Read Stories Unexpected Loving You (Oneirataxia Series #5) - TeenFic.Net




Unexpected Loving You (Oneirataxia Series #5)

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Hi! I'm Danica and Andrei, I just want you to know that..... Not everyone who fall in love with someone is happy, sometimes you will feel sad, sad because no matter how many times you fight your feelings for the person you love but if you really don't want to, don't do it because it will hurt you.

I'm not telling you this so that you don't fall in love, be aware, this is the person who will come to you, he is the person who can get rid of your anger in everything, can heal your wounds and resentments, that you can face other people without difficulty - hard

"I love you, you love me, what's the use of our love if the world we live in is against it and remember, people come and go"
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