My Bestfriend's Wedding

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jungkook moved closer to taehyung, their knees touching.

"it's you"

"huh? ME!?" taehyung couldn't believe his ears.. he moved his hands on reflex, wanting to point at himself but jungkook gripped them tighter, pulling him closer.

"yes you.. it's always been you.. I don't know how you still haven't realized.. practically everyone knows how whipped i am for you.. i didn't even have to tell jimin hyung.. he just knew it was you.."

"jungkook.. I'm.. i.."

"it's okay hyung.. i know you don't feel the same way.. you don't have to.. i wasn't planning on telling you but since all of this happened i thoug-"


"i-i'm so-" before jungkook could apologize, he was pulled into a tight hug, a hand gently combing through his hair.

"i love you" taehyung whispered in jungkook's ears, caressing his back slowly.

a tear dropped down jungkook's eyes as he pulled away to look at taehyung.. only to notice there were tears flowing down his eyes too.


"i love you, jungkook. i love you so fucking much. always have..." he held jungkook's hands, pulling them up to his head as he bent down a little, still crying.

"I don't understand.. w-what do you mean always have.. why didn't you say anything? how long has it been? why didn't you just t-"

"i was scared... so scared of losing you.. but I.. I did decided to finally confess you know? that day.. when you called me to meet up.. I was about to do the same but you called first.. I was planning on confessing that night but.. you said you were getting married.." a sob left taehyung throat, breaking jungkook's heart into a million pieces.

"hyung I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.. it's all my fault.. none of this would've happened if i was a little stronger.. I'm so sorry" jungkook kept repeating soft apologies, wiping taehyung's tears, completely forgetting about his own.

"no kookie.. it's not just your fault but mine too.. only if i wasn't such a coward and had confessed to you sooner, none of this would've happened.." he held jungkook's hands that were still on his face and brought them to his mouth slowly, placing a soft kiss. jungkook blushed at the romantic gesture and looked down, not being able to look into his hyung's eyes.

"kookie.. baby.. look at me" taehyung said, cupping jungkook's cheeks who slowly moved his head to look at taehyung, eyes still a watery and face red.

"i love you hyung.. so much" and with that, taehyung had jungkook pinned down to the bed in a second as if a switch flipped inside him. jungkook let out a surprised gasp, looking at taehyung with his bigger than usual doe eyes as if waiting for something.

"uh c-can i?" taehyung asked softly, looking at the younger's lips. jungkook nodded and without wasting a single second, taehyung pressed his lips onto jungkook's, both of their eyes fluttering shut at the euphoric feeling of having the other's lips on their own. jungkook couldn't believe it was finally happening.. he was finally kissing taehyung after dreaming about it for years.

taehyung slowly pulled away with a quick peck on jungkook's lips, looking deep into his eyes as the younger whined at the loss of contact. "hyung pleaseee" jungkook placed his hand on taehyung's neck, pulling him down again. "please what baby?" taehyung asked, gently moving his baby's hair out of his face. "kiss me again.. for real this time" taehyung chuckled before capturing jungkook's lips with his own in a kiss much more heated than last time, jungkook's arms circling around taehyung's neck and his roaming all over jungkook's body. taehyung slowly tugged on the belt of jungkook's bathrobe, exposing his naked torso and jungkook gasped in surprised, taehyung taking the chance to finally slip his tongue in the younger's mouth, both fighting for dominance. after kissing for what felt like years, taehyung pulled away, pressing open mouthed kisses from jungkook's jaw, down to his neck, slowly moving towards his collarbone, biting on it slightly before licking on it and leaving a beautiful purple hickey, marking the younger as his. taehyung lost control after that one hickey, leaving several marks everywhere, on jungkook's neck, his abs, his biceps, his shoulders, his thighs creating a beautiful artwork only he can admire.

jungkook had lost himself at this point, head empty, only taehyung.

he was as hard as a rock and just wanted to touch himself so he slowly moved his hand from taehyung's hair, down to his cock only for it to be slapped away. taehyung detached his lips from jungkook's nipples and went up to his ears, whispering in a voice deeper than usual "are you getting impatient, baby? do you want hyung to do something?" jungkook moaned a little and nodded his head vigorously, just wanting to be touched, wanting his hyung inside him. "words, baby. use words." taehyung teased, lightly biting jungkook's earlobe. "y-yes hyung.. please t-touch me.." he said, hurriedly taking off taehyung's bathrobe and throwing it somewhere on the floor, his own long gone. taehyung just looked at him with a smug smile and asked again "what do you want me to baby?" he moved down and placed a kiss on jungkook's adam's apple.
"want me to give you a handjob?" he asked, moving down and grabbing onto jungkook's bulge "or do you want me to blow you?" he blowed a little on jungkook's clothed member and placed a quick kiss on it before removing his shorts and throwing them down the bed in one swift motion. "commando huh?" taehyung said in a teasing tone, a bit surprised himself. "y-you d-didn't give me an un-underw-  mmh" he moaned as taehyung gave his red tip a kitten lick, looking up straight into his eyes. "ungh.. h-hyung" jungkook whined, wrapping his legs around taehyung's body. "you didn't answer me baby.. what do you want me to do? hmm?" he asked, licking a stripe from the base to the tip, sucking on the tip a little before taking him whole in one go and swirling his tounge around his cock. "mm h-hyung.. n-no don't d-do it" taehyung immediately let go of his cock and sat up straight "I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable.. i-i didn't mean to"
jungkook shook his head as fast as he could, sitting up too. "n-no.. I didn't mean it t-that way.... I meant.. I.. I want you to.."

"you want me to what baby?" taehyung asked, finally relaxing again and placing his hand on jungkook's cheeck.

"I.. I want you to f-fuck m-me" he whispered, looking down. his face as red as taehyung's hair. taehyung chuckled in response, moving closer and kissing him again. this time jungkook was the one doing the pushing and hovering, sitting on taehyung's stomach, kissing him as if it's the end of the world. he pulled away a few minutes later, placinh soft kisses down his body till he reaches his member. he looked up at taehyung once before pulling down his shorts and boxers at once, his dick springing free, standing tall and proud in front of jungkook who has his eyes wide and mouth open. "h-hyung you.. why the fuck are you so big!?" he asked, blinkink a few times, silently praying for his ass. taehyung chuckled and caressed his cheek "it's okay baby.. it will give you more pleasure than pain.. i promise" he smirked. jungkook gulped audibly and nodded once before diving straight in and taking his whole length in his mouth, wrapping his hand around what he couldn't fit. taehyung groaned, surprised. not expecting that to happen so fast. jungkook moaned in satisfaction, sending vibrations down his cock. after a few minutes of wet and sloppy   sucking and licking, taehyung stopped him, switching their positions again. he gave jungkook a quick kiss before standing up and taking two packets out of the side table. he went back to the bed settled between jungkook's legs, looking at him hungrily, yet lovingly. he made jungkook fold his legs and pulled him closer. he tore open the packet of lube, spreading it well on his fingers and placing it on jungkook's tight, pink hole. "you ready, baby?" jungkook nodded eagerly, biting his lips "never been more ready" taehyung smiled and placed a wet kiss on his inner thigh before slowly inserting one finger inside him "mhhh" jungkook moaned in pain, gripping on the bed sheets. taehyung kept giving him little kisses on his thighs and stomach while moving his finger slowly. soon that finger turned to two and then to three, jungkook moaning in pleasure now, one hand in taehyung's hair, the other gripping the sheets. "h-hyung.. I think I'm ready.." jungkook said after a few minutes, taehyung nodding and pulling out his fingers. taehyung put on the condom and positioned himself in front of jungkook's hole, his cock painfully hard and dripping with precum. "are you ready baby?" taehyung asked again, looking at jungkook with concern in his eyes. "yes, hyung.. j-just do it a-already" he answered, moving his hands to grip on taehyung's biceps, ready for the pain. taehyung placed his hands on jungkook's knees as he pushed in slowly, trying not to hurt jungkook. "mmhmm h-hyung it h-hurts" taehyung bent down, kissing jungkook lovingly, whispering sweet sorrys and it's okays in his ears as he keeps pushing in till he's inside him completely. "baby you're so t-tight" taehyung said, placing a kiss on jungkook's cheek and then on his jaw, staying like that for a few minutes to make sure jungkook adjusts to his size. a few minutes later jungkook tells him it's okay to move and so he does, pulling out completely before going in again, repeating this a few times, at a painfully slow pace. "f-faster" jungkook moans out, desperate to be fucked out of his minds. taehyung nods and starts moving faster, picking up jungkook's leg and placing it on his shoulder for a better angle. "o-oh f-fuck" jungkook moaned, or kind of screamed as taehyung found his prostate, the latter smirking before thrusting in the same angle over and over again, abusing the younger's prostate.

"h-hyung I'm.. I'm c-close" jungkook moaned, his grip on taehyung's arms getting tighter. "me too baby" he said, picking up his pace, chasing both of their orgasms.

a few thrusts later, jungkook came untouched on his and taehyung's stomach and taehyung inside the condom, flopping down on jungkook, both trying to catch their breathes. taehyung finally pulled out after a few minutes, jungkook whining at the loss of contact. he placed a kiss on jungkook's forehead before getting up and throwing the used condom in the trash can. he went to the bathroom and came back with a wet towel to help jungkook clean up after doing the same with himself.

jungkook giggles as taehyung cuddles up to him and covers them with a blanket.
"what?" taehyung asks with an amused smile on his face.

"nothing.. i just.. can't believe this is real.. that we're finally together... wait.. are we together? are we not?"

taehyung giggled at his cuteness and started kissing him all over his face, on his forehead, his eyes, his nose, his cheeks, his temples and then finally his lips. "ofcourse we're together, baby. I'm never letting you go now. and yes this is absolutely real.. I'm right here with you. see?" he takes jungkook's hand and places it on his chest. jungkook blushes as he realises taehyung's heart is beating just as fast as his. he smiles and looks up to taehyung, caressing his cheek.
"i love you hyung"

"i love you too my baby" 

- the end -

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