He brought his hand up, touching the tip of Victor's forehead. Victor screamed and shouted as he felt Brainiac try to enter his mind. The light on his forehead began to flicker between blue and green.
Hearing his son's shouts, Silas was pulled out of his trance. He stared in shock seeing the boy he loved and desperately tried to bring back caught in the metal arms of this alien madman. Silas looked at them. He knew he couldn't do anything to hurt Brainiac, not physically anyway.
He then looked back at the glowing core behind him. Maybe he didn't have to hurt him in a physical sense. Thinking quickly, Silas rushed into his lab and switched on the power supply hooked up to the core. He turned on his computers and processors, trying to access the core's data.
Hearing the disruption behind him, Brainiac stopped what he was doing with Victor and turned around. Victor exhaled, his light turning back to blue. He was loosing consciousness. Through the fades of darkness, though, he could make out his father.
Silas continued to run around his lab, switching on various machines. The core began to glow brighter. Purple streams of electricity leaped out from it. Brainiac watched, puzzled.
Brainiac: Whatever you are attempting to do, it will not work. My machines are beyond your understanding. They cannot be destroyed.
Silas turned around, standing next to the core. He looked at Brainiac with a stern look.
Silas: Step away from my son.
His face then softened as he looked at his son.
Silas: Victor.
Victor looked at him. He was starting to panic once more. The machines surrounding the core looked unstable. The energy leaping out from the purple orb was growing, getting dangerously close to his father.
Silas: Go live your life. You get to choose the type of person you want to be.
Silas gave a happy, yet mourning smile to his son. Victor looked at him, realizing what he was doing.
Victor: Dad, no.
Silas gave one last nod to his son before reaching out his hand and placing it on the center of the core. He screamed out in pain from the energy that now consumed him. He could feel his skin burning from the purple energy waves.
Victor: NO!
Silas' entire body was engulfed in a purple and white flame. It continued to singe and burn. Flakes of ash flew off from his skin.
Finally, there was a brilliantly flash of light. The machines surrounding the core sparked and short circuited, turning off. Then the light died down. All the machinery was fried, the core being the only thing still glowing. Silas was gone.
Victor looked on, frozen by what he just witnessed. His one good eye began to well up with tears. What did his father just do? More importantly, what should he have done?
Brainiac approached the core, grabbing it with his tendrils. He looked back at Victor. The robotic man refused to move, still frozen with trauma. A metal tendril wrapped around his midsection and picked him up, pulling him close to Brainiac. The green alien spoke like a disappointed parent.
Brainiac: You are such a disappointment.
Victor was then flung back and thrown into a pile of broken laboratory equipment. Brainiac made his exit, using a teleporter to get back to his ship. Victor continued to remain in the rubble, still in shock.
When he finally came back to reality, Victor heard a whirring sound above him. He soared into the air and flew to the side. Below him, he saw a new terror.
All of Central City was engulfed in a blue light. Then, each building, person, and resident home was sucked up into the skull in the sky. Brainiac watched as a new city was added to his collection, leaving behind a giant crater.
Victor looked down at the crater. His eyes drifted upwards towards the alien ship. Finally, he let all of his emotions out. He was no longer just sorrowful, he was angry. The cyborg cried out, his voice echoing through the air.
Victor: Aaaaaaagh!
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