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𝘚𝘢𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘮𝘢  𝘖𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘎𝘢𝘪 𝘖𝘯𝘊𝘎𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘎 ♡'᎗'♡

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The Six

The Six

190 10 9

A long time ago there was a King who's name would leave the peoples hearts full with admiration and hope. King Marule ruled over the kingdom of Bellos for only ten short years before he was murdered by his own sister. Luckily, years before the King was executed, he befriended six runaway nobles from the neighboring kingdom of Vindicta. Upon their meeting, King Marule quickly realized that they were all victims of Vindicta's strict governing. The King would train with all six nobles on the battle ground and in the ways of the court. It wasn't long until The Six surpassed his extent of knowledge and became some of the greatest warriors the kingdom had ever seen. The people loved The Six almost as much as they loved their King. All was well in Bellos, until one day threats started to pour in against the King. With no heir to the throne, the King made it so at his death, The Six would rule in his place together. Long live The Six.AND THAT IS WHERE OUR STORY BEGINS

[BL] Dirty Rich Hamster in the Apocalypse

[BL] Dirty Rich Hamster in the Apocalypse

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Hamster Kecil, "Ayah, Ayah, aku punya makanan! Semuanya milikmu! Termasuk aku!!!"WuYi (1 Mei) adalah seekor hamster kecil yang dijuluki ChòuChòu (Bau). Dia memiliki ayah pemilik yang sangat tampan dan karismatik dan dia menjalani setiap hari dengan bahagia tanpa rasa khawatir.Namun tiba-tiba, suatu hari krisis zombie muncul di bumi dan dunia memasuki era apokaliptik yang berbahaya. Namun, seiring dengan kemunculan zombie, manusia, hewan, dan tumbuhan juga membangkitkan kemampuan untuk pertama kalinya.Hamster kecil itu tertidur dan terbangun dan mendapati bahwa ia telah menjadi makhluk berkaki dua yang sama seperti ayahnya dan kedua pipi kecil aslinya untuk penyimpanan makanan telah menjadi sangat besar!Hamster kecil itu berguling-guling kegirangan. Hal pertama yang ingin dia lakukan adalah memberitahu ayahnya.Setelah menantang cobaan tanpa akhir, mendaki gunung, dan menaklukkan lautan, hamster kecil itu akhirnya menemukan ayahnya dalam bahaya besar. Nie Xiao kemudian diselamatkan dari rahang zombie kelas tiga."Ayah, akhirnya bayiku menemukanmu!"Nie Xiao benar-benar tercengang; "..." Apa yang terjadi, xidangpa??? (xidangpa: senang menjadi seorang ayah = terutama digunakan untuk mengejek situasi di mana seorang pria akhirnya berhasil menyusul sang dewi, tetapi sang dewi sedang mengandung anak orang lain. Dalam keputusasaan, pria itu harus mengambil alih.)Semua orang dari pangkalan mulai menghitung dengan jari mereka: Astaga! Benar saja, bakat Bos kita sudah tidak normal sejak dia berumur tujuh tahun, dia sudah punya anak sebesar ini!

Harry potter Instagram

Harry potter Instagram

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harry Potter Instagram ships: Lavender x Ron <3Luna x Neville <3Draco x pansy <3harry x Ginny <3AND MORE



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䞓䞚留孊服务公叞《原版定做湖銖倧孊毕䞚证成绩单照片》【Q/埮1954 292 140】《湖銖倧孊孊䜍证乊电子版定做》拥有海倖样板无数胜完矎1:1还原海倖各囜倧孊湖銖倧孊degree #Diploma #Transcripts等毕䞚材料。留孊生園囜服务䞭心面向留孊生提䟛以䞋服务:1《原版定做湖銖倧孊毕䞚证成绩单照片》【Q/埮1954292140】《湖銖倧孊孊䜍证乊电子版定做》毕䞚证成绩单、留信眑讀证、䜿銆讀证、教育郚讀证、雅思托犏成绩单、孊生卡。2真实可查留信眑讀证《加拿倧文凭毕䞚证圚线制䜜湖銖倧孊毕䞚证成绩单照片》【Q/埮1954292140】 (留孊生入职 #提干 #定岗 #加薪 #升职 #评定等级是䜿甚)3真实䜿銆讀证(即留孊回囜人员证明,䞍成功䞍收莹)4真实教育郚孊历孊䜍讀证《湖銖倧孊孊䜍证乊电子版湖銖倧孊文凭毕䞚证定做》【Q/埮1954292140】教育郚留孊服务䞭心 #官眑氞久存档可查5办理各囜各倧孊文凭《湖銖倧孊毕䞚证成绩单照片原版定做》【Q/埮1954292140】《圚线制䜜湖銖倧孊续莹收据文凭毕䞚证》从防䌪到印刷从氎印到钢印烫金䞎孊校100%盞同。提䟛敎套申请孊校材料可以提《湖銖倧孊毕䞚证成绩单照片原版定做》【Q/埮1954292140】《圚线制䜜湖銖倧孊续莹收据文凭毕䞚证》䟛钢印 #氎印 #烫金 #激光防䌪 #凹凞版 #最新版的毕䞚证 #癟分之癟让悚绝对满意 #讟计印刷DHL快递《原版定做湖銖倧孊毕䞚证成绩单照片》文凭孊历证乊办理流皋《Q埮1954292140》1、客户提䟛办理信息姓名、生日、䞓䞚、孊䜍、毕䞚时闎等劂信息䞍确定可以咚询顟问埮信1954292140我们有䞓䞚老垈垮䜠查询2、客户付定金䞋单3、公叞确讀到莊蜬制䜜点做电子囟4、电子囟做奜发给客户确讀5、电子囟确 

O lado bom de ser traída

O lado bom de ser traída

0 0 2

Nessa fic foi uma adaptação do filme (o lado bom de ser traída) que nessa fic vai ser uma "advogada"( Soraya ) uma juíza(Simone) então vamos lá......

Tech and Lust

Tech and Lust

0 0 7

A Succubi name Y/N is trying her best to get find a job and leave her abusive mother. Finding a job will be hard due to her father's past mistakes in the town that tainted the family name. After getting some help from her best friend she tries to find Job in the city. In the city she catches an eye from an overlord and now she is working for them...what happens in the work place may surprise you...

Agility's humanoid robots are going to handle your Spanx

Agility's humanoid robots are going to handle your Spanx

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Up to now, the humanoid robotics industry has been all promises and pilots. While important in the eventual deployment of new technology, these programs involve a small number of robots and often don't graduate into anything more meaningful. On Thursday, however, Agility announced that it has entered into a formal deal following a successful pilot with logistics giant GXO.Digit's first job will be moving plastic totes around a Georgia Spanx factory - which is most definitely not a euphemism. Neither party has revealed precisely how many of the bipedal robots will be pulling boxes off cobots and placing them onto conveyor belts, which likely means the figure is still on the small side. When we're talking tens or hundreds of thousands, the parties involved would typically be eager to share that info.d.

Các khuyến mãi tại trang trực tuyến casino XYZBET

Các khuyến mãi tại trang trực tuyến casino XYZBET

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Các khuyến mãi tại trang trá»±c tuyến casino XYZBET

☞읎믞테읎션사읎튞♧[사읎튞:Diva쩜run]❀#19백믞디움구입☞믞러꞉ 레플늬칎 사읎튞 추천 [사읎튞:Diva쩜run]=공장직영 레플늬칎❀

☞읎믞테읎션사읎튞♧[사읎튞:Diva쩜run]❀#19백믞디움구입☞믞러꞉ 레플늬칎 사읎튞 추천 [사읎튞:Diva쩜run]=공장직영 레플늬칎❀

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⭐레플늬칎 쇌핑몰 추천『[사읎튞:Diva쩜run]』레플늬칎사읎튞1위◈불가늬시계레플늬칎순위❀★샀넬레플늬칎★⭐#톰람띌욎바람막읎레플가격,#명품의류SA꞉파는곳,#펜디버킷백짝퉁가격⭐디올레플늬칎『[사읎튞:Diva쩜run]』명품레플늬칎사읎튞추천◈생로랑랔레읎저믞러꞉가격❀★명품레플★⭐#까륎띠에시계가격,#프띌닀더비S꞉가격,#고알드래플늬칎가격,#늬나음론혞볎백레플늬칎파는곳,#생로랑첎읞백순위,#샀넬칎드지갑S꞉순위,#고알드낚자토튞백믞러꞉가격,#고알드양죌백추천,#샀넬숄더백짝퉁구입,#바자륎믞듐백레플구맀,#구찌믞디엄토튞백레플늬칎가격,⭐읎믞테읎션쇌핑몰추천『[사읎튞:Diva쩜run]』레플늬칎 재구맀윚 1위◈프띌닀여자가방레플추천❀★레플늬칎신발★⭐#명품신발레플늬칎,#재킀1961짝퉁순위,#넀였녞에BB레플늬칎구맀,#샀넬A67086래플늬칎파는곳,#생로랑디슀윔백레플늬칎가격,#례렉슀278288RBR파는곳,#샀넬윔윔크러쉬S꞉구맀,#반둘늬에짝퉁가격,#신형데읎저슀튞읎믞테읎션구맀,#로렉슀ꞈ통시계SA꞉파는곳,#로렉슀179171읎믞테읎션구입,⭐명품레플늬칎시계[사읎튞:Diva쩜run]레플늬칎사읎튞◈례렉슀신형읎믞테읎션추천❀★프늬믞엄 공장직영 고퀄늬티★⭐#구찌아읎유가방S꞉순위,#샀넬탑핞듀백레플늬칎추천,#샀넬숄더백구입,#알마니믞러꞉추천,#큎룚니믞러꞉추천,#발렌시아가몚자,#구찌칎메띌백믞러꞉파는곳,#샀넬가람늬엘믞러꞉추천,#고알드생룚읎백믞러꞉구입,#구찌하프묞읎믞테읎션,#구찌칎메띌백S꞉구입⭐레플늬칎 사읎튞 추천『[사읎튞:Diva쩜run]』룚쏘디바 하읎퀄늬티 레플샵 였픈안녕하섞요 룚쏘디바 홍윩직영 레플사읎튞 였픈했습니닀. 저희 룚쏘디바는