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Preordained To Be Yours

Preordained To Be Yours

4 2 3

They fell in love with each other in their teenage years but they got separated because of a misunderstanding . But after that break up they both closed the door of their heart. The scene broke his heart into pieces. He becomes a heartless beast, an emotion less person. He hates the word LOVE and HER. His words broke her heart into pieces. She always thought love is the most beautiful feeling but after their break up She understands it's the most painful thing too. She hates LOVE or maybe HIM too but there's some places in her heart which don't want to hate him. They both decided to never see each other's faces again but destiny has some other plan. After 6 years destiny again reunites them. But this time they both have hate for each other in their eyes. ......Join their roller coaster journey.…

Un Viaje Al Amor

Un Viaje Al Amor

5 0 4

Un Viaje Al Amor is my story as I discover love at a young age.…

Yuji X Megumi

Yuji X Megumi

0 0 1

This is my first time writing a story on here so please be nice. There maybe some spelling and grammar mistakes so don't mind those, hope you enjoy! -Alixx -none of the pictures or characters are mine ⚠️‼️…



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成绩单 w☀️《原版定做慕尼黑工业大学毕业证电子图》《TUM学位证书》【办证微信Q:741003700】慕尼黑工业大学TUM硕士文凭存档可查成绩单、#办理慕尼黑工业大学证书#国外假文凭学历#办理毕业证成绩单文凭,修改成绩,伪造假毕业证,制作假成绩单,仿造假文凭学历,购买假学历文凭,制做毕业证文凭,仿冒文凭毕业证,代办慕尼黑工业大学毕业证认证,留服认证,使馆认证,使馆公证,使馆证明,使馆留学回国人员证明,留学生认证,学历认证,文凭认证,学位认证,留学生学历认证,慕尼黑工业大学留学生学位认证,使馆认证(留学回国人员证明),学生卡(证),成绩单,在读证明,快速办理录取通知书offer、驾照等。我们对海外大学及学院的慕尼黑工业大学TUM毕业证成绩单所使用的材料,尺寸大小,防伪结构(包括:隐形水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠。文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪)都有原版本文凭对照。质量得到了广大海外客户群体的认可,同时和海外学校留学中介,同时能做到与时俱进,及时掌握各大院校的(慕尼黑工业大学毕业证,成绩单,资格证,学生卡,结业证,慕尼黑工业大学录取通知书,在读证明等相关材料)的版本更新信息,能够在第一时间掌握最新的海外慕尼黑工业大学学历文凭的样版,尺寸大小,纸张材质,防伪技术等等,并在第一时间收集到原版 实物,以求达到客户的需求。德国慕尼黑工业大学毕业证书制作【Q微/741003700】专业VIP服务《慕尼黑工业大学毕业证办理》《TUM成绩单提高GPA修改》【Q微/741003700】做TUM毕业证文凭慕尼黑工业大学本科毕业证书德国学历认证原版《慕尼黑工业大学成绩单、慕尼黑工业大学学历证明、回国人员证…

The String That Binds Us

The String That Binds Us

91 48 47

Prologue: Have you ever experienced that inexplicable connection with someone upon the first glance? A moment where time halts, and all that exists is the profound gaze shared between two souls. In that fleeting instant when our eyes intertwined, it felt as though the universe paused, and a familiar yet enigmatic sensation enveloped me. It was as if I had known him for an eternity, yet our encounter bore an essence of novelty. A curious sense of Deja Vu lingered, a recurrent feeling since my arrival at this school. This intriguing phenomenon commenced with my dearest friend Cassandra, and now it unfolds with this mysterious enigma. Our paths crossed when my dear friend Ivan, harboring a crush, prompted me to summon him. In a jestful maneuver, I urged him to cast his glance towards us, and as our eyes connected, a symphony of sparks ignited between us, illuminating the unspoken bond that tethered our fates.…



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《新西兰文凭学位证书挂科基督城理工学院毕业证书样板》Q微-1954 292 140《CPIT毕业证书样板哪里购买》如已删请点开网页快照,办理基督城理工学院真实教育部学位认证,国外假文凭成绩单,假学历,假毕业证,国外假文凭找工作!给家人看!【业务选择办理准则】实体公司一、工作未确定回国需先给父母、亲戚朋友看下文凭的情况。办理一份《哪里购买基督城理工学院毕业证书样板》【Q/微1954292140】毕业证文凭即可; 二、回国进私企、外企、自己做生意的情况这些单位是不查询毕业证真伪的而且国内没有渠道去查询国外文凭的真假也不需要提供真实教育部认证。鉴于此办理一份《新西兰文凭学位证书挂科基督城理工学院毕业证书样板》【Q/微1954292140】毕业证即可; 三、进国企银行事业单位考公务员等等这些单位是必需要提供真实教育部认证的办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐所有材料您都必须提供原件我们凭借丰富的经验快捷的绿色通道帮您快速整合材料让您少走弯路。以上联系方式敬请保留,以备急用,诚心合作,真诚制作!!欢迎新老客户咨询办理!!…



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Genesis: Grey's University

Genesis: Grey's University

14 1 9

1 competition, 7 challenges, 70 days, 20 students are picked to be one of the best in universities' champion history. There's just one tiny problem..A few weeks into the competition, tragedy struck and they face their greatest challenge when their friendship and family bond are tested. Will the right students win working together, will they get swayed by greediness or be devoured by incompetence?Stick around to find out.…



33 12 15

" In a world of loyalty and deceit , a forgotten past...A love that dare not speak it's name...A enemy that will stop at nothing...One woman's journey to reclaim her life...And the two men who will change her fate forever. Get ready for a tale of love , betrayal and redemption. "…



96 7 9

Aadhira Anandh , the last heir of the Rich Anandh Group of Companies was found at the funeral of her grandmother (mother's mother ). Her mother was married as the first daughter-in-law in the Anandh Family , which is one of the most developed and rich companies in India . The first son of the family (her father ) loved a woman before their marriage but that woman had a problem that she can never give an heir so his mother insisted that he should marry another woman . So her mother was married into that family .But unfortunately after giving birth to Aadhira her mother was killed by some underworld mafia . The Anandh Family didn't care about her mother's death as she was here as a substitute to produce only heirs . Anandh got an important business trip of 14 years abroad . After he had gone , her grandmother (mother's mother ) took her from the family promising that she would return Aadhira to the family after 14 yrs , that too after struggling so much . She had trained Aadhira in hill climbing and in fighting too to avenge her mother's death . After being found out at 14 years old , Aadhira tries to find the predator who killed her mother and also now her grandmother for raising a weapon to avenge them . Will she be able to avenge ???? Don't underestimate her !! she can be a child but a very powerful weapon !!! This story includes all modes of feelings !! come ! join me ! in the journey of revenge !!!!…