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Намайг Жэхи гэдэг. Жэхи гэдэг бол аз жаргал гэсэн утгатай. Гэхдээ би хэзээ ч төрсөнөөсөө хойш аз жаргалыг мэдэрч байгаагүй ялангуяа сургууль дээр. Гэхдээ би аав ээжынхээ охин болж төрсөндөө хэзээч харамсаж байгаагүй. Тэд ядуу ч гэсэн, намайг тэжээх хангалттай зүйл байхгүй ч гэсэн миний төлөө өөрсдийнхөө чадах бүхнээ хийдэг. Тийм ч учраас би хичээлээ шамдан хийж Шинхуа баячуудын сургуульд тэтгэлэгтэй орох болчихоод байна. Би айж байна тэнд намайг юу хүлээж байгаа бол сайн найзууд эсвэл дахиад азгүйтэл?

Би түүний хайртай эмэгтэй нь болчихно гэж хэзээ ч зүүдэлж байгаагүй.
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Breaking the Silence: A Story of Cyberbullying

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In the hallways of Riverdale High, Riya arrives with hopes of new beginnings, only to find herself ensnared in the cruel world of cyberbullying. As she navigates her new school, Riya's life takes a dark turn when she becomes the target of relentless online harassment. Her once bright smile fades as anonymous messages and vicious rumors shake her confidence and push her towards isolation.Aarav, a tech-savvy student with a kind heart, and Neha, known for her unwavering support, notice the change in Riya and strive to help her. Together, they uncover the cruel reality of cyberbullying that has gripped their friend. With the assistance of Ms. Sharma, the compassionate school counselor, and Principal Kumar, they take a stand against the tormentors."The Silent Cry: A Tale of Cyberbullying" is a poignant and powerful narrative that delves deep into the emotional and psychological impact of online bullying. It explores themes of friendship, resilience, and the importance of speaking out. Through Riya's journey from victim to advocate, the story highlights the strength found in vulnerability and the power of community in combating cyberbullying.This book is a call to action, encouraging readers to recognize the signs of cyberbullying, support those affected, and foster a culture of empathy and respect both online and offline. Suitable for readers of all ages, it serves as a crucial reminder that no one should suffer in silence and that together, we can make a difference.…

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Bridge piercing creates a striking and daring appearance, setting you apart from the crowd. This unique form of body art can bring a rebellious touch to your style or complement other facial piercings you may have. The journey to healing demands dedication, and not everyone's anatomy is suitable for it, but in the end, you'll possess a bold fashion accessory that enhances your look.…

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