Read Stories Touched by the Flame || Azriel Shadowsinger [EDITING] - TeenFic.Net




Touched by the Flame || Azriel Shadowsinger [EDITING]

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!! This story is currently in the process of being heavily edited !!
[Progress: edited through chapter 2]


Perhaps it was her own fault that the people around her always ended up hurt. Perhaps she had done something, stumbled upon some curse that doomed everything she cared about to be touched by the flame.


Soraya Beddor was supposed to die alongside her family the night their house was burned to the ground. To the rest of the world, she was but another body that hadn't been found among the ashes.
Maybe a piece of her did die that night. Because now all she wants is to hurt the people who hurt her. To find Feyre Archeron and the faeries that sentenced she and her family to death, and make them feel every bit of her pain.
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