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Truly Madly Deeply

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It was an unspoken rule for Misha Yousaf to stay clear of those creatures, to stay clear of men and boys alike. Coming from a conservative Muslim family, for as long as she can remember, the only male interaction she has had in her life is with her father, brothers and male cousins.

To make sure this rule was enforced, Misha's over protective brothers had carefully managed to shelter her from the 'dangers' of the outside world as they called it, for sixteen years of her life by enrolling her in all-girls school and whatnot. But things were about to take a very dark turn as one harmless action by Misha causes her to land in a mess she can't get out off.

Things aren't looking bright for Misha Yousaf when she involuntarily catches the attention of a certain politician's son, Ibraheem Narejo.

Ibraheem Narejo is everything Misha is not. Despite being a Muslim, all his habits contradict his religion. He drinks, he parties and is the epitome of spoiled to the core. With parents who shower love on him since he is an only child and don't restrict him from doing anything, Ibraheem has come to believe that nothing can stop him. If he commits a crime, his father covers it up with his money. He is untouchable.

Ibraheem gets a virtual slap on the face when he gets a reality check from a creature he least expected, a girl.


Two souls tied together by the red thread of fate. Entwined so deeply that even if they try to go against all forces of the world, they will come back to each other. A beautifully emotional yet deeply moving story of two people who fell in love and never managed to break free of the chains that came with it.
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