Read Stories WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME .. - TeenFic.Net





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"You don't have to go that far to find your man. Maybe, you don't even need to find him. He will come by himself, someday, somehow. Trust me. Don't rush in love thing, it will come to you, sooner or later."
-Kang Gary

"I can see that you really love her but, do you know her feeling? I mean, her true feeling."
-Song Jihyo

**Hi guys, ni ada la sikit nak bagi. Buat-buat la sudi terima. Kali ni aku bagi sikit cerita pasal budak dua orang ni. Tapi sebelum apa-apa, ni nak bagitau, ENGLISH AKU MEMANG HAUS. Walaupun haus, aku still buat cerita ni dlm english. Haha.. Buat peminat #Runningman mmg da familiar la kan dengan #MondayCouple ni. But nak cakap sikit, aku bukanla peminat tegar korea mahupun runningman. Tapi aku minat la tengok monday couple ni. So, Why Don't You Love Me ni korang baca la ye. pastu vote. pastu comment. nak follow pun bolehh. okbaii~
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