1.9 The Man on Fire

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Wells: Of course. How could I be so stupid? 

They all looked over at him as he explained.

Wells: Martin Stein had come to me a few years ago about a pet project he'd been working on. A way to merge two elements into one item. 

Y/N: Wait, you know Professor Martin Stein? As in the same Martin Stein who has revolutionized the way we think about the bond between atoms and molecular reconstruction?!

Wells: Yes. He gave me some input on the particle accelerator. Of course me and my big ego ignored some his concerns about safety. 

He paused for a moment before continuing.

Wells: He said he wanted to show me something that night the accelerator went off. He said he'd perfected the "F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. matrix" as he called it. 

Y/N: Did you ever meet him?

Wells: No. The accelerator went off and all hell broke loose. He's been missing ever since.

Y/N was silent, seeing Wells was once again thinking about his mistakes. Cisco suggested an idea.

Cisco: If he was there that night... maybe the cameras caught what happened.

Cisco rushed over to the computer and began going through some files. After a bit of searching, he found what he was looking for.

Cisco: Bingo.

The others looked at the screens as they showed footage from that fateful evening. On it was displayed Martin Stein. He was an older gentleman with grey hair and glasses. He was walking up a set of stairs outside when the explosion from the generator blew him off his feet. 

A briefcase flew out of the professor's hands and opened up. Stein rushed over and grabbed the content inside. It looked like a small, metal cage containing a glowing orange ball of light. 

Suddenly, a blast of energy flew out of the building. It hit Stein as he fell back, his body appearing to change before landing in the shadows. Y/N looked at the image and noticed something.

Y/N: Show that again, but slow it down.

Cisco replayed the footage, slowing down the image.

Y/N: Pause.

Cisco paused the screen at the moment Y/N had told him to. Y/N looked at it before pointing towards a silhouette in the orange blast about to hit Stein.

Y/N: Look. You guys see that?

The others looked at the image before seeing what Y/N was talking about. There, in the orange blast, appeared to be the face of Ronnie Raymond. His body was translucent and appeared to be flowing into Stein's body. Caitlin looked on in both shock and horror. After a moment, Wells spoke up.

Wells: It would appear that Professor Stein's theory was correct, only it didn't occur as he had hoped. His body appears to have been merged with our Ronnie. 

Cisco: Two in one, like a less twisted and cooler version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 

Y/N: Alright. So we now need to find him. 

Caitlin: What?

Y/N: If we bring him here, we may be able to find a way to separate them.

Caitlin: Y/N...

Y/N: Ronnie didn't end up like me. He didn't just get powers. He's stuck with another man inside his head. I want to help him. To get him back to those he loves. Both of them need our help.

Caitlin looked at Y/N, a smile appearing on her face. Her smile faded when Wells wiped his glasses and spoke up.

Wells: No.

Y/N looked at him in disbelief.

Y/N: What?

Wells: No. We cannot bring him here.

Y/N: I'm sorry. I'm not sure I understand. We need to help Ronnie. You guys helped me, a stranger. But now that your friend is out there, you don't want to do anything?!

Wells: I do want to help him! More than anything! But he is currently on the run from Eiling and bringing him here could risk compromising our position. My hands are tied here, Y/N! All of this is my fault. Ronnie Raymond and Martin Stein are my fault. I need to make things right. But I will not risk your life for theirs. I have already made enough mistakes. But you are the one good thing I have done so far. I cannot risk you.

Wells sighed and rubbed his eyes. He then turned around.

Wells: We will find a way to help them both, but we cannot bring them here. 

With that, Dr. Wells rolled out of the room. Y/N sighed and looked at his two other friends. They all had glum faces and their heads were down. Caitlin continued to stare at the image of Ronnie merging with Professor Stein.

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