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Wish U Were Here : Adam Sevani Fanfiction

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ADAM : "I had this random dream that bother me a lot. Don't know what special about it, but it's about a girl. Never actually met her. But i feel like i want to know her for the rest of my life. I have no idea how this dream can't get out of my head. I must forget it. Or should i?"

IDA : "I have this dream that so special for me. I've never actually believe this will become true, but it's about a boy. I had never actually met him. But i feel like hopeless because being with him would be one of the hardest thing in my life. I have no idea what i'm supposed to do because i had never felt anything so right. But it's too hard, maybe i should give up. Or should i?"

When DREAM takes a role in your life. When WISH is actually the only thing you actually hoping for. And when DESTINY is sometimes already planned.
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