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Visit to New York City

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So, as part of a creative writing exercise I am writing a one shot that must contain a list of random words, that is to say, a short story that contains all of the random words provided, in some form. I may do this multiple times; I may do it just this once, either way below is a list of the words so that you can double check that I included them all. Hope you enjoy and flame me all you want! It's so cold that I welcome it!

Smuggle, traverse, goblet, tackle, periwinkle, spiral, hibernate, Wednesday, glacier, avalanche, sandwich, falafel, locket, snorkel, unicycle, soprano, honeysuckle, kettle, gopher, prairie, knot-hole, souvenir, hatch, zipper, crackle, scroll, snippet, snuggle and totem.

Let me know if I miss any! Hope that you enjoy it! And let me know if you think I should do this again!
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