Read Stories Write to Rank 2022-CarolynAnnAish-Complete - TeenFic.Net




Write to Rank 2022-CarolynAnnAish-Complete

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A Medieval Action work with a number of different genre as each round's prompts dictate.
Battles, Kings, princes, a princess; crowns, plots, twists and turns.
Achiever of all the nine belts.

Something different for me to stretch my writing skills and get back into one of the things I love most in my life - to create stories. this 'work' idea has been created by Ambassadors here for this "Write to Rank Contest 2022" - each chapter (round) to be written from a prompt given by the contest creators.
The first round is a very quick read indeed, - a DRABBLE - a story of exactly 100 words, no more, no less; however much ACTION.

ROUND 5 - MORE twists and turns in this unexpected but amazing challenge - mashing up fantasy and action - battles; legends exposed under-cover; flying with eagles; a rare mental condition called today "Boanthropy" - seemingly of fantasy but a historic king suffered 7 years from it!
Not a witch - maybe not even an 'Angel' - more human than she seems... "IS IT REAL?"

UPDATE - ALL required NINE parts have been written and submitted! Round TEN is needed only by those writers who didn't finish any other round - and as at this date, October 25, I have all nine belts.

Disclaimer - The prompts and fanfic characters don't belong to me but the rest of it is my creative property and under the copyright ©CarolynAnnAish2022 - any use without permission is illegal.
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