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White Girl [Voltron Fanfic]

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What if Allura's mom got pregnant again, and allura had a baby sister. An sister she rather not talk about.

A sister who is not a real princess. Not because she doesn't act like one, but because she doesn't have the right.

The name of this sister is Keira, a girl who is never loved accept by one person. Well person more like a giant white cat.

When the war with the Galra was almost lost, When Allura and Coran got in the pods to survive and wake up 10.000 years later. Keira got in the white lion and flew away

Keira also survived for 10.000 years thanks to her lion. And now after all these years she will see her sister again, but she knows that she is still hated.

But first she's got to save someone..

Story of keira in the voltron story. Later some shiroxreader (keira) and some klance (leith)
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