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Where is home Cole? (Book 1) COMPLETE

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Home. What is it? There are many theories and suggestions but is there ever an answer.

In my opinion, Home is where the heart is, family and love. Yet this doesn't feel like home, it feels empty almost like a void. I am human on the inside but many see me as a mindless droid as I am like an object. But there is one who treats me equally.

Ninjago doesn't feel like home anymore, it feels empty. I think its time for me to go home to my real family and to take my lovers advice.

Midnight is approaching and that signals that it is almost time, I can finally go home, to where I am loved and free. Where I am appreciated for being myself, or more importantly my true self?

Angels and Demons = magic!
Magical Creatures - myths
Mentions of blood - not descriptive
Use of torture, gore etc
Male Pregnancy
M x M
M x F
F x F
SMUT- kissing etc
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