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(مكتملة )🕯|| 🎻اسودي ناينو / MY BLACK NYNO 🖤🥀

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留学生买阿德非大学毕业证文凭、学历认证请联系【Q/微信1954 292 140】专业为留学生办理阿德非大学毕业证、成绩单、使馆留学回国人员证明、教育部学历学位认证、录取通知书、Offer、在读证明、雅思托福成绩单、网上存档永久可!【业务选择办理准则】一、工作未确定,回国需先给父母看阿德非大学毕业证的样子《Q微1954292140》、亲戚朋友看下学历认证的情况办理《开除办理阿德非大学毕业证认证》【Q/微1954292140】《美国AU双学位证书挂科》一份就读学校的毕业证成绩单即可二、回国进私企、外企、自己做生意的情况这些单位是不查询毕业证真伪的,而且国内没有渠道去查询国外学历认证的真假,也不需要提供真实教育部认证。鉴于此,办理一份毕业证成绩单《美国文凭证书实拍图办阿德非大学毕业证认证》【Q/微1954292140】《挂科阿德非大学双学位证书》即可三、回国进国企、银行等事业性单位或者考公务员的情况办理一份毕业证成绩单,递交材料到教育部,《美国AU毕业证认证开除办理》【Q/微1954292140】《办阿德非大学文凭证书实拍图留信认证》办理真实教育部认证教育部学历认证。…

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When fate is playful enough to give you a bloodbath as birthday gift.---Thyia Natassa Rosswell, a pure royal blood vampire who runaway from their kingdom live along with the mortals. She has no plans in life, she just want to live away from her family, then she met her downfall. Acteon Wild Ferrer, a vampire hunter who cursed to haunt her until her death.Status: under revision/ongoingDate Started: April 13 2019Date Ended: April 17 2019…

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Sᵒˡᵃⁿᵍᵉˡᵒ Iⁿᶜᵒʳʳᵉᶜᵗ Qᵘᵒᵗᵉˢ ★
My Wife, A Rape Victim

My Wife, A Rape Victim

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Kajal Sahani, unfortunate victim to rape at an early age, almost has withered away as a personality. Succumbed to fears and constant allegations from the family, Kajal has transformed into something her worst nightmare couldn't imagine. She lives in constant fear that people would discover that she was a victim to rape and lose the fence above her head, as her mother says. She lives in an apartment, secluded from her family, provided with just enough expenses to live her life. The deed has changed her life, her family doesn't treat her with respect, doesn't consider her as a person overall. Kajal has adapted to it, blaming herself most of the times. But she can't give up yet, her extreme want to live and fight has brought her 6 years past the incident, where life is a nightmare in living and nightmare prevails the sleep as well. Forced to fake her life and herself, Kajal barely survives until she realizes she is falling in love with a man, the same gender who's brought her to where she is.But fate takes its turn and she's made to marry a man who despises her. What would Kajal do now? Read to find out.…



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Here is part 2 of the book with my OCs!…

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"You can put your shit in here""Please be more nice than that.""Sorry, right, Dad wants us to be nice"..."Does he even speak?""You can't just fucking ask if someone speaks or not""It's a real question""Fuck off dude." ~~~~Tommy has never known what home truly means. It is about time he figures that out.Book got taken down for some reason?…



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საქართველო ევროპაზე გავიდა, პირველად. ისეთ ტურნირზე სადაც, დიდი შანსი გვეძლევა დავამტკიცოთ ჩვენი ძალები, დამსახურება და რწმენა. სულ ახლახანს მოიგეს ბიჭებმა საბრეძნეთთან, საფეხბურთო ფედერაციის პრეზიდენტმა, ლევან კობიაშვილმა, გადაწყვიტა ბიჭებისთვის ახალი და გამოუცდელი მენეჯერი დაენიშნა ბიჭებისთვის, მაგრამ საქმე იმაშია რომ, ეს გოგონა მისი ძმისშვილი. ბიჭები ამ ამბავს ნეიტრალურად შეხვდნენ. ის ფაქტი, რომ ელენა ნეპოტიზმით არის შემოსული, რამდენიმე ბიჭი მის მიმართ ცუდად განაწყო. მათი აზრით, ელენა დიდი ალბათობით ამ პოზიციას არ იმსახურებდა. ელენას ცოტა დრო აქვს იმისათვის, რომ ბიჭებს თავი შეაჩვიოს, მას არ უნდა ვინმესთან განაწყენებული იყოს, მითუმეტეს, მან ამ პოზიციისთვის მართლაც რომ იბროლა, უბრალოდ დრო სჭირდება რომ ეს ყველაფერი დაამტკიცოს.…



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In the kingdom of Marisoria, Ayun stands on the edge of freedom. Blinded by a tragic accident, Ayun hates the confines of her stifling royal life, eager to leave and experience the world. Her elder sister Nayeli, destined to rule, struggles with a power she cannot control. When an ancient darkness awakens, threatening to consume their world, Ayun must confront her deepest fears and uncover her family's darkest secrets.With the kingdom on the brink of collapse, Ayun's MirrorGaze becomes her only link to a world she can no longer see. As Nayeli ascends the throne, she navigates the treacherous waters of political intrigue and supernatural forces, her powers more a curse than a gift. Together, the sisters' bond is tested like never before.Guided by a prince from a warring nation, Idris, and a mysterious stranger from beyond the kingdom, Ayun embarks on a journey through shards of reality and the labyrinthine corridors of her own heart. As she uncovers the truth about her family's legacy and the original Shardwalker, Ayun must learn to help Nayeli harness her powers not to destroy but to heal.MirrorGaze is a tale of love and sacrifice, of light battling shadow, and of a young woman discovering the true strength within herself. As the Devourer looms, will Ayun's courage and the bond with her sister be enough to save Marisoria from an all-consuming darkness?…