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Wolves of the West

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"You know, as pretty as you are, you're starting to annoy me," She started off, standing up and grabbing her bag. "I would say that it was nice meeting you, but it would be a lie." And she walked off quickly.

"I've extended mercy to your pack. For you." His voice was barely above the normal volume, but she stopped at his tone. Anger. "I've let go of the glory of having a white wolf. For you." She could feel the glare at her back. "Do not make me retract it, Luna."

She could deal with this. This, she was used to. Anger, frustration, annoyance, she could handle that. But the soft looks that he gave her, the calm that he had portrayed while talking, that was unfamiliar. She could deal with the hot temperament of wolves: rogues, arguments, hell she even had to deal with her own anger most of the time. So she turned back, matching his glare with her own. "Don't call me Luna."

(Note: Cover not made by me)
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