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Мой Royal Flush ♠️

Мой Royal Flush ♠️

23 0 9

Рико Моретти Она Мой выигрыш, мой желанный приз. Моя душа и сердце. Серена - та, ради кого я дышу. Она меня не знает, но я сделаю все, что в моих силах, чтобы проникнуть ей в сердце и залезть глубоко под кожу.Разрушить её прошлое, и построить новое будущее, наше, в котором мы будем вместе. Эта женщина пробуждает во мне худшие части, о которых я не знал. Поднимая подводные камни с дна....Серена О'Доэрти После смерти родителей мне всегда говорили: Тебя никто не полюбит. Ты пустая.В моей жизни было все ложью. Фальшивые улыбки, слова на публике, а за сценой ужасные вещи. Когда мне хотелось любви, мне давали.Ложь....Ложь....Она везде. Я задыхаюсь и тону в ней. Силы иссякли. Сидя в толпе, где все отовсюду исходит критика, я посмотрела вперед и увидела его. Он шел ко мне быстрыми шагами. Вокруг нас сплелась красная нить, связывающая наши души, сплетая жизни вместе, давая второй шанс на тепло. Я смогу поймать ее? Заслуживаю ли я любви.…

the moon light saga a tvdu fanfiction

the moon light saga a tvdu fanfiction

0 0 3

join the supernatural creatures of mystic falls and new Orleans as they learn of a spell casted by the first witch Gaia when she created the primordial vampires and werewolves that explains why certain people are drawn to certain people the soulmate bond…



0 0 1

Someone once ask me, "why do you like the rain?" Then I replied with a smile, "because it speak to my soul. It represent who I am." The world is perpetually enveloped in darkness. One instant, the sky is aglow with hues of orange, only to be followed by a deluge of rain, ultimately succumbing to the dominance of darkness. This transition, though anticipated, still manages to catch us off guard, serving as a poignant reminder of how time waits no one.A lullaby in the hushed embrace of night, its soft melody a balm for our weary souls, bestowing upon us tranquility and serenity. Yet, what if, amidst our voyage, the lullaby has vanished, leaving us to seek its return through our own efforts.Where might we discover it?Could it be in a melody sung by our parents during our childhood, or is it found in another soul?…



0 0 1


Genesis of the Techno-Warriors: Awakening the Super Tech System

Genesis of the Techno-Warriors: Awakening the Super Tech System

2 0 11

In the year 3025, Earth has become the Blue Star, a technological marvel at the center of the Interstellar Federation. The story follows Alex Mercer, a brilliant but underappreciated engineer who accidentally awakens an ancient, advanced AI known as the Super Tech System. This AI grants him unparalleled knowledge and the ability to develop futuristic weapons and technologies. As Alex harnesses these capabilities, he becomes a pivotal figure in defending the Blue Star and its Dragon Nation from looming extraterrestrial threats and internal corruption.In this high-stakes, interstellar era, Alex Mercer's journey from an overlooked engineer 4 5 5ttrrrrtrot7tt66y5hfthtyft to the savior of his world is filled with cutty ting-ret dge technology, intense battles, and at racet against time to protect the future.e4r…



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全套留学文凭服务:新南威尔士大学毕业证+成绩单+学历认证《Q微1954 292 140》《原版定制新南威尔士大学毕业证外壳》《澳洲学历学位证书购买新南威尔士大学毕业证外壳》#成绩单 #真实回国人员证明 #真实教育部认证。让您回国发展信心十足!八年从业经验《澳洲学历学位证书购买新南威尔士大学毕业证外壳》【Q/微1954292140】《做新南威尔士大学学位证书》、专业指导、私人定制、倾心为您解决留学毕业回国各种疑难问题。<1>教育部学历学位认证服务:做到真实永久存档,网上轻易可查,绝对对客户的资料进行保密,登录核实后再付款。中国教育部留学服务中心认证(中国):《国外学历学位认证》<2>为什么您的学位需要在国内进一步认证?如果您计划在国内发展,那么办理国内教育部认证是必不可少的。事业性用人单位如银行,国企,公务员,在您应聘时都会需要您提供这个认证。其他私营、外企企业,无需提供!办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供原件,我们凭借丰富的经验,帮您快速整合材料,让您少走弯路。…

Ang Lihim ng Araw

Ang Lihim ng Araw

0 0 1

Tula tungkol sa OFW.…

Let Him Go Deep (80s H)

Let Him Go Deep (80s H)

0 0 3

Not my story!!!! For offline purpose only!!!! Author: 啊肥阿source: https://www.newloong.cc/Original‌‍‎‍‎‌‌ / ‍‌‎‍Male and Female‎‌‍‌‎ / ‎‌‌‎Modern‎‍‎‌ / ‌‎‎‌‍High‎‍‎‍H‍‍‎‎ / ‌‍‎‍Drama‌‍‍‎‌ / ‌‎‎‌‍High‎‍‎‍H‍‍‎‎ / ‌‎‎‌‍High‎‍‎‍H‍‍‎‎Shui Qing traveled through a book and became a passerby in a 1980s novel. She was a widow in the village who was famous for killing her husband aftermarrying. On the day she traveled through time, she happened to marry a man in the village who also lost his wife and was rumored to be a wife-killer.A widower and a widow, everyone in the village thought they were a good match, and it all depended on how they killed each other.As a result, the two of them lived a better and better life, working hard during the day and working hard at night......Shui Qinger had been married for a while, and the villagers thought her new husband's family was really well off, so they never saw the lights in their house turned off at night.(Rough man vs. slut, double virginity, life-style novel. Lots of meat, lots of it.)…

The day a god died

The day a god died

4 0 2

What if xie lian couldn't take it What if wu Ming dying was the last straw What if wu Ming wasn't the only one to die that night…

Eternal Embrace

Eternal Embrace

0 0 5

Elara has wandered the earth for centuries, an immortal soul burdened by the weight of endless time and the sorrow of countless losses. Her secret has kept her isolated, a guardian of ancient knowledge and forgotten magic, hiding in the shadows of history.Adrian is a modern-day explorer, full of life and curiosity. When he crosses paths with Elara, their connection is immediate and profound, igniting a passion that neither can deny. Drawn to her mysterious allure, Adrian begins to unravel the truth about her timeless existence.As their love deepens, so did the dangers that threaten to tear them apart. A rival immortal, envious of Elara's new-found happiness, emerges from the shadows, and a relentless supernatural hunter seeks to end her eternal life.Caught between the relentless march of time and the fierce battles of the present, Elara and Adrian must confront their greatest fears and sacrifices. Can love truly conquer the boundaries of mortality? Will they find a way to bridge the chasm between eternity and the fleeting moments of a mortal life?…