Wings And Scales

16 likes / 152 reads
Do you want a dragon? Then this book is for you!

All credit goes to @Zana_Zoola14 for their amazing ideas, comments and suggestions. This book would of never been helpful witout their help. And lots of credit to @Bearber2000 for helping me in my early days of Wattpad.

This book is about finding, taming and training a real dragon under real circumstances, as well as how to find one. (It also teaches you how to fly on one)

This book is dedicated to @Zana_Zoola14 for their help; lots and lots of it, and @Bearber2000 , the person who read a bunch of gibberish and gave me their advice on my other profile, @BoerieWorsie123 which has over a 100 followers! They helped me get here, without them, I would still be writing things that are really stupid.
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