed a very solid punch to her face and Rui had shoved glass through the hole in her stomach you started. She coughed out blood and fell to the ground.

"What's her name?" You asked as you grabbed her hair

"Kiyoko watanabe" 

"Kiyoko watanabe, I relinquish you from your quirk" 

Little sparks of color had erupted from her mouth and started transferring over to you, you smiled genuinely and got Rui to pay you for the mission. You jumped up and down happily and you two were on your way home to enjoy the separate lives you two had alone.

You reached your house and threw your costume away into the washing machine as you stared into your mirror and started a bath you submerged yourself completely and wash away the blood and dirt. You cleaned your body and began to tend to your wounds, you wrapped them up in your bandages and sprayed some alcohol in the. Then you finally started to pack for your journey with endeavor and todoroki

You packed your hero costume and a bunch of random clothes you found in your wardrobe

Your costume was similar to that of an explorers, you had green goggles just like they do in steampunk designs, you had a black tank top that was cropped and a bunch of pieces of fabric tied to your waist. Also a scarf and shoes that were pretty clunky.

after you packed you dozed off in your bed, getting ready to dream about whatever it was your mind could think of.

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