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אהבה אסורה

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לו היה המלאך הכי יפה בעולם המלאכים שרירי עם שיער ארוך
שחור ועיניים כחולות כמו השמיים עד שהוא גורש לעולם החיים בגלל שהוא התאהב בשד ששמו מייק שרירי עדין ושיער חום ועיניים שחורות מייק ולו היו זוג שניהלו רומן סוער עד שגילו על הרומן שלהם. לו חיי בעולם החיים בודד ומקווה שמייק מחפש אחריו בזמן שהוא עובד בתחנת המשטרה בתור בלש בשביל למצוא אותו האם מייק ולו יתאחדו יהיו ביחד שוב בניגוד לאיסור לאהבה האם זה שלו נפיל זה יתן תשובה חיובית לאהבה האם גן העדן יקבל את לו?!? (שום מילה על השם לו נגמרו לי הרעיונות לשמות!)

~נפיל זה מלאך שגורש מגן העדן בגלל החטאים שלו~

#הומור כושל

~ הקריאה שלכם על האחריותכם לא מעודדת כלום~
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Ask the CRK Ancients

Ask the CRK Ancients

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I saw there wasn't any ask the crk ancients so i'm gonna do it! (OR i'm just stupid and didn't know )…



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Um Ômega Para o Duque (Duologia Meu Destino - Livro 01)

Um Ômega Para o Duque (Duologia Meu Destino - Livro 01)

1,569 290 15

Em uma sociedade onde os laços familiares e as tradições ditam as regras, o Duque Henry Evans retorna da guerra como um herói aclamado, pronto para enfrentar seu próximo desafio: cumprir o último desejo de sua mãe. Contudo, o que ele não esperava era que esse desejo envolvesse casar-se com um ômega, desafiando as convenções e suas próprias expectativas.Enquanto isso, Archi Taylor, o excêntrico irmão mais novo do respeitado Visconde Louis Taylor, luta contra a pressão de uma sociedade que não consegue entender suas peculiaridades. Com uma mente brilhante e uma alma sensível, Archi é constantemente alvo do desprezo de seus irmãos mais velhos e, principalmente, de sua mãe, cujo olhar de desdém parece pesar sobre ele como uma sombra constante.Enquanto Henry se prepara para enfrentar seu destino imposto, Archi enfrenta sua quarta temporada social sem sucesso, sua reputação manchada pelas fofocas cruéis da alta sociedade. Seu coração, no entanto, permanece aberto à possibilidade de encontrar o amor verdadeiro, mesmo que pareça cada vez mais distante.Um encontro fortuito durante o baile do Duque acaba em desastre, quando um mal-entendido cruelmente ampliado pelas línguas venenosas da elite social separa Henry e Archi de forma abrupta, sem nem lhes dar uma chance.No entanto, o destino é imprevisível, e um ano depois, seus caminhos se cruzam novamente de maneira inesperada.Conforme Henry e Archi enfrentam os obstáculos impostos pela sociedade e pelas próprias inseguranças, eles descobrem que sua conexão vai além das convenções superficiais. Unidos pelo destino e pela vontade de seguir seus corações, eles se lançam em uma jornada emocionante rumo a um futuro incerto, onde o amor verdadeiro pode finalmente encontrar um lar.…

A Different Demon (OC Demon Slayer Fanfiction)

A Different Demon (OC Demon Slayer Fanfiction)

75 1 13

Kuraki is the 16 year old sister of Doma. After she discovers what happens to the cult followers, she runs away from home. She meets Muzan, and her lover Rengoku. After he dies, Kuraki starts to lose control of herself. Will she be able to have a happy ending? Or will she lose herself forever?…

your eyes • atwow

your eyes • atwow

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The House Of Crows And Wolves

The House Of Crows And Wolves

138 4 66

Imagine a world where all forms of monsters and creatures exist and in a dark Gothic mansion there lived two clans on the right side of the mansion lived lycans and their wolf pets on the left side of the mansion lived the Raven clan lived Sorcerers can turn into Crows at will and had Crows as pets these clans hated other like no other until now after a Hybrid was born the Hybrid that united the clans and showed them the error of their ways as they learn to save the mansion and the world the hybrids name was Lyra Ravenshadow and her goals are to unite the Wolves and Crows and all the clans to stop Talon Nightshade and his allies from bringing the dark gods in this world…



87 31 8

As Ava, the most bullied nerd in her school went deep into the forest that night, she passed a "do not enter" sign without knowing.She was then confronted by Adel, the 900 years old demon who disguised herself as a young woman.Ava made a wish that she could get back at everyone who hurt her and was suddenly possessed by Adel.Now anyone who hurts ava is thereby sentenced to doom. As they hurt her, Adel takes over her body and recite a mantra; "you've hurt me. Ding dong, welcome to your doom" . All the lights go off and the person who hurts her is suddenly transported to a big scary looking house called THE BACKYARD.Ava found a way to speak out each time the evil spirit wants to take over her body but that only helped a little.Who would be able to save ava from this blood thirsty host hungry demon..There's only one way to save Ava but it's only who remembers a problem that can actually solve it...Let's see if Ava can be really saved or will remain the host of Adel.…

The Father Of The Warriors Of Hope Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls x Male Reader

The Father Of The Warriors Of Hope Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls x Male Reader

6,747 102 9

Imagine if there was an Alternate Universe the warriors of hope survived their near-death encounter by the work of one man and he takes them in and basically raises them. Well in this story Y/N(You) a mastermind hunter saves the lives of all the despair children and takes them in and tries to give them a new start in America but it's not as easy as he thought it would be.…