Read Stories When Ground Met Sky - TeenFic.Net




When Ground Met Sky

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Lexa has led her people effectively for years, overcoming many obstacles with an iron fist. Having lead her people through many wars She has experienced loss time and time again. Having decided that love is weakness she wards off any emotions including happiness, until one day a strange ship lands in Trikru territory. On board is a girl, a girl with bright blue eyes and blonde hair. A girl that will change everything. Lexa battles her internal conflicts behind an emotionless mask, a stoic expression that this bright eyed girl can read. The two's complicated relationship develops as war rages and tragedy strikes. Is love really weakness? Can Lexa command 12 clans while changing the ways of her people with this new sky girl beside her? Read as their relationship grows into a beautiful alliance between two strong female characters. Based on The 100, the story of Clarke kom Skikru and Lexa kom Trikru.


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