Read Stories Tony Stark^2 - TeenFic.Net




Tony Stark^2

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A young girl who had always felt at home around crowds of secret government agents and the planning out of high stakes missions, which wasn't that strange considering her mother was an agent of S.H.E.I.L.D. is suddenly thrust into the world of billionaires, solitude, and politics. Max had always enjoyed her life, school came easily to her and in the afternoons she would hang out at her mom's work. Everyone there knew her and she knew all of them. It was where she felt safest, of course, the weapons and high security helped. Therefore, when the unthinkable happens and her mom is killed while on a dangerous mission and she is sent to live with her estranged father, she is in for a shock. The fact that he immediately almost kills her isn't exactly reassuring either.
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