When The Bell Tolls (Darra Blackwell)

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Payton Carpenter always believed in magic. Whether it be in books or real life, she knew magic was real. What she didn't know was that it was most definitely real in a small city in Australia.

When Payton was asked to speak to the River City chapter of The Society of Magical Books, she wasted no time agreeing to it. The summer break before her junior was going to be filled with books, reading them and discussing them with her best friend, Lia, and people just like her. What she didn't know was that her summer vacation was going to get cursed.

While in River City, Payton and Lia decided to tour around the city, taking in the glorious landscape all around them. They took a trip through the local woods when everything went wrong. Payton tripped over a random bell, one that could go in a clock tower at a church. After that, Payton's life turned upside down.

Everywhere she went, death appeared.

Everywhere she went, a boy named Darra Blackwell appeared.

He claimed to be an elf and was totally serious about it. Then, he showed her the library where he was taught his magic, and Payton instantly fell in love. She knew magic was real, and this boy proved it to her. The only problem was that at every corner she took, death greeted her like an old friend.

Darra and Payton were the only ones who knew about the curse of the bell. It was up to them to break the curse and the barrier between humans and elves.
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