Read Stories we're gonna die, love || eddie kaspbrak x oc {2} - TeenFic.Net




we're gonna die, love || eddie kaspbrak x oc {2}

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27 years later, the losers have split up into their own different paths - their memories of Derry and of each other, left as nothing but a foggy cloud (or possibly a lone balloon) in the distance.

But with one phone call from an old friend, they find themselves involuntarily twisted back into their old town's curses and a certain unpleasant clown...


in which ali fucking sumner fights ronald mcdonalds fucked up crackhead cousin once more...


sequel to "scared, love?" that is LONG overdue


just a btw, the y/n character is technically an oc but i j didnt wanna write a story using "y/n" the entire time so j pretend "ali" actually says "y/n" for any xreader readers loll
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