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The Potter twins & the Marauders watch the movies

The Potter twins & the Marauders watch the movies

211,704 5,400 49

It was in 1977 with the Marauders era when James Potter tried to get Lily-pa- I MEAN Lily Evans to go out with him but declined him saying she doesn't fancy him but we all know that's a lie. What happens when Dumbledore gets interrupted when he is doing his 'Welcome back to Hogwarts speech' when people of the Ministry of Magic, Potter's parents, Black's parents, and the Weasleys, what happens when a letter comes with each of the people telling them to go to Hogwarts for an important reason? When they finish the letters that they can't leave the great hall till they are done with all the movies, what happens when some teenagers from the future fall onto the floor and tell their names only getting shocked reactions from people from the Marauders era.What happened when 8 movies tell the future, what happens when Lily and James discovered that they had twins together and will they change the future so that their kids will have a better life and maybe they could defeat Voldy Moldy.George Weasley x OC (I do not own Harry Potter characters. Rights to J.K Rowling. I only own my OC character)Philosophy stone: complete ✅Chamber of Secrets: complete ✅Prisoner of Azkaban: complete ✅Goblet of Fire: Writing Order of the Phoenix: coming soon Half-Blood Prince: coming soon Deathly Hollow 1: Coming soonDeathly Hollow 2: Coming soon…

Hiccup x Camicazi

Hiccup x Camicazi

1 0 1

How Hiccup and Cami finally pursued their feelings for each other after the great war…

Percy Jackson Imagines

Percy Jackson Imagines

87,635 1,739 102

*Imagines about your fav characters*…

George Russell ♡ 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐌

George Russell ♡ 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐌

8,425 150 43

i love reading socila media fics so i wanted to try and write my own :)i've seen loads of f1 themed ones and i'm yet to find a george russell one, so here we are…



4,228 37 19

Only Total Drama Island…

we're complicated...💘

we're complicated...💘

225 18 19

DISCLAMIER! all the credits to the owners of the pictures some of those are not mine!-We're five people, two girls and three boys. Me and my bestie, Vivi, have a secret interest in those boys... how will it go?…

【졸업증명서위조】 ▷㉸톡ID:best3838 ▷텔레그램 : mw6969  # 근로소득원천징수영수증위조®대학교졸업증명서위조

【졸업증명서위조】 ▷㉸톡ID:best3838 ▷텔레그램 : mw6969 # 근로소득원천징수영수증위조®대학교졸업증명서위조

689 547 169

【졸업증명서위조】▷㉸톡ID:best3838 ▷텔레그램:mw6969 【졸업장위조】【신분증위조】✍【각종서류위조업체】✍✉메일: [email protected]【대학교졸업증명서위조】▷㉸톡ID:best3838 ▷텔레그램:mw6969 신용✅안전✅신속✅보안✅…

laa laa drives bmw car

laa laa drives bmw car

287 60 79

laa laa drives her bmw car…



31 0 6

El mundo en el que vivimos está al borde de un cambio inminente. Solo aquellos que puedan descubrir los secretos que han perdurado a lo largo de milenios y estén dispuestos a enfrentar los desafíos que les esperan, tendrán el poder de influir en si este cambio será beneficioso o perjudicial.…

Inlove with my bully

Inlove with my bully

0 0 1

U we're in the 10th grade nd u had a bully even tho yall weren't on good terms u still hung around him bc your bsfn was dating his brother…