Read Stories You Should Have Been Here Yesterday - TeenFic.Net




You Should Have Been Here Yesterday

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The year is 1967. Gin Ramone is the singer in a band and the number one competition to Steve Tally's band, The Chan Reaction. When Steve steals both her guitarist and drummer/best friend Joey Kramer, the two become fast enemies.

Gin really wants to hate this Steve Tally jerk, but... he's kind of cute. The two have so much in common that it's almost impossible for them to not be friends, but Gin practically wants to kill him. What happens when he's the only one that's there for her? What happens when she lets him in on her biggest secret? What happens when lives are at stake?

~//An Aerosmith/Chain Reaction Fanfiction\\~

#2 steventyler
#2 bradwhitford
#2 joeykramer
#2 tomhamilton
#5 joeperry
#5 aerosmith
#6 seventies

(second only to No More No More (; )
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