Read Stories Wolfless - TeenFic.Net





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Phoenix hart. She lived a life of happiness, love, tons of friends, or so she thought. Her parents were the alpha and Luna of the pack until they were killed by the beta. She was then kicked out and was to live the life of a rouge because she was never wanted and was and abomination. The thing that made her different from the others werewolves. She didn't have a wolf, she never turned, didn't have a mate and by the time you turn 16 you were supposed to have checked all that off the list but now she was 18. She was practically human but did not smell like one to other wolves. She had tried to be in other packs but they sent her off with a threat. Even rouges didn't want her. So she would walk through the woods and never stayed in the same place.

"What are you here for you rouge, or are you even that, you smell horrible are you a witch?" Asked the man who had power radiating off him

"No sir I'm a wolf I'm just a late bloomer" I said scared she then saw black as she was hit on the head.
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