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Writings On The Wall

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She is the epitome of a strong woman. She is the essence of herself. She stands tall in all of her darkness. But she has an enemy. The worst enemy she could ever ask for. It beats her senseless and wears her out of time. She is on longer the person she finally grew to know in the summer of 08 right after she hit her peak of life. She came to realize that she was no longer the person her siblings grew up with or the child her parents tried to mold into an independent black woman. She has an enemy. And it stands on her back with every ounce of vengeance it has. Her enemy will stay until she has had enough of its madness. Her enemy will continue its journey of defeat until she learns how to cope with her pain, deal with her suffering, and stop pretending to be okay with her life now. She is Adelaide Velasquez. And her enemy is vicious and ferocious by its ways. Her enemy goes by many names but it's nothing short of merciful towards her; it only wants her dead. And if she doesn't heal, it will soon be the death of her and she will go slowly as time passes on and her enemy will finally win its battle and then she will finally be at peace for once.
The story of a girl whose enemy tries to test her limits. Will she win or will she let herself and the legacy she's built crumble beneath her in the thrill of it all?
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