Chapter 16

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crumbling just because of the words of a maniac, then your faith wasn't sincere, weak."

Kokabiel wings came out unconsciously. His body was yelling him, begging him to just fly away and never come back. Could this be....


"Who are you?"

He asked with a drop of sweat falling down his cheek

However the Black Dragon Emperor didn't answered his question and just kept going.

"Because as stated on the bible, God is All. And his legacy will never die. Its creation will keep going and going until the infinite. And that cannot be proved otherwise."

"I said who are you!!-"

The eyes of that person glared at him as if he was the worst trash of the world and let out some words that made Kokabiel tremble.

"Lower your voice. You already have done enough for my liking. I let you had some fun while I watched. Funny, you thought that you already had won... I'd let you delight yourself with the savor of victory, but it's false. You never had won this. You hadn't won anything. I will take it All away."

Kokabiel started to chuckle but anyone with ear could heard the trembling behind his laugh

"You seem strong. Are you going to entertain me?!"

"Oh, no. YOU are going to Entertain me instead. But it won't be my hand that cause such entertainment... Igris."

A shadow formed behind him and from out the darkness a pith black knight with purple details on its armor rose up.

Kokabiel frowned at this.

"Also, I have to say that I didn't came here for you, Kokabiel. I came here for what you hold in hand. That Excalibur, I want it."

The fallen angel eyed at the sword he had picked up from Freed a while ago.

The fusion between the four Excaliburs

"Yeah? Then come and get it."

"Will do. Igris... Have fun."

As soon as those words left the male the knight rushed at Kokabiel engaging into a fierce battle of swords.

He approached the peerage.

"Sorry for arriving late. Actually no, I am not sorry. This exact development was necessary."

Raynare and Kalawarner walked next to him

"You did well, both of you, Kala, Raynare. I saw it all and I am proud."

"Thank you, My King."


Rias recovered herself and walked to him with a visibly angry expression.

"You... Why you showed out at this late? You could have done it earlier."

"Rias, I understand your frustration, but you need to understand that this needed to happen."

"What had to happen?! That my peerage suffered?!"

He looked at her furious but also frustrated face.

"Yes. Through suffering you gain power. Now you know the Truth and the Truth is powerful. You got the knowledge now. But... I wasn't going to let die anyone, Rias. No one is going to die tonight if I got something to say about it."

"If so powerful you're.... why don't you just finish this instead of sending your servant to fight Kokabiel?"

Xenovia said to him visibly furious at the words he was talking about.

"Sometimes you need other people to shine instead of the ones that always does. I need my Knight to fight and learn as well as you all. I won't do everything for you all, because I am not a slave and do whatever I please. Now, silence. I want to see my Knight fighting the vulture."

His gaze directed to Igris who was having a quite tight battle with Kokabiel

Kokabiel had various cuts over his body as the blood ran down all part of his body.

Every single blow he took from the knight was as if he was taking the weight of thousand of cuts.

Igris also didn't had it easy, Kokabiel was landing quite an amount of cuts on her form. However, she couldn't lose, not in front of her King.

So she pushed forward and attempted to slice Kokabiel's face off but he was faster and dodged. He then kicked the the stomach from the Knight who slid back.

Second after she retook her barrage of deathly swings

"You damned Creature!"

Kokabiel exclaimed out of frustration as he swung the fused Excalibur towards the Knight.

Igris took the blow with her long-sword and from her free hand some shadowy claws appeared and she cut the defenseless body of Kokabiel. The blood leaking down from the wound.

He gritted his teeth in effort and pain. He pushed the Knight away and raised his holy sword high on the air and let it fall over the pitch black knight whose sword broke at the impact.

Her sword broke away and Kokabiel grinned.

Victory, he could savor it.

Just before he could land the final hit the sword made contact with something... Another blade.

In front of him The Black Dragon Emperor towered over him as he had his own sword defending his Knight


"Indeed. Me."

He swung his sword with little interest and it cut Kokabiel's entire torso as he snatched away the Excalibur. The gravely injured fallen angels gained distance.

The Black Dragon Emperor looked at the Excalibur on his hand before he turned over only to see Igris with her head against the grin

"I... Lost. I am not worthy of being the King's Knightess..."

He chuckled a bit as he offered his hand to the humiliated knight.

"Stand up Igris. A King cannot have his Knight down on the ground."

Igris took his hand and he raised her up before he offered the Excalibur to her

"This is yours, the main reason we're here is for this. Excalibur is yours to wield."

The pitch black knight reached her hands to grab it but she looked at him with doubt.

"But... I lost, My King."

"Did I asked you to win? No, I just said to have fun. Take it.. Igris."

Igris then grabbed the sword and it automatically changed of form. The blade grew in size considerably as the previous white and golden details shifted to black and purple.

"My Excalibur!"

Kokabiel exclaimed as he saw how the holy sword was taken away from him.

"It never was yours. I had my eye on it since the beginning. I must thank you, you sent your slaves to do the job for me."


The Black Dragon Emperor snapped his finger and a invisible force rose upon the fallen angel immediately pushing him down.

"W-what is t-this?"

"It's called Gravity. I guess you don't know much about it since you're always flying.... Speaking of which. Aren't you called fallen angels? And why on the damn creation you can fly? It's contradicts the meaning of "falling" Let's fix it, shall we?"

He then with his bare hands grabbed two of his black wings and forcefully ripped them out his back.

A horrific scream was followed by his action.


The black feathers filled his hands as he made a noise of disgust while throwing them away. Then he did the same with other two and ripped them out with even more strength.

Blood started to ran down Kokabiel's back and tears of pain started to form on his eyes. The pain was immeasurable.

Issei made a horrified face as he covered Asia's eyes.

Everyone who witnessed this act of brutality gulped hardly. It was so.... Raw and Grotesque.

"W-what is that?"

Kiba muttered in disbelief and horror at the scene they were seeing. Even Akeno was shocked  by the brutality of the Black Dragon Emperor.

"You said you wanted war, then here you got it. The helplessness, the suffering, the pity, the humiliation... The Fear. All of that is what conforms the meaning of war, unless you don't know what war truly is. War is suffering."

He ripped another pair of wings and another ear piercing scream followed.

"War is Fear."


"War is Humiliation."

And again.

"War is... not Delightful."

He finished ripping out all of Kokabiel's wings. The fallen angel was about to lose consciousness but the Dragon wouldn't let him go to sleep.

The human grabbed the fallen angel's by his hair and rose him up. His sword on his hand ready to kill him soon.

"These are the consequences of War... Let it grow within you, the feeling of sorrow and humiliation. You, belonging of the race you so think as superior, fallen angels. Lost against the race that you so much look down on. A Human has you at his mercy. Me."

"Y-you? A-A Human? I-Impossible!"

Somehow Kokabiel managed to gather strength to let out those words.

How could a human do this to him? The creatures that he looked down below as he flied above them.

"You have underestimated the esteem of those who crawl on the ground, while you fly above the clouds looking down on us. What all the races tend to ignore is that, on the ground is where all happens."

Growing tired of this he was about to kill him to end with his suffering. But then he froze up... He felt something... He felt someone...

"Rias... Make sure that you and your peerage are far from me..."

Rias was still shocked by what she saw him doing and didn't understood what he said


Another presence was felt on the area. Someone... whose power was similar to the Black Dragon Emperor.

"What is this... feeling..?"

Issei questioned as he felt a really similar sensation when he first met The Black Dragon Emperor. This feeling... sorrow. Drowning fear. Fret.

Everyone felt the exact same sensation it was as if their bodies were warning them that something... really bad and destructive was about to happen... And they weren't wrong.

While The Black Dragon Emperor couldn't help but to sigh knowing already who was the new presence on the field.

"May you not kill him. I need him alive. Black Dragon Emperor."

That voice... A female voice that had a tone of pride and arrogance.

Up in the air, in front of the moon's shine there was someone with a pristine white armor protected her body, Bright Blue details decorated this one. A long hair of the same color of her armor cascaded down the back of her helmet. A pair of wings that came out from her back that contrasted with the moonlight.

The blue eyes eyed down with amusement at The Black Dragon Emperor who had Kokabiel on his grip.

He let out a deep chuckle as he looked up at her, his bright purple eyes shined brighter below his helmet.

"You always arrive late to parties... White Dragon Emperor...."

Thank you for Reading!

A/N: I have to ask. What weapon would you like for Valiana to use? I want to give her a weapon but I can't think of any fitting for her. Any ideas?

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