Chapter 3

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As we were driving in the car headed to town, I broke the silence and started a conversation. "sooo Kelly, how have you been? Where do you work now?" she looked at me with a side eye for a split second and then said "oh I've been great, I work at the bank as a teller and make a lot of money." Mhm "Thats nice to hear you're doing well, im actually going to town to hand in my resume into different places to see if anyone would hire me for a job, so wish me luck!" she chuckled a little under her breath then replied "I'm pretty sure watever job u get ill still make twice as much as you" I was shocked for a second and was gonna respond and put her in her place but I decided against it and told her "I'll get out here thanks" she abruptly stopped the car and mumbled a "whatever" I got out and simply continued on my way while she drove off full speed "shes the same as before a stupid bratt thats full of herself." I thought and rolled my eyes.

After a couple minutes, I made it to town and saw an airline company and decided to walk in and hand my resume in. As I entered the building literally all the employees looked up and stared at me and I felt like I was being judged by every single one of them but I brushed it off and headed to customer service where a young girl sat chewing her gum obnoxiously "good day, I was wondering if I could send in a resume, do I leave it here or is there someone specific im supposed to give it to?" I asked she stopped chewing her gum for a split second and her eyes looked me up and down judgment written all over her face and she said "we don't hire unattractive people at this establishment so you can take your resume and find somewhere else that will take it." She joked pretty loudly the other staff heard, and everyone started chuckling.

I got very upset and looked her straight in the eye and asked, " If they don't hire unattractive people, what are you doing here then? Guess they made a mistake." Everyone literally burst out laughing, and her face was now red with embarrassment all over. Then I turned around and left.

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