Read Stories Writing A Coloring Book | Changlix ✓ - TeenFic.Net




Writing A Coloring Book | Changlix ✓

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[C O M P L E T E D]
There were five symptoms after the initial contact between soulmates:
First, the introduction to color. Second, pupils dilate and everything would be too bright to look at. Third, delusion and denial. Fourth, an overwhelming craving for sweets. And lastly, passing out for an hour... or two.

While visiting Korea for the holidays with his friend, Bang Chan, Lee Felix gets into an accidental run-in with Seo Changbin. However, only one of them receives the ability to see color, thinking that they possibly couldn't be soulmates.

It sucked that grade school never taught them the other symptoms of meeting a soulmate.

(10.24.2020 - #3 on #changlix :) )
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