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Where Wolves Howl

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"Luna, where do you feel at home?"
"Where wolves build packs."
"Why? Aren't wolves vicious creatures?"
"Peter, anyone who says that has never seen a luna caring for her pups or seen a sire protecting his mate."
"Layla, why would you do this for me?"
"Because that's what friends do, we have each other's backs."
"Thank you so much for risking it."
"Anything for you, Remus."
"LJ, how do you deal with it? The war? The risk? The pressure? How?"
"Sometimes, you just have to power through. Yeah, it hurts. But the only thing we can do is work hard and keep pushing forward. You have to, even when it's tough."
"Thanks, that helped. It helped more than you know."
"Of course James, always willing to help a brother out."
"Yes? Oh shit, what the hell happened to you?"
"S-she used the, the Cruciatus Curse o-on me. C-can I . . . . Can I stay here with you?"
"Absolutely, Sirius. I'll owl James, Remus, and Peter in the morning. Let me get you something for those wounds."
Layla Jolie Duncan. Brave, smart, determined, and loyal. Seems like a perfect fit for every house, yes? While that is true, her overpowering trait of ambition makes her the perfect Slytherin. However, this girl doesn't bully the Muggleborns. Nor does she support Voldemort and prize her pureblood status.
The Marauders' best friend ended up becoming a Slytherin. It hurt them all in the heart. But Layla is certainly not your average Slytherin. This girl loves Queen, animals, Quidditch, books, and her friends and family.
With an attitude from way before her time, Layla begins to leave her mark on Hogwarts. Providing peers with the entertainment of pranks and parties. But always willing to help someone in need. This girl won't let anything stop her.
"If at first you don't succeed, work hard and keep pushing forward." -Daniel Alan Duncan Junior to hi
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